Fall 2020
BA or BS in Communication Studies, emphasis MEDIA STUDIES (35 hours+)
Name: _____________________________________ Z-ID: ___________________ Date: ______________
Complete ALL of these:
COMS 251 Introduction to Media Studies
COMS 355* Media Writing
COMS 356 Critical Interpretation of Film/Television
Elective COMS/JOUR course 200-level+: __________________
COMS 407 Practicum (1)
Group 1
Complete ONE of these media production courses:
COMS 349 Introduction to Digital Audio Production (4)
COMS 357 Introduction to Studio Production (4)
COMS 358 Introduction to Field Production (4)
COMS 359 Interactive Media Production I (4)
Group 2
Complete ONE of these law courses:
COMS 403 Freedom of Speech and Communication Ethics
COMS 455 Media Law and Ethics
COMS 465 Computer-mediated Communication
JOUR 480 Journalism Law and Regulation (PRQ: Junior standing)
Group 3
Complete FIVE of the following for 15 credits. At least six credits must be 400-level. Courses cannot double count. Also
counts below: COMS 446, 449, 454, 457, 459, 463, 469, 470, 498A, 498B.
COMS 309 Performance in Speech Communication (PRQ: COMS 100)
COMS 349 Introduction to Digital Audio Production (4)
COMS 357 Introduction to Studio Production (4) -- SPRING ONLY
COMS 358 Introduction to Field Production (4)
COMS 359 Interactive Media Production I (4)
COMS 370 Principles of Advertising
COMS 380 Corporate Advocacy and Issue Management
COMS 390 Major Directors (May be taken twice when topics vary)
COMS 392 Special Topics in Media Production (May be taken twice when topics vary)
COMS 419* Political Communication in America
COMS 426 Advanced Documentary Field Production (4) (PRQ: COMS 358 and consent) -- FALL ONLY
COMS 427 Advanced Narrative Field Production (4) (PRQ: COMS 358 and consent) -- SPRING ONLY
COMS 436 Advanced Post Production (PRQ: COMS 357 or 358)
COMS 456C History of Film before 1950
COMS 456D History of Film after 1950
COMS 460 Television Theory and Criticism
COMS 462 Film Theory and Criticism
COMS 465 Computer-mediated Communication
COMS 466* Narrative Scriptwriting (PRQ: COMS 355) -- FALL ONLY
COMS 475 Film Festival Administration SPRING ONLY
COMS 492 Special Topics in Media Production (May be taken twice when topics vary)
COMS 493 Special Topics in Media Studies (May be taken twice when topics vary)
COMS 497 Internship
This guide only covers major emphasis requirements. Consult NIU Undergraduate Catalog for degree requirements. Consult College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences advising on non-major degree requirements. A star (*) indicates a writing-infused course. Courses are 3.00 credits unless
otherwise noted.