Film and Media Studies Major and Minor
Revised: 06/2023
The study of film and media is an important part of a contemporary humanities education. At the University of Pittsburgh, the Film and
Media Studies Program offers interdisciplinary courses concerning the history, aesthetics, and theory of cinema and time-based media and
courses in film and video production.
A major in film and media studies helps students to understand and appreciate the cinematic medium and to be aware of its impact as a
cultural and artistic force. It is appropriate for those students who wish to pursue careers in film teaching, film exhibition, film journalism,
film museum curatorial work, film library and archive work, and film and television production. As part of the Film and Media Studies
Program, internships are available to students in many of these fields at locations including local television stations, Pitt Studios, Pittsburgh-
based film festivals, casting agencies, and museums. Critical Studies and Film and Media Production tracks alike provide liberal arts
educations with professional outcomes.
Requirements for the Film and Media
Studies major
The Film and Media Studies major requires
the completion of 36 credits distributed as
follows. The Media and Production track
requires 36 credits for completion distributed
as follows.
Grade requirements
A minimum GPA of 2.0 in departmental
courses is required for graduation.
Satisfactory/No Credit option
No more than three courses that count
toward the major can be taken on an S/NC
Only one film internship can be counted
toward the major.
Writing (W) requirement
Students must complete at least one W-
course in the major.
Critical Studies Track
Critical studies courses
ENGFLM 0530/FMST 0150 Film Analysis
ENGFLM 0540/FMST 0170 World Film History
ENGFLM 1920/FMST 1699 Advanced Seminar in Film
Production course; one of the following
FMST 0800 Filmmaking 1: Fundamentals
SA 0180 Digital Studio: Photography
ENGFLM 0590/FMST 0710 Filmmaking: Production and
ENGCMP 0610 Composing Digital Media
National Cinemas or Filmmakers courses
Two courses must be chosen from the above category as
listed on the back of this sheet.
Themes/Genres/Theory courses
Two courses must be chosen from the above category as
listed on the back of this sheet.
Elective courses
Four courses must be chosen from the three categories
listed on the back of this sheet.
Important course notes
• No more than five production courses may be
counted toward the major, although
additional production courses can be taken
as electives toward graduation.
• One three-credit internship can be counted in
the production category toward the major.
Production Track
Foundational course
FMST 0800 Filmmaking 1: Fundamentals
Film/Media Screenwriting course
FMST 1860 Elements of Screenwriting
Film/Media Production course; choose one
FMST 0845 Filmmaking 2: Sight and Sound
SA 1380 Digital Studio: Video
Capstone course
FMST 1921 Film and Media Studies Production Capstone
Technical electives; choose two courses
FMST 0560/FMST 0700 Screenwriting & Narrative
FMST 0780/ENGWRT 0710 Introduction to Audio
FMST 0826 Post-production
FMST 0827 Advanced Editing
FMST 0835 Elements of Audio Production
FMST 0850 Digital Effects and Compositing
FMST 0855 Topics in Production
FMST 1197 Moving Image Editing (London)
FMST 1777/SA 1385 Digital Studio: Animation
FMST 1817 Lighting for Motion Pictures
FMST 1846 Film 3 / Advanced Filmmaking Practicum
FMST 1847 Crew Production Practicum
FMST 1852 Directing Actors
FMST 1855 Directing Motion Pictures
FMST 1862 Intermediate Screenwriting
FMST 1865 W
riting the Original Series
FMST 1875 Sound for Motion Pictures
FMST 1880 Digital Cinematography
FMST 1886 Broadcasting 2
FMST 1898 Television News Practicum: Pitt to the Point
FMST 1899 The Front Bench
Topical electives; choose two courses
ENGFLM 0585/FMST 0790 Technologies of the Body
ENGFLM 0712/FMST 0760 Critical Making
ENGFLM 1545/FMST 1545 American Film and TV Industry
ENGFLM 1671/FMST 1740 Making the Documentary
ENGFLM 1672/FMST 1720 Visiting Filmmaker: Production
and Criticism
ENGFLM 1684/FMST 1715 Mockumentary Filmmaking:
Production and Criticism
ENGFLM 1752/FMST 1508 Television Analysis
ENGFLM 1930/FMST 1900 Film Studies Internship
ENGFLM/FMST 1750 Creative Production Workshop
FMST 0833 Producing Film, Television, and Other Media
FMST 1196 Digital Media Practice (London)
FMST 1546 Experimental Cinema
FMST 1549 Industries and Festivals: Film and Media
FMST 1765 Virtual Reality
FMST 1781/ENGWRT 1490 Listening to Narrative Audio
FMST 1883 Experimental Camera
FMST 1885 Broadcasting
FMST 1890 The Business of Broadcast
FMST 1893 Human Interest Stories for Broadcast
Critical Studies; both courses are required
ENGFLM 0530/FMST 0150 Film Analysis
ENGFLM 0540/FMST 0170 World Film History
Two additional courses chosen from
National Cinemas or Filmmakers or
Themes/Genres/Theory categories
Two courses must be chosen from the National Cinemas
of Filmmakers or Themes/Genre/Theory categories as
listed on the next page.
Jeff Aziz
CL 501C
Lori Campbell
CL 501C
Amy Flick
CL 501C
Checklist for the Film and Media Studies
major, Critical Studies track
Critical studies courses
______ ENGFLM 0530/FMST 0150
______ ENGFLM 0540/FMST 0170
______ ENGFLM 1920/FMST 1699
Production course; choose one
______ FMST 0800
______ ENGFLM 0590/FMST 0710
______ ENGCMP 0610
______ SA 0180
National cinemas courses
______ ______________ _______
______ ______________ _______
Themes/genres/theory courses
______ ______________ _______
______ ______________ _______
Elective courses
______ ______________ _______
______ ______________ _______
______ ______________ _______
______ ______________ _______
Checklist for the Film and Media Studies
major, Production track
Foundational course
______ FMST 0800
Film/Media Screenwriting course
______ FMST 1860
Film/Media Production course; choose one
______ FMST 0845
______ SA 1380
Capstone course
______ FMST 1921
Technical elective; choose two courses
______ ______________ _______
______ ______________ _______
Topical electives; choose two courses
______ ______________ _______
______ ______________ _______
Critical Studies
______ ENGFLM 0530/FMST 0150
______ ENGFLM 0540/FMST 0170
Two additional courses chosen from National
Cinemas or Filmmakers or
Themes/Genres/Theory categories
______ ______________ _______
______ ______________ _______
Checklist for the Film and Media Studies
Critical studies courses
______ ENGFLM 0530/FMST 0150
______ ENGFLM 0540/FMST 0170
Four elective courses
Electives must be taken from at least two of the three
categories listed. No more than two courses can be taken
from Category III.
______ ______________ _______
______ ______________ _______
______ ______________ _______
______ ______________ _______
Note: Only one elective course for the minor can be taken
on an S/NC basis. Half of the courses for the minor must
be taken at Pitt. Students pursuing the minor must meet
with the film and media studies advisors to check their
progress. Courses taken at other schools must be
Category I: National Cinemas or Filmmakers
CHIN 1059/FMST 1215 Adapted for the Screen: Chinese
Literature and Film
CHIN 1085/FMST 1200 Introduction to East Asian Cinema
CHIN 1088/FMST 1220 New Chinese Cinema
1190/FMST 1260 British Film
ENGFLM 1192/FMST 1261 Irish Film
ENGFLM 1290/FMST 1270 American Film 1
ENGFLM 1291/FMST 1271 American Film 2
ENGFLM 1390/FMST 1275 Contemporary Film
ENGFLM 1410/FMST 1250 Bollywood and Indian Cinema
ENGFLM 1420/FMST 1225 Transnational East Asian
ENGFLM 1470/FMST 1350 Film Directors
ENGFLM 1471/FMST 1352 Orson Welles
ENGFLM 1472/FMST 1355 Hitchcock's Films
ENGFLM 1473/FMST 1360 Spike Lee
ENGFLM 1475/FMST 1364 Guillermo del Toro
ENGFLM 1476/FMST 1357 The Films of Stanley Kubrick
ENGFLM 1670/FMST 1230Global Anime
FMST 0280/FR 0016 History of French Cinema
FMST 0300/ITAL 0086 Italian Cinema
FMST 0301/ITAL 0089 History of Italian Cinema
FMST 0302/ITAL 1088 Italian American on Screen
FMST 0303/ITAL 0085 Italian Cinema Icons
FMST 0310/POLISH 0870 Contemporary Polish Cinema:
Literature on Film
FMST 0320/RUSS 0870 Russian Film: Eisenstein and
FMST 0321/RUSS 0871 Russian Film: Stalin to Putin
FMST 0335/SLOVAK 0890 Slovak, Czech, and Central
European Film
FMST 1235/JPNSE 1057 Japanese Culture and Society
through Cinema
FMST 1292/GER 1545 Nazi Culture
FMST 1293/GER 1548 New German Cinema
FMST 1321/HIST 1226 Eastern European Communism at
the Movies
FR 0085 French Film: 1930-1960
GER 1380 Topics in German Cinema
1771 History of Soviet Cinema
SPAN 1417 Latin American Film and Media
Category II: Themes/Genre/Theory courses
ENGFLM 0400/FMST 0120 Introduction to Film or ENGFLM
0401/FMST 0130 Images, Icons, and Ideas or ENGFLM
0355/FMST 0100 Visual Literacy
ENGFLM 0520/FMST 0430 Film Theory
ENGFLM 0532/FMST 0500 Introduction to Film Genres
ENGFLM 0570/FMST 0505 Introduction to New Media
ENGFLM 0812/FMST 0762 Media/Ecology
ENGFLM 1391/FMST 1655 Topics in Contemporary Cinema
ENGFLM 1400/FMST 1532 Superheroes on Film and TV
ENGFLM 1460/FMST 1421 Global Stardom & Celebrity
ENGFLM 1479/FMST 1615 Children and Media
ENGFLM 1480/FMST 1450 Topics in Film
ENGFLM 1481/FMST 1610 Teen Film
ENGFLM 1482/FMST 1420 The Star System and the Movies
ENGFLM 1483/FMST 1440 Film Sound
ENGFLM 1485/FMST 1410 Film and Politics
ENGFLM 1487/FMST 1415 Film Censorship and American
ENGFLM 1489/FMST 1531 Cult Film
ENGFLM 1533/FMST 1533 Disability in Film and TV
ENGFLM 1545/FMST 1545 American Film and TV Industry
ENGFLM 1585/FMST 1585 Cinema and Revolution
ENGFLM 1610/FMST 1550 Topics in Genre
ENGFLM 1613/FMST 1650 Topics in Film Genre and Theme
ENGFLM 1615/FMST 1526 The War Film
ENGFLM 1680/FMST 1510 Animation Studies
ENGFLM 1681/FMST 1520 Film Comedy
1683/FMST 1540 Documentary Film
ENGFLM 1685/FMST 1522 Film Musical
ENGFLM 1688/FMST 1523 Film Western
LM 1695/FMST 1525 Horror Film
ENGFLM 1696/FMST 1530 Film Noir
ENGFLM 1699/FMST 1527 Science Fiction Film
ENGFLM 1703/FMST 1416 Gender and Film
ENGFLM 1705/FMST 1417 Queer Cinemas
ENGFLM 1752/FMST 1508 Television Analysis
ENGFLM 1760/FMST 1412 Cinema and Video Games
ENGFLM 1790/FMST 1411 Film and Literature
ENGFLM 1920/FMST 1699 Advanced Seminar in Film
ENGLIT 1355/FMST 1765 Virtual Reality
FMST 1236/JPNSE 1059 Japanese Literature on Screen
FMST 1535/JPNSE 1058 Westerns and Samurai Films
FMST 1548 American Independent Film
FMST 1549/ENGFLM 1549 Industries and Festivals: Film
and Media
FMST 1630/HAA 0470 Photography and Art
Category III: Production courses
ENGFLM 0585/FMST 0790 Technologies of the Body
ENGFLM 0712/FMST 0760 Critical Making
ENGFLM 1671/FMST 1740 Making the Documentary
ENGFLM 1672/FMST 1720 Visiting Filmmaker: Production
and Criticism
ENGFLM 1684/FMST 1715 Mockumentary: Production and
ENGFLM 1750/FMST 1750 Creative Production Workshop
ENGFLM 1930/FMST 1900 Film Studies Internship
ENGWRT 0560/FMST 0700 Screenwriting & Narrative
ENGWRT 0710/FMST 0780 Introduction to Audio
FMST 0800 Filmmaking 1: Fundamentals
FMST 0826 Post-Production
FMST 0827 Advanced Editing
MST 0833 Producing Film, Television, and Other Media
FMST 0835 Elements of Audio Production
FMST 0845 Filmmaking 2: Sight and Sound
FMST 0855 Topics in Production
FMST 1546 Experimental Cinema
FMST 1775/SA 1380 Digital Studio: Video
FMST 1777/SA 1385 Digital Studio: Animation
FMST 1781 Listening to Narrative Audio
FMST 1817 Lighting for Motion Pictures
FMST 1846 Filmmaking 3: Story to Screen
FMST 1847 Crew Production Practicum
FMST 1852 Directing Actors
FMST 1855 Directing Motion Pictures
FMST 1860 Elements of Screenwriting
FMST 1862 Intermediate Screenwriting
FMST 1865 Writing the Original Series
FMST 1870 Acting for the Camera
FMST 1875 Sound for Motion Pictures
FMST 1880 Digital Cinematography
FMST 1883 Experimental Camera
FMST 1885 Broadcasting
FMST 1886 Broadcasting 2
FMST 1890 The Business of Broadcast
FMST 1893 Human Interest Stories for Broadcast
FMST 1898 Television News Practicum: Pitt to the Point
FMST 1899 The Front Bench
FMST 1900 Internship in Film and Media Studies
FMST 1901 Independent Study
FMST 1921 Film and Media Studies Production Capstone
SA 0180 Digital Studio: Photography