Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Majors & Minors at Marist
Published by the Academic Learning Center
Academic Learning Center Phone: 845-575-3300
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ................................................................................................................ 1-2
How to Use This Publication ................................................................................................... 3
Accounting ......................................................................................................................... 4
American Studies ............................................................................................................... 5
Applied Mathematics .......................................................................................................... 6
Art and Art History ............................................................................................................. 7
Athletic Training ................................................................................................................. 8
Biology/BioMedical Sciences ............................................................................................. 9
Business Administration .................................................................................................. 10
Chemistry and Biochemistry ............................................................................................. 11
Communication ................................................................................................................ 12
Computer Science ............................................................................................................ 13
Criminal Justice ................................................................................................................ 14
Cybersecurity .................................................................................................................... 15
Data Science and Analytics .............................................................................................. 16
Digital Media .................................................................................................................... 17
Economics ........................................................................................................................ 18
Education (Childhood / Students with Disabilities) ......................................................... 19
Education (Adolescence / Students with Disabilities) ...................................................... 20
English ............................................................................................................................. 21
Environmental Science & Policy ...................................................................................... 22
Fashion Design and Merchandising ................................................................................. 23
French ................................................................................................................................ 24
Games and Emerging Media ............................................................................................. 25
Global Studies ................................................................................................................... 26
History .............................................................................................................................. 27
Information Technology & Systems ................................................................................ 28
Italian ............................................................................................................................... 29
Management Studies ........................................................................................................ 30
Mathematics ..................................................................................................................... 31
Media Studies and Production .......................................................................................... 32
Medical Technology/Medical Laboratory Sciences ......................................................... 33
Philosophy ........................................................................................................................ 34
Political Science ............................................................................................................... 35
Professional Studies ................................
......................................................................... 36
Psychology ....................................................................................................................... 37
Social Work ....................................................................................................................... 38
Spanish .............................................................................................................................. 39
Minors and Certificates ......................................................................................................... 40
Accounting ....................................................................................................................... 40
Africana Studies ............................................................................................................... 41
American Studies ....................................................................................................... 42-43
Art History ....................................................................................................................... 44
Biology ............................................................................................................................. 44
Business ........................................................................................................................... 45
Catholic Studies ............................................................................................................... 46
Chemistry ......................................................................................................................... 47
Cinema Studies ............................................................................ 48 Continued next page)
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Cognitive Science ............................................................................................................. 49
Coaching (Cert.) .............................................................................................................. 50
Communication ................................................................................................................. 51
Computer Science ............................................................................................................ 52
Creative Writing ............................................................................................................... 52
Criminal Justice ................................................................................................................ 53
Cybersecurity ................................................................................................................... 53
Data Center Facilities Management Associate and Professional (Cert.) ......................... 54
Data Science and Analytics .............................................................................................. 55
Digital Video Production .................................................................................................. 55
Economics ......................................................................................................................... 56
English Literature .............................................................................................................. 57
Enterprise Computing ....................................................................................................... 57
Environmental Policy ........................................................................................................ 58
Environmental Science ...................................................................................................... 58
Environmental Studies ...................................................................................................... 59
Fashion Merchandising ..................................................................................................... 60
French ................................................................................................................................ 61
Games and Emerging Media ............................................................................................. 62
Global Studies ............................................................................................................. 62-64
Graphic Design.................................................................................................................. 65
History ............................................................................................................................... 65
Hudson River Valley Regional Studies ............................................................................ 66
Information Systems ......................................................................................................... 67
Information Technology .................................................................................................... 67
Information Technology Management .............................................................................. 68
Interactive Media .............................................................................................................. 69
Italian ................................................................................................................................ 69
Jewish Studies ................................................................................................................... 70
Latin American and Caribbean Studies ............................................................................. 71
Mathematics ...................................................................................................................... 71
Medieval and Renaissance Studies ................................................................................... 72
Music ........................................................................................................................... 72-73
Organizational Communications ................................
...................................................... 74
Organizational Leadership ............................................................................................... 74
Paralegal (Cert.) ............................................................................................................... 75
Philosophy ........................................................................................................................ 76
Photography ...................................................................................................................... 76
Political Science ................................................................................................................ 77
Product Development ........................................................................................................ 78
Professional Writing .......................................................................................................... 79
Psychology ........................................................................................................................ 79
Public Opinion ................................................................................................................. 80
Religious Studies ............................................................................................................... 81
Social Justice .................................................................................................................... 82
Social Work ...................................................................................................................... 83
Sociology .......................................................................................................................... 83
Spanish .............................................................................................................................. 84
Studio Art .......................................................................................................................... 84
Theatre ............................................................................................................................. 85
Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies .......................................................................... 86
Career Publications and Web Sites ................................................................................... 87
Career Services Digital Resources .................................................................................. 88-89
Internship Information ......................................................................................................... 90
Approaching the Graduate School Decision .................................................................. 91-92
Courses and Programs for Undeclared Students ................................................................ 93
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
How to Use This Publication
Take some quiet time. We know it’s hard to find in your hectic college existence, but even one-half hour
can get you started. Go to a quiet, comfortable place and page through this booklet, stopping to consider each
major, minor or certificate program that sounds appealing. Don’t think about long-term consequences just yet
(job outlook, salary levels, etc.). Just identify majors that seem interesting to you. You may have utilized
career assessment instruments at the Center for Career Services
that helped you identify some possible majors.
If so, look at those first.
Review the beneficial skills and interests of the majors you find interesting. Do they sound like you? If the
answer is “yes,” earmark this major for further consideration. Do the same for minors and certificate
Review the entry-level and long-term career opportunities for majors you have highlighted. Do they seem
appealing? If you need to know more about the occupations, there are lots of good resource materials at the
Center for Career Services. These career resources include descriptions of various occupations - work duties,
typical employers, training and education needed, typical starting salaries, etc. Remember that the list of
career opportunities for each major in this booklet is only a partial one. There are many more career areas
associated with each major.
Talk with a faculty member or advisor in the departments of interest to you (refer to the list of faculty at the
end of this publication).
Meet with a career coach at the Center for Career Services, particularly if you have questions about your
interests, skills and values, or if you didn’t find any majors, minors or certificate programs to be appealing. A
career adviser may suggest that you take an interest inventory at the Center for Career Services if you have no
idea where your interests lie.
Discuss your possible choices with your academic or career coach before making a final decision.
Read more about career opportunities related to the majors, minors and certificate programs that interest
you. You can also talk with career professionals in fields that interest you. Career Services has an
Career Network that can put you in touch with alumni in fields of interest to you.
Take Career Planning & Decision Making (CRDV105N) to expose yourself to different major and career
options and a range of inventories to assess your career interests, values, abilities and personality style.
Take an introductory (100 Level) course in the major you are considering.
Join a campus club or activity in the major you are considering.
PLEASE NOTE: We strive to present accurate information in this publication; however, information can
sometimes change quickly and without our knowledge. Our best advice is that you verify information presented in
this booklet before making decisions based upon its content.
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Accounting Xiaoli Wang, Ph.D., Department Chair
School of Management
William B. Lamb, Ph.D., Dean
Joanne H. Gavin, Ph.D., Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs
Jean Theobald, MPS, Director of Undergraduate Advising and Student Services
What is Accounting?
Accounting is the process of identifying, measuring, and communicating
economic information to permit informed judgments and decisions by the users of the information. Accounting
is called the language of business, but it also provides financial information about not-for-profit organizations.
While the curriculum is primarily designed to prepare public accountants, it also serves those who wish to
enter management or internal accounting. The overall knowledge of business operations and the analytical
procedures that the student acquires makes the degree attractive to a variety of prospective employers. Marist
offers a Bachelor of Science in Accounting, a minor in Accounting and a Master’s of Science in Professional
Helpful Skills and Interests
Mathematics ability
Strong organizational skills
Analytical orientation
Interest in financial management
Skills You Will Develop
Extensive knowledge of accounting,
including methodologies and techniques
Skills to effectively communicate financial
information to users
Knowledge to prepare for the CPA exam
Career Opportunities
Entry-level Positions
Financial Analyst
Fund Accountant
Internal Auditor
Portfolio Accountant
Staff Accountant
Tax Accountant
Long Term Positions
Accounting Manager
Chief Financial Officer
College/University Professor
Company Treasurer
Corporate Budget Director
Corporate Reporting Manager
CPA Firm Partner
Financial Planning Manager
General Manager
Internal Revenue Agent
Operations Manager
Vice President of Finance
Complementary Minors
Business, Communication, Computer Science,
Criminal Justice, Data Analytics, Economics, and
Information Systems.
Internships are not required to complete the
accounting major. However, they are advisable to
complement theoretical knowledge with practical
Graduate School Many accounting majors
pursue advanced degrees during their employment,
most common is the Master’s of Science in
Professional Accounting and the Master’s of
Business Administration. Others obtain law
degrees. 150 credit hours are now required to sit
for the CPA exam in many states.
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
American Studies Sally Dwyer-McNulty, Ph.D., Program Director
School of Liberal Arts
Martin Shaffer, Ph.D., Dean
What is American Studies?
American Studies is an interdisciplinary program involving history,
politics, law, literature, philosophy, religion, art, and music. American Studies allows students to transcend
narrow, disciplinary boundaries in exploring the broad interplay of ideas and events which have shaped
American culture. The Bachelor of Arts in American Studies requires careful selection among designated
courses within the American arena, while also developing a concentration focusing upon a different culture
such as that of Latin America, England, or Russia. A minor in American Studies is also available.
Beneficial Skills and Interests
Interest in American and other cultures
Broad-based interests: history, government,
religion, and the arts
Flexibility and curiosity
Skills You Will Develop
A thorough understanding of the development
of America
Exposure to numerous academic disciplines
Understanding of and sensitivity to issues in
both American and other cultures
Career Opportunities
Entry-level Positions
Campaign Assistant
Government Agent
Historic Preservationist
Legal Assistant
Opinion Researcher
Social Science Teacher
Editorial Assistant
Library Assistant
Research Assistant
Technical Writer
Long Term Positions
College Administrator
Public Administrator
Complementary Minors
Business Administration, African Diaspora
Studies, Communication, Computer
Science, Criminal Justice, Economics,
English, Environmental Studies, Fashion
Merchandising, Games & Emerging
Media, Women’s, Gender, & Sexuality Studies,
History, Media Studies & Production, Paralegal,
Philosophy, Political Science, Social Justice, and
Internships are strongly encouraged.
Government agencies, news outlets, historical
sites, museums, and libraries are good sites to
Graduate School qualifies a student
to conduct research, teach at a college, manage a
department or facility, and advance into other
higher-level positions. Master’s or doctoral studies
in business, education, law, history, English,
library science and public administration are
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Applied Mathematics James Helmreich, Ph.D., Department Chair
School of Computer Science & Mathematics
Carolyn Matheus, Ph.D., Interim Dean
What is Applied Mathematics? Using the tools of mathematics to gain a deeper understanding of
topics in science, computer science, operations research, business, finance, or manufacturing is as the core of
applied mathematics. The Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics is a genuinely interdisciplinary degree
which is designed to provide a student the flexibility to focus on personal interests in Chemistry, Biology,
Computer Science, or Financial/Actuarial tracks. The curriculum also maintains a strong foundation in
traditional mathematics, such as differential equations, analysis, and algebra. The Mathematics Department
also offers a more traditional Bachelor of Arts degree in Mathematics and a minor in Mathematics.
Beneficial Skills and Interests
Interest in technology and problem solving
High school algebra, geometry, and
Ability to think critically
Skills Learned at Marist
Strong mathematical foundation applicable
to many fields, including computer science,
biology, chemistry, economics, and finance
The ability to think analytically and make
sound quantitative deductions
The ability to organize, analyze, and
interpret numerical data
Upper-level coursework in a non-
mathematical discipline
Career Opportunities
Entry-level Positions
Business Analyst
Computer Programmer
Data Analyst
Financial Analyst
Informatics Analyst
Mathematics Teacher
Operations Research Analyst
Software Developer
System Analyst
Long Term Positions
Actuarial Fellow
Applied Mathematician
College/University Professor
Database Manager
Data Scientist
Portfolio Analyst
Quality Control Engineer
Quantitative Analytics Professional
Research Mathematician
Senior Analyst
Complementary Minors
Economics, Computer Science, Data Science and
Analytics, Business Administration, Biology,
Chemistry, Information Systems, Philosophy.
Internships Summer internships, where students
gain experience applying quantitative skills to solve
real-world problems, and summer research
opportunities, where students work on mathematical
research projects, are widely available and highly
Graduate School Choices for graduate study
include mathematics, applied mathematics,
mathematical finance, business analytics,
mathematical biology, biostatistics, actuarial science,
public health, chemistry, earth science, and physics,
and are necessary for advancement in some areas.
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Art and Art History Matt Frieburghaus, M.F.A., Department Chair
School of Communication and the Arts
Jacqueline Reich, Ph.D., Dean
What is Art and Art History? While always debated, art can be defined as the conscious use of skill
and creative imagination in the production of aesthetic objects. Drawing, painting, sculpture, photography,
graphic design, printmaking and digital art are among the media that comprise the visual arts. The study of art
and artists of different time periods and geographic areas comprises art history. Marist offers a Bachelor of
Science in Studio Art designed for an intensive training in the traditional studio arts under the guidance of
experienced, working artists. Marist also offers a Bachelor of Arts in Fine Arts along with two concentrations.
The concentration in Studio Art is designed to provide a broad-based training in the visual arts. All students
will gain a foundation in design, drawing, and art history and then specialize in one of five tracks: digital media,
drawing, graphic design, painting, or photography. The concentration in Art History provides a broad survey of
western art, as well as courses in non-Western art such as African and Chinese Art. In addition to Art History
courses, students round out their studies by pursuing an alternative discipline, preferably a foreign language.
Students at Marist may minor in Studio Art, Photography, Graphic Design or Art History.
Helpful Skills and Interests
Creative ability
Interest in and appreciation for art
Interest in computers (for digital art)
Skills You Will Develop
Knowledge and skill in utilizing techniques and
processes for creating visual art
Keener artistic ability and appreciation
Understanding of art and artists in the western
Computer skills
Career Opportunities
Entry-level Positions
Advertising Studio Assistant
Curator’s Assistant
Design Assistant
Graphic Production Assistant
Photographer’s Assistant
Production Assistant
Long Term Positions
Advertising Artist
Art Critic
Art Director
Art Teacher
Art Therapist
Artist Agent
College/University Professor
Custom Framer
Exhibit Designer
Gallery Director
Graphic Designer
Packaging Designer
Complementary Minors
American Studies, Communication, Computer
Science, History, Information Technology,
Languages, Psychology.
Internships are not required but are
encouraged in the junior or senior year.
International Study is strongly encouraged at our
branch campus in Florence, Italy and through
short-term programs in France, Spain, the U.K.,
and Japan.
Graduate School
Art majors often pursue the Master of Fine Arts in
a studio specialization or a Ph.D. in Art History.
Students interested in administration of arts
facilities may obtain a Master’s in Arts
Administration or an MBA. Advanced study in
languages or technology will assist advancement
in certain occupations.
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Athletic Training
Michael Powers, Ph.D., Program Director & Department Chair
School of Science
Alicia Slater, Ph.D., Dean
What is Athletic Training?
Athletic Training is an area of health care concerned with the prevention,
recognition, care, and rehabilitation of injuries and illnesses to the physically active. Athletic Trainers work as
part of a comprehensive allied health care team that includes physicians, physical therapists, and other
professionals working with professional and semi-professional sports, high schools, colleges and universities,
clinics and hospitals, or corporate and industrial settings. When injuries do occur, the Athletic Trainer
evaluates the injury, administers acute care and develops and coordinates a treatment and rehabilitation
program under the direction of a physician. On the undergraduate level, Marist offers a Five-Year BS in
Biology and Master of Science in Athletic Training (MSAT). Upon completion of the dual degree BS and
MSAT program, graduates will be eligible to sit for the certification examination administered by the Board of
Certification, Inc. (BOC) and, upon passing the examination, practice as a certified athletic trainer.
Helpful Skills and Interests
Strong interpersonal skills
Comfort working with injured individuals
Good communication skills
Interest in sports and medicine
Skills You Will Develop
Extensive knowledge of human anatomy and
Clinical athletic training skills including
exercise and therapeutic modalities
Assessment and care of emergencies
Assessment of musculoskeletal injuries
Athletic training administration
Career Opportunities
Entry-level Positions
Athletic Trainer
Professional Sports
Semi-professional sports
Colleges and Universities
High Schools
Physician’s Office
Sports Medicine Clinics
Military/Police/Fire Setting
Performing Arts
Related Positions
Exercise Physiologist
Internships/Clinical Experience Over
700 hours of internships are built into the academic
program to provide students with the requisite
clinical experience.
Graduate School This Five-Year Program
requirement is what makes the BS/MAT dual
certification program functional and attractive. The
graduate program consists an overall healthcare
focused curriculum providing knowledge and skills
for best practice and an extensive clinical
experience where the knowledge and skills are
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Biology/Biomedical Sciences
Raymond Kepner, Ph.D., Department Chair
School of Science
Alicia Slater, Ph.D., Dean
What is Biology?
Biology is the study of life extending from microorganisms to plants, humans and
other animals, and the world’s ecosystems. Biologists study organism structure and function and how different
species are related to and interact with each other. Biology is a vast field that includes evolution, molecular
biology, genetics, human anatomy and physiology, botany (the study of plants), microbiology (the study of
microorganisms), zoology (the study of animals), and ecology (the study of relationships between organisms
and their environments). The Bachelor of Science in Biology at Marist prepares students to pursue a wide
variety of careers, such as the health professions, scientific research, consulting work, and education. A minor
in Biology is also offered.
Helpful Skills and Interests
An interest in life and the natural world
Proficiency in reading, writing, math, and
problem solving
An inquisitive mind
Skills You Will Develop
Extensive knowledge of how living organism
function and interact at the molecular, cellular,
and organismal levels
Applying the scientific process
Quantitative reasoning
Communication and collaboration skills
Career Opportunities
Entry-level Positions
Research/Lab Technician
Pharmaceutical/Sci Equipment Sales
Biotechnology Assistant
Wildlife Biologist
Paramedic / EMT
Environmental Consultant
Science Journalism
Long Term Positions
Health Care professional (Physician (M.D.
or D.O.), Physician’s Assistant, Podiatrist,
Dentist, Physical Therapist, Nurse,
Chiropractor, Optometrist, Pathologist,
Pharmacist, Dietician, etc.)
Biology Teacher (middle/high school and
Research Scientist (Molecular Biologist,
Geneticist, Microbiologist, etc.)
Athletic Trainer
Genetic Counselor
Biotechnology Executive
Healthcare Management
Research Director
Complementary Minors
Business, Chemistry, Computer Science, Criminal
Justice, Environmental Science, Environmental
Studies, Mathematics, Spanish, Psychology.
Internships are encouraged to complement
theoretical knowledge with practical experience.
Recent sites for these include the Lahey Clinic of
Tufts University, Albany Medical College, the
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases, and the Harvard Stem Cell Institute.
Graduate School Many careers in biology
require post-graduate education including medical
school. Recent placements include Cornell
Veterinary College, Georgetown University School
of Medicine and Ph.D. programs at Emory, Brown,
Penn State, and the University of North Carolina.
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Business Administration Ken Sloan, Ed.D., Department Chair
Xiaoli Wang, Ph.D., Department Chair
School of Management
William B. Lamb, Ph.D., Dean
James D. Phillips, J.D., Ph.D., Senior Associate Dean
Joanne H. Gavin, Ph.D., Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs
Jean Theobald, MPS, Director of Undergraduate Advising and Student Services
What is Business Administration? Managers guide organizations - business, government, or non-
profit – to the achievement of their goals. Managers have learned to plan, organize, direct, and control; they
understand how people behave in organizations, and they understand the complexities of the global, legal,
social, economic, and cultural environment which is the context for their organization. The Business
Administration major provides a foundation in the four functional areas of management – marketing, human
resources, finance, and operations – as well as opportunities to achieve greater depth in advanced courses in
international business, human resource management, finance, marketing, economics, or accounting. The
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration emphasizes the application of theoretical knowledge to the
real-world decision-making that enhances business competitiveness. The School of Management offers a
minor in Business Administration at the undergraduate level. At the graduate level, the Marist School of
Management offers a Master of Business Administration degree program, a Master’s in Public Administration
and a Master’s in Professional Accountancy.
Skills and Interests
Leadership and organizational ability
Communication and conceptual skills
Results orientation
Skills You Will Develop
Knowledge of management functions
Managerial perspectives
Problem solving skills
Written and oral presentation skills
Career Opportunities
Entry-level Positions
Account Executive
Customer Service Representative
Employment Recruiter
Financial Management Trainee
Human Resource Assistant
Loan Processor
Management Trainee
Marketing Representative
Project Assistant
Long Term Positions
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Financial Officer
Chief Operations Officer
Executive Director (of a non-profit)
Export Broker
Marketing Director
Plant Manager
Project Leader
Sr. Vice President - Human Resources
Sr. Vice President Marketing/Sales
Complementary Minors
Accounting, Communication, Economics, English,
Fashion Merchandising, History, Information
Systems, Languages, Paralegal, Mathematics,
Political Science, Public Administration.
Internships are strongly recommended, but not
required. Marist offers a supervised internship
program, both locally and internationally, which
adds value to the student’s education, and enhances
readiness for employment after graduation.
Graduate School The MBA is
recommended for upper-level management
positions. Most entering MBA students have 3-5
years of business experience. Law school is also
an option.
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Chemistry and Biochemistry
John Galbraith, Ph.D., Department Chair
School of Science
Alicia Slater, Ph.D., Dean
What is Chemistry? Chemistry, a major branch of the physical sciences, is the study of materials and
the changes they undergo, and includes an examination of composition, properties, reactions, and applications.
The major branches of chemistry are inorganic, organic, analytical, physical, biochemistry, and
materials science. Applications of chemistry include the production of fabrics, plastics and glass, paper,
semiconductors, pharmaceuticals and exotic materials like superconductors, improvements in food production,
metallurgy, the development of fuels and lubricants, environmental monitoring and protection, and the general
area of health, medicine and safety. Chemical research touches every facet of modern life, including the
chemical basis of life. The Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, Bachelor of Science in Chemistry with
Biochemistry Emphasis, Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry and Bachelor of Arts in Biochemistry all lay a strong
foundation for the chemistry major, providing entry to careers in medicine, industrial chemistry, research,
education and government. A minor in Chemistry may also be earned. Marist's program meets the standards of
the American Chemical Society.
Helpful Skills and Interests
Aptitude for accuracy and precision
Proficiency in reading, writing, problem
solving, thinking and questioning
Strong mathematical background
A good imagination
Skills You Will Develop
Knowledge of chemical principles,
instrumentation and technology
Safe and professional laboratory practices and
How to access and use data in problem solving
How to carry out original research and
communicate scientific outcomes
Logical thinking
Career Opportunities
Entry-level Positions
Chemistry Lab Technician
Chemistry Teacher
Consumer Protection
Food Technologist
Industrial Health Assistant
Patent Assistant
Pharmacy Assistant
Research Assistant
Science Teacher
Technical Writer
Long Term Positions
Chemical Engineer
College/University Professor
Forensic Scientist
Lab Director
Research Director
Senior Chemist/Biochemist
Complementary Minors
Biology, Business, Criminal Justice, Computer
Science, Education, English, Mathematics.
Internships are advisable to complement
theoretical knowledge with practical experience.
Graduate School A master’s degree is a
minimum requirement for professional advancement
and the Ph.D. is normally required for leadership and
academic positions. The practice of medicine
requires doctoral studies, and the doctorate in
chemistry or chemical engineering is typically
required for College/University Professorships,
Laboratory and Project Directorships, and similar
positions of responsibility.
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Communication Kevin Lerner, Ph.D., Department Chair
School of Communication and the Arts
Jacqueline Reich, Ph.D., Dean
What is Communication? Communication is dynamic and ever-changing. It’s the study of messages
within the context of human relationships, communities, and institutions. Communication is fundamental to
the generation of knowledge and the structure of our society. Our program gives you the opportunity to grow
and develop as a skilled communicator. You’ll learn to understand, interpret, produce, and critique
information related to organizations, interpersonal contexts, media, and public culture skills that will pay
dividends long after graduation, regardless of your chosen career path. A major in communications teaches
students to combine a convincing argument with the appropriate medium to effectively deliver a message
whether that is through a TV commercial, an editorial in a newspaper, an influencer post, a speech at a
conference or a commentator from last night's game. Our Bachelor of Arts in Communication has five
concentration areas: advertising, public relations, communication studies, journalism, and sports
communication. Students often minor in related fields. Communication majors have many opportunities to
complete internships, including some while studying abroad.
Helpful Skills and Interests
Interest in developing skills in reading,
writing, speaking and creativity
Interest in communication arts and media
Ability to analyze abstract concepts
Skills You Will Develop
Skills in public, interpersonal, small group and
business communication
Persuasive ability and writing skills
Knowledge of media production
Creative problem solving
Storytelling across various media
Career Opportunities
Entry-level Positions
Advertising Assistant
Customer Relations Representative
Guest Relations Assistant
Junior Art Director
Junior Copywriter
Marketing Representative
Marketing Research Assistant
Media Planning Assistant
Public Opinion Interviewer
Public Relations Assistant
Promotions Assistant
Long Term Positions
Advertising Executive
Art Director
College/University Professor
Creative Director
Foreign Correspondent
News Bureau Chief
Production Manager
Programming Head
Public Information Officer
Research Director
Sports Information Director
Talent Agent
Complementary Minors
Art, Business, Cinema Studies, English, Digital
Video Production, Information Systems,
Information Technology, Interactive Media, Global
Studies, Political Science, Psychology, Graphic
Internships With careful planning, Marist
students can complete more than one
communication internship at local organizations or
in New York City.
Graduate School Law, M.A., MBA or MPA
degrees are common and qualify graduates to
advance into many administrative and managerial
positions. A Ph.D. is necessary for college
teaching (Master’s at many community colleges).
Advanced technical and media training is also
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Computer Science Donald R. Schwartz, Ph.D., Department Chair
School of Computer Science and Mathematics
Carolyn Matheus, Ph.D., Interim Dean
What is Computer Science? The rapid spread of computers and computer-based technologies over
the past two decades has generated a need for skilled, highly trained professionals to design and develop the
hardware and software systems and to determine how to incorporate these advances into new or existing
systems. Computer scientists conduct research, design computers, and discover and use principles of applying
computers. Their jobs are distinguished by the higher level of theoretical expertise they apply to complex
problems and innovative ideas for the application or creation of new technology. They work in such areas as
hardware and language design, developing and advancing artificial intelligence, designing programming tools,
knowledge-based systems or computer games. The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science is designed to
provide students with a broad theoretical background. Students will have the option of declaring a
concentration in software development or game design and programming. Students may also minor in
Computer Science. Marist offers Master’s level programs in Computer Science/Software Development,
Technology Management, and Information Systems. A five-year B.S. /M.S. program is also available as well
as an Advanced Certificate in Business Analytics.
Beneficial Skills and Interests
Interest in computers and technology
Mathematical and analytical ability
Organization and concentration
Ability to adapt in a changing field
Skills You Will Develop
Broad theoretical understanding of computers
and computer systems
Skills in problem solving and programming
Research techniques
Hardware and software expertise
Career Opportunities
Entry-level Positions
Assistant System Developer
Computer Programmer
Consulting Programmer
Database Analyst
Junior Developer
Junior Software Engineer
Junior System Analyst
Product Release Engineer
Support Engineer
Technical Writer
Long Term Positions
Artificial Intelligence Specialist
College/University Professor
Computer Systems Manager
Database Administrator
Data Entry Manager
DevOps Engineer
Full Stack Developer
Network Administrator
Operations Manager
Sales Engineer
Software Engineer
Software Package Developer
Systems Consultant
Complementary Minors Business
Administration, Communication, Cybersecurity,
Data Science and Analytics, Education, Games and
Emerging Media, Information Systems,
Information Technology, Mathematics,
Internships are strongly advised as an integral
part of applying theoretical knowledge to the
practical world.
Graduate Study Many students go on for a
Master’s Degree in Software Development or for
advanced studies in Artificial Intelligence,
Cybersecurity or Information Technology.
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Criminal Justice Frank Merenda, Ph.D., Department Chair
School of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Deborah Gatins, Ph.D., Dean
What is Criminal Justice?
Criminal Justice explores all aspects of crime and its effects on society.
The apprehension of suspects and the processing of criminal offenders through the legal and correctional
systems, both in the United States and in various other countries around the world are discussed and analyzed.
Social values and the relationship of law to the safety and protection of life and property are also a part of this
discussion. Marist offers a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice and a minor.
Helpful Skills and Interests
Good interpersonal skills
Interest in police, courts, and corrections
Interest in public service
Skills You Will Develop
Extensive knowledge of the criminal law,
rehabilitation, and delinquency
Gathering and analyzing statistics on crime,
law enforcement and corrections
Career Opportunities
Entry-level Positions
Case Manager
Correctional Officer
County Clerk
Court Reporter
Crime Analyst
Deputy Sheriff
Drug Enforcement Agent
Environmental Protection Agent
Federal Law Enforcement
Immigration Officer
Loss Prevention
Military Officer Candidate
Police Officer
Probation/Parole Officer
Private Security Investigator
State Trooper
Uniformed Court Officer
Victim Advocate
Long Term Positions
Case Manager
College Professor
Corrections Supervisor
Court Administrator
Criminal Investigator
Federal Agent
Forensic Psychologist
Fraud Examiner
Police Supervisor: Administrator
Prosecutor / Defense Attorney
Public Official
Security Director
Complementary Minors
Accounting, Communication, Computer Science, Data
Analytics, Information Systems, Languages, Medical
Technology, Political Science, Psychology, Public
Administration, Social Work, Sociology.
Internships Students have access to over 50
internship sites. These include: federal agencies, local
law enforcement, courts, correctional facilities, mental
health agencies, residential shelters, and more.
Graduate School Many students pursue a master’s
degree in criminal justice, psychology, social work or
public administration. Many students also attend law
school and pursue a Juris Doctor (J.D.).
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Cybersecurity Donald R. Schwartz, Ph.D., Department Chair
School of Computer Science and Mathematics
Carolyn Matheus, Ph.D., Interim Dean
What is Cybersecurity? The rapid spread of computers and computer-based technologies over the
past two decades has generated a need for skilled, highly trained professionals to design, develop and
implement the hardware, software and software systems related to computer security. The Bachelor of Science
in Cybersecurity offers an advanced technology education for CS/ITS students interested in the application of
information technology to improve the security of data processing, storage, and communication
networks. Featuring topics include cryptography, cyberwarfare, ethical hacking, penetration testing, computer
forensics, mobile and wireless security, and security design/management for databases, web commerce, cloud
computing, and the Internet of Things. This program is especially appropriate for students who wish to
assume leadership roles in cybersecurity innovation, either as industry professionals or as preparation for
graduate study in this field. Developing an in-depth technical skill set in cybersecurity will help individuals
looking to make themselves more marketable in an increasingly technology-dependent world. Individuals
work in such areas as hardware, software, software systems, and developing and advancing artificial
intelligence. Students may also minor in Cybersecurity and a Certificate in Cybersecurity is also available.
Marist offers Master’s level programs in Computer Science/Software Development, Technology Management,
and Information Systems.
Beneficial Skills and Interests
Interest in computers and technology
Mathematical and analytical ability
Organization and concentration
Ability to adapt in a changing field
Skills You Will Develop
Broad theoretical understanding of computers,
computer systems and computer security
Skills in problem solving and programming
Research techniques
Hardware and software expertise
Career Opportunities
Entry-level Positions
Threat Analyst, Information
Security Analyst, Network
Security Analyst, Penetration
Tester, Security Architect,
Assistant System Developer,
Computer Programmer
Consulting, Data Processing
Auditor, Database Analyst,
Media Center Manager
Long Term Positions
Artificial Intelligence Specialist,
College/University Professor
Chief Information Security
Officer, IT Security Consultant,
Forensic Computer Analyst
Systems Manager Database
Administrator, Security Systems
Media Center Manager,
Network Administrator,
Operations Manager
Software Engineer, IT
Security Engineer
Complementary Minors
Administration, Communication, Criminal Justice,
Data Science and Analytics, Education, Games and
Emerging Media, Information Systems, Information
Technology, Mathematics.
Internships are strongly advised as an integral
part of applying theoretical knowledge to the
practical world.
Graduate Study Many students go on for a
Master’s Degree.
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Data Science & Analytics
Donald R. Schwartz, Ph.D., Department Chair
School of Computer Science and Mathematics
Carolyn Matheus, Ph.D., Interim Dean
What is Data Science & Analytics? Data Science is, in simple terms, the extraction of
knowledge from data. Analytics is a sister term used mostly in business settings to refer to the analysis of
business data to describe, predict, and improve business performance. A data scientist uses techniques
and tools drawn from a broad set of disciplines to extract, transform and uncover hidden patterns in the
data and elicit from them meaningful, actionable information. The field of data science has experienced
an exponential growth over the past few years, with huge impacts on business, government, science,
technology, and academia. Organizations now understand that using data to build models to predict
future events and behaviors is key to revolutionizing the way they compete, produce, and innovate. Data
science techniques are applied across domains such as business and finance, biological and health
sciences, physical sciences, social sciences, and humanities. In addition to the Bachelors of Science in
Data Science and Analytics, Marist offers a Master’s level program in Information Systems with a
concentration in Business Analytics.
Helpful Skills and Interests
Interest in computers, technology
Mathematical and analytical ability
Organization and ability to focus
Ability to cope with and thrive on change
Skills You Will Develop
Implement algorithms for data aggregation,
cleaning, and analysis
Manipulate large amounts of data and build
models from the data which can be used to
describe phenomena and make predictions on
future occurrences and events.
Explore data to identify its meaning and
impact, and communicate data analysis
findings with appropriate visualizations and
graphical techniques
Design, Build and Manage large, distributed
data (“big data”) systems
Career Opportunities
Entry-level Positions
Data Science Specialist
Assistant Market Analyst
Budget Analyst
Computer Analyst
Software Developer
Credit Analyst
Financial Analyst
Mathematics Teacher
Long Term Positions
Data Scientist
Project Manager
College/University Professor
Software Executive
Information Architect
Information Systems Manager
Data Analyst
Market Research Analyst
Complementary Minors
Business, Mathematics, Computer Science,
Cybersecurity, Information Systems, Information
Technology, Economics, Criminal Justice, Cognitive
Science, Chemistry, Biology, Psychology, Political
Marist students who plan ahead are encouraged to
complete at least one data science related internship at
a company or medical facility in the local area, in New
York City or beyond.
Graduate School Marist offers a Master’s level
program in Information Systems (MSIS) with a
concentration in Business Analytics. Given the
momentum in data science and analytics colleges and
universities across the country are rushing to create
graduate programs to address the need. MS degrees in
Data Science as well as MS degrees in Business
Intelligence and Analytics are available across the
country. A Ph.D. or equivalent terminal degree is
necessary for a tenured college teaching position.
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Digital Media Matt Frieburghaus, M.F.A., Department Chair
School of Communication and the Arts
Jacqueline Reich, Ph.D., Dean
What is Digital Media? Digital Media encompasses the wide range of art and design media that is
created with computers, from digital imaging to webpage design to 2D and 3D animation. The B.S. degree is
designed to allow students the opportunity to explore the field of Digital Media under the guidance of
recognized working artists, designers, and educators using industry standard software to complete creative and
technically oriented assignments. It combines courses in the digital media with a balanced curriculum of studio
art, art history, and liberal arts. The degree is flexible and can be tailored to individual student interests.
Students can choose to enhance their studies with courses in Communication, Information Technology, and
professional internships.
Helpful Skills and Interests
Creative ability
Interest in and appreciation for art and design
Interest in computers
Skills You Will Develop
Hands-on training in a wide range of new
media using industry-standard software
Knowledge and skills in processes for creating
art and design with computers
Keener artistic ability and appreciation
An understanding of the new media’s heritage
in the traditional media
Career Opportunities
Entry-level Positions
Animation Assistant (2D and 3D, textures,
Corporate Designer
Corporate Multimedia Specialist
Digital Artist
Graphic Designer
Museum Exhibitions, Publications, and
Signage Designer
Photographer (news, corporate, sports)
Web Designer
Long Term Positions
3D Modeler
Animator (2D, 3D, Digital Effects)
Advertising Designer
Background Artist
Book Designer
Character Modeler or Animator
Computer Game Designer
Educational Media Designer
Interactive Media producer
Magazine Designer
Newspaper Designer
Packaging and Label Designer
Storyboard Artist
University or College Teacher
Complementary Minors
Business, Communication, Computer Science,
Information Technology, Studio Art,
are not required but are
encouraged in the junior or senior year.
International Study is strongly encouraged at our
branch campus in Florence, Italy and through
short-term programs in France, Spain, the U.K.,
and Japan.
Graduate School
A degree in digital media
provides an excellent foundation for graduate
studies, particularly, those that specialize in
interactive media design, animation and game
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Economics Xiaoli Wang, Ph.D., Department Chair
School of Management
William B. Lamb, Ph.D., Dean
Joanne H. Gavin, Ph.D., Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs
Jean Theobald, MPS, Director of Undergraduate Advising and Student Services
What is Economics? Economists study the underlying components of economic issues and problems
including inflation, recession, poverty and unemployment. This investigation promotes research and reasoning
based on economic theory and leads to alternative policy proposals that can ultimately shape society and
increase economic growth. The major in economics provides a thorough grounding in macro and
microeconomics theory and the application of this theory in various areas, such as monetary, fiscal, labor,
environmental, and international economics. This program prepares students for entry-level management
positions in industry and government, as well as for graduate study in economics and business. Marist offers a
Bachelor of Arts in Economics. A minor in Economics is also available.
Helpful Skills and Interests
An interest in economic problems
Ability to think quantitatively
Good reading comprehension
Skills You Will Develop
Economic insight into contemporary problems
Analytical skills
Logical methods of viewing problems
Problem solving skills
Career Opportunities
Entry-level Positions
Business Analyst
Claims Representative
Market Research Analyst
Population Studies Analyst
Securities/Portfolio Analyst
Urban Affairs positions
Long Term Positions
College/University Professor
Environmental Policy Analyst
Financial Analyst
Foreign Service Officer
Industrial Traffic Manager
International Policy Researcher Health
Policy Analyst
Peace Corps Volunteer
Complementary Minors
Accounting, Business, Communication,
Information Systems, Journalism,
Mathematics, Philosophy, Political Science, Public
Internships are not required to complete the
Economics major. However, they are advisable to
assist in career decision making and to acquire
workplace skills.
Graduate School Many economics majors
pursue advanced degrees in related areas such as
Business and Law. Public Administration is also a
popular choice. The Master’s degree is rapidly
becoming a requirement for positions in both
government and industry.
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Education (Childhood/Students with Disabilities, Grades 1-6)
Olga DeJesus-Diaz, Ed.D., Assistant Dean for Teacher Education
School of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Deborah Gatins, Ph.D., Dean
What is Education (Childhood/Students with Disabilities)? Education concerns itself
with the intellectual, social, cultural and psychological development of children and adults both in and out of
the classroom. It is the study of how people learn and develop knowledge and how teachers teach. Education
and its delivery to various and diverse populations have a substantial impact on the development of societies
and the success of individuals and groups. On the undergraduate level, Marist offers a dual certification
program in Childhood Education (1-6) and Students with Disabilities (1-6) combined with a major in
Psychology leading to the initial certificate. On the graduate level, the Education Department offers a Master
of Arts in Educational Psychology for NYS Professional Certification. Marist also offers a Five-Year Master
of Arts in Educational Psychology where students take graduate courses beginning in spring of their junior
year. Marist also offers elective Birth-Grade 2 (B-2) certification program for those registered in the
Childhood/Students with Disabilities program. This B-2 program requires the student to complete an
additional three courses.
Helpful Skills and Interests
Strong interest in children and learning
Patience, creativity, sense of humor
Good interpersonal skills
Organization and planning ability
Skills You Will Develop
Educational methods and psychological and
social foundations of learning
Classroom management skills
Planning for remote instruction
Knowledge of statistics and research
Subject area skills and knowledge
Differentiation of Instruction
Career Opportunities
Entry-level Positions
Classroom Teacher
Childhood Teacher (Elementary &
Special Ed)
Corporate Trainer
Editorial Assistant/Proofreader
Education Advocate
Literacy Worker
Peace Corps Volunteer
Resource Room
Learning Disabilities
Textbook Sales Representative
Long Term Positions
College/University Professor
Daycare Center Director
Department Chairperson
Education Agency Administrator
Educational Consultant
Educational Media Specialist
Guidance Counselor
Instructional Coach
Learning Disabilities Specialist
Learning Skills Center Director
School Administrator
School Psychologist
Special Education Director
Complementary Minors
There is little room for a minor. If interested, see
an advisor.
Internships A full semester of student
teaching is required during the final year of the
Graduate School To obtain professional
teacher certification, a related master’s degree
must be completed within a specified period of
time. Advanced degrees allow teachers to
specialize or move into administrative areas.
Popular choices are programs in educational
psychology, reading, speech pathology, OT/PT and
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
(Adolescence Education Content Area plus Students with Disabilities, Both Grades 7-12)
Olga DeJesus-Diaz, Ed.D., Assistant Dean for Teacher Education
School of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Deborah Gatins, Ph.D., Dean
What is Education (Adolescence Education)? Education concerns itself with the intellectual,
social, cultural, and psychological development of children and adults both in and out of the classroom. It is
the study of how people learn and develop knowledge and how teachers teach. Education and its delivery to
various and diverse populations have a substantial impact on the development of societies and the success of
individuals and groups. On the undergraduate level, Marist offers a Five-Year BA/BS and Master of Arts in
Teaching (MAT) Adolescence Education Certification Program in Biology, Chemistry, English, French,
Mathematics, Social Studies, and Spanish). This dual degree (BA/BS and Master of Arts in Teaching) program
leads to New York State dual certification in one of the seven content areas previously noted, and students
with disabilities (both grades 7-12).
Helpful Skills and Interests
Strong interest in young adults and learning
Patience, creativity, sense of humor
Good interpersonal skills
Organization and planning ability
Skills You Will Develop
Educational methods and psychological and
social foundations of learning
Classroom management skills
Planning for remote instruction
Knowledge of research methodologies and use
of data to make informed instructional decisions
Subject area skills and knowledge
Differentiation of Instruction
Career Opportunities
Entry-Level Positions
Classroom Teacher (MS/HS)
Special Education Teacher
Editorial Assistant/Proofreader
Corporate Trainer
Education Advocate
Literacy Worker
Peace Corps Volunteer
Educational material sales
Long Term Positions
College/University Professor
Daycare Center Director
Department Chairperson
Education Agency Administrator
Educational Consultant
Educational Media Specialist
Guidance Counselor
Instructional Coach
Learning Disabilities Specialist
Learning Skills Center Director
School Administrator
School Psychologist
Special Education Director
Complementary Minors
There is little room for a minor. If interested, see an
Internships A full semester of student teaching
is required during the final year of the program.
Graduate School This Five-Year Program
requirement is what makes the BA-BS/MAT dual
certification program functional and attractive. A
student may pursue another advanced degree to
specialize or move into administrative areas.
Popular choices are programs in reading, speech
pathology, OT/PT, school psychology and
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
English Joshua Kotzin, Ph.D., Department Chair
School of Liberal Arts
Martin Shaffer, Ph.D., Dean
What is English? The focus of English is language and storytelling: written, spoken and performed.
The study of English helps students to think critically, to write effectively, and to appreciate and analyze
literature. In workshops, students create, and revise works, with a focus on mastering styles and effectively
reaching their intended audience. In literature courses, students study how to critically evaluate the written
word in all genres. Throughout the major, students work to express their ideas and analysis with coherence
and precision. A major in English prepares students to work effectively in careers which value strong analysis,
clear communication, and creative approaches to problem solving. The Bachelor of Arts in English offers
three concentrations: Literature, Theatre, and Writing. Students may pursue studies in education that lead to a
certification in adolescent education. Minors in Creative Writing, Literature, Professional Writing and Theatre
are also available.
Beneficial Skills and Interests
An interest in literature, writing or theatre
An interest in storytelling, communication or the
An interest in analysis and creativity
Skills You Will Develop
Ability to read articulately and analytically
Ability to think critically and independently
Ability to write effectively for many purposes
Comprehensive command of grammar and
An understanding of a variety of literary and
performance texts
Career Opportunities
Advertising Assistant
Editorial Assistant
English Teacher
Freelance Writer
Library Assistant
Public Relations Assistant
Sales Representative
Social Media Assistant
Technical Writer
Theatre Practitioner
(In addition, entry-level positions in
business and industry that value critical
thinking, independence, organization and
communication skills.)
Long Term Positions
Bookstore Manager/Owner
College/University Professor
Government Positions
Grant Writer
Librarian/Media Specialist
Press Agent
Reading Specialist/Consultant
Script/Speech Writer
Television Writer
Theatrical Agent/Director
Complementary Minors
Communication, Education, History, Information
Technology/Systems, Journalism, Languages,
Paralegal, Political Science, Psychology.
Internships offering the opportunity to gain
practical experience are available and strongly
Graduate School Graduate study generally
enhances opportunities for advancement. Advanced
study options include the Master’s in Fine Arts for
writers and the Ph.D. for those interested in literary
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Environmental Science & Policy
Richard Feldman, Ph.D., Department Chair
School of Science
Alicia Slater, Ph.D., Dean
What is Environmental Science & Policy? 8
It examines features of the natural and built
environment using the natural and social sciences The current Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science
& Policy offers concentrations in science and policy. The new interdisciplinary Bachelor of Arts will draw
from the social sciences, natural sciences, and humanities. All of the majors use an interdisciplinary approach
to understand the complexity of environmental problems confronting the humanity and other species. They
emphasize field study. These majors prepare students for careers in field and lab studies with government
agencies, consulting firms, non-profit and advocacy organizations. Three different minors are also offered:
environmental science, environmental policy and environmental studies.
Helpful Skills and Interests
Concern for the environment
Science preparatory courses
Interest in understanding how ecosystems
Interest in working outdoors
Skills You Will Develop
Laboratory and field skills to measure
environmental features
Knowledge of public policy concerning
environmental issues
Written and verbal communication
Complexity of interactions in ecosystems and
with human influences
Career Opportunities
Entry-level Positions
Environmental Educator
Environmental Protection Advocate
Laboratory Assistant
Legislative Assistant
Park Ranger
Public Affairs Assistant
Environmental Science Teacher
Sampling Technician
Wildlife Biologist
Long Term Positions
Air and Radiation Expert
College/University Professor
Environmental Agency Administrator
Environmental Lawyer
Conservation Lawyer
Soil and Water Conservationist
Toxic Waste Manager
Wildlife Manager
Urban Planner
Water Resource Specialist
Complementary Minors
Biology, Business, Education, Foreign Language,
Journalism, Paralegal, Political Science, Public
Administration, Writing.
Internships A combination of research with a
faculty member &/or internships with agencies,
organizations or businesses is completed.
Graduate School Students pursue master’s
degrees in scientific research, natural resource
planning, environmental planning and policy.
Doctoral study may include scientific research,
natural resource management and law.
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Fashion Design & Merchandising
Jennifer L. Finn, Department Chair
School of Communication and the Arts
Jacqueline Reich, Ph.D., Dean
What is Fashion?
The fashion industry today is worldwide, vast and complex. It deals with the design,
production and distribution of apparel and accessories, as well as products for the home. It includes the
textiles and other materials used in making finished products. Marist offers a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Fashion
Design and a Bachelor of Science in Fashion Merchandising with a choice of concentrations in Business,
Product Development or Fashion Promotion. Minors include Merchandising or Product Development.
fashion program helps students develop the creative, technical and business skills that position them for
successful employment in this exciting field.
Helpful Skills and Interests
Ability to draw/design
Creativity and the ability to generate ideas.
Interest in design, merchandising or retail
Strong communication skills
Problem-solving skills
Analytical ability
Skills You Will Develop:
Extensive knowledge of the fashion industry
Skills in design and construction of garments
Skills in business management
Computer knowledge; research techniques
Career Opportunities
Entry-level Positions
Assistant Designer
Buyer Trainee
Product Development Assistant
Production Assistant
Sales Representative
Sample Coordinator
Showroom Salesperson
Store Management Trainee
Visual Trainee
Long Term Positions
Account Executive
Apparel Production Manager
Corporate Merchandise Manager
Fashion Coordinator
Fashion Illustrator
Head Designer
Materials Developer
Product Development Manager
Retail Department Manager
Sales Manager
Sourcing Manager
Store Manager
Technical Designer
Textile Designer
Trend Forecaster
Visual Merchandiser
Complementary Minors
Advertising, Art, Business, Communication,
Languages, Product Development, Public
Internships are strongly recommended to gain
practical experience.
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
French Shanaaz Mohammed, Ph.D., French Coordinator
School of Liberal Arts
Martin Shaffer, Ph.D., Dean
What is French? French is the second most widely spoken native language in the European Union and
the second world language taught in US schools. Studying French allows you to communicate successfully
with over 2 million French-speaking people at home as well as 8 million in Canada and over 11 million in the
Caribbean. Spoken in every continent and bearing the history of 300 years as the language of international
diplomacy, French is still the working language of many transnational and global institutions.
The French major in the department of Modern Languages and Cultures is practically minded. It focuses on
the development of oral and written fluency as well as the cultural literacy necessary to communicate
effectively and appropriately. We encourage students to experience the language and culture by taking a
community-based learning course, participating in an internship, or pursuing a study abroad program. Our
French major also pairs well with other majors and all minors. We work very closely with students to
customize their French language preparation for the future.
Skills You Will Develop
Proficiency in oral and written French
Better command of oral and written English
Intercultural proficiency
Critical Thinking/Analytic Skills
Career Opportunities
Business: Marketing specialist, media researcher, public relations manager, international business.
Education: Elementary or secondary education teacher, special ed teacher, ESL teacher, school administrator,
school counselor, university professor.
Fashion: Merchandiser, public relations, designer, creative director,
Human Services: Social worker, psychologist, physical therapy, medical professions, medical interpreter.
Media: Entertainment media producer, social media manager, journalism, sports commentator.
Government Work: Airport personnel, officer in the Department of State, Foreign Service, Naturalization
Services, U.S. embassies, consulates, and other diplomatic missions.
International Non-Governmental Organizations: International Olympic Committee, FIFA, FIA, Peace Corps,
Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, Doctors Without Borders, CARE, UNICEF.
Publishing: Editor, literary translator, technical writer, publisher representative.
Travel and Hospitality Industry: Hospitality specialist (managerial or other positions in hotels, restaurants,
entertainment venues), travel agent, tourist guide.
Complementary Minors Business, Communications, English, Fashion, Global Studies, History,
Journalism, Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Paralegal, Political Science, Psychology, Public Relations,
Sports Communication, and Women’s Studies, among others.
Internships Connect students to the vibrant French-speaking community in the lower New York area.
Students complete internships in business, education, and non-profit environments.
Study Abroad The department of Modern Languages and Cultures encourages students to pursue a study
abroad experience to improve their linguistic and intercultural proficiency. Short-term and semester long
programs are available to France, Quebec, and the French Caribbean.
Graduate School Trending graduate programs after a French major include: Creative Writing,
Economics, Education, Fashion, International Business, Law School, Human Rights, Global Studies. In
addition, students apply to internationally renowned scholarship programs like the Fulbright and the Gilman
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Games and Emerging Media
Karen Schrier, Ed.D., Director of Games and Emerging Media
School of Communications and the Arts- Jacqueline Reich, Ph.D., Dean
School of Computer Science and Mathematics- Carolyn Matheus, Ph.D., Interim Dean
What is Games and Emerging Media? Games are interactive, involve goals and rules, and are
an integral part of human culture. This major focuses on the design, development, writing, and culture of
games. This includes the technical aspects of game development, but also the artistic, humanistic, and social
aspects of gaming. In addition, we study and design emerging forms of media—from virtual reality to mobile
apps—as well as media that have yet to be imagined. The Bachelor of Science in Games and Emerging Media
has two concentration areas: (1) Technical Programming & Development and (2) Design, Writing, & Culture.
The technical concentration focuses on the programming and development of games and related software. The
design concentration focuses on game design, game art and animation, and user experience design, as well as
studying games from humanities and social science perspectives. Students spend their final year working in
teams to develop a portfolio of games and other media. Students also have the opportunity to join the Play
Innovation Lab and work on games, research, and other projects.
Helpful Skills and Interests
Interest in developing skills in design,
writing, speaking, production, and/or
Interest in games and media
Ability to think creatively
Skills You Will Develop
Skills in teamwork, interpersonal and
public communication, research, and
Skills in game and media production,
software development and programming,
animation, and game design
Knowledge of games, gaming industry,
game business, and game careers
Career Opportunities
Entry-level Positions
Jr./Assistant Game Designer
Jr./Assistant Game Programmer
Quality Assurance (QA) Tester
Game Analyst
Jr./Assistant Game Producer
Jr./Assistant Project Manager
Jr./Assistant Software Developer
Jr./Assistant User Experience
Jr./Assistant Interface Designer
Jr./Assistant Game Writer
Jr./Assistant Animator
Jr./Assistant Game Artist
Long Term Positions
Creative Director
Game Designer/Design Lead
Game Programmer
User Experience Designer
UI/UX Designer/Producer
Game Executive and
Game Writer/Editor
Game Research Analyst
Game/Media Director
Information Architect
Narrative Designer and Data Analyst
Interaction Designer
Game Journalist
Sound Engineer/Game Audio
Jobs of the Future!
Complementary Minors
Almost anything can complement this major.
Art, Business, Cinema Studies, Cognitive
Science, Computer Science, Creative Writing,
Digital Media, English, Digital Video,
History, Information Systems, Interactive
Media, Political Science, Psychology.
Internships Marist students who plan ahead
are encouraged to complete at least one
games-related internship at a local company,
in New York City, or beyond.
Graduate School M.A., MBA, M.S. and
M.F.A. are common degrees and qualify
graduates to advance into many managerial
and design positions. A Ph.D. or equivalent
terminal degree is necessary for college
teaching. However, we do not recommend
advanced studies until graduates gain
significant experience in the industry.
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Global Studies Michael O’Sullivan, Ph.D., Program Director
School of Liberal Arts
Martin Shaffer, Ph.D., Dean
What is Global Studies? Global Studies takes an interdisciplinary approach to the study of our
increasingly interdependent and multicultural world through the lenses of history, politics, economics,
languages, culture, religion and more. Global Studies majors take classes from various disciplines, gain in-
depth knowledge of either a region or a global issue, and typically spend at least one semester studying abroad.
This major equips them with the skills and conceptual frameworks necessary to successfully live, work and
make sense of the contemporary global society. It prepares the students for varied careers in the public and
private sectors. The Bachelor of Arts in Global Studies at Marist offers students the choice of one of four
concentrations: European Studies; Africana, Latin American, and Asian Studies; Political Economy and
Development; and Peace and Conflict Studies. The major is flexible and students can choose from a wide
variety of courses to shape their curriculum. It also complements several of our other majors and serves as a
strong second major. Global Studies works well with Business, History, Political Science, Communications,
Languages, Economics, and many more.
Beneficial Skills and Interests
Interest in world affairs
Ability to interpret different cultures
Reading, writing and research skills
Skills You Will Develop
An understanding of the growth and
development of the world
Academic frameworks for analyzing
Intercultural competence
Strong analytical and communication skills
Language acquisition
A thorough grounding in research techniques
and methods
Public presentation skills
Career Opportunities
Entry-level Positions
Editorial Assistant
Foreign Exchange Assistant
Peace Corps Volunteer
Research Assistant
Teaching Abroad
Content Creator
Non-Profit Assistant
Long Term Positions
International Business Careers
United Nations
US Department of State
Non-Profit Management
College Professor
Computer Analyst
Foreign News Correspondent
Foreign Service Officer
Public Administrator
Complementary Minors
Business, Communications, Journalism,
Languages, Latin American/Caribbean Studies,
Political Science, Philosophy, Africana Studies,
Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Study Abroad is required of all majors. There
are numerous long-term and attachment study
abroad opportunities available. Global Studies
major are good candidates for prestigious abroad
experiences, such as the Fulbright Scholarship.
Graduate School Advanced degrees in law,
business and public administration are common.
Students may also pursue an MA or Ph.D. to
deepen their mastery of specific eras and/or
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
History Kristin Bayer, Ph.D., Department Chair
School of Liberal Arts
Martin Shaffer, Ph.D., Dean
What is History? The purpose of studying history is to enable students to make sense of the world they
are inheriting. In order to do this, they must be grounded in their own historical experience, which should be
placed within an emerging international context. In addition, students should recognize the ongoing tensions
over the nature of identity: racial, ethnic, sexual, national, and global. History majors will be exposed to a
broad spectrum of geographical regions and time periods. The Bachelor of Arts in History at Marist also
offers a concentration in public history, a growing profession. This concentration introduces students to the
various applications of historical research and interpretation that happen outside the classroom. Museums,
libraries, archives, corporations, and cultural institutions employ public historians to manage resources.
Students interested in this concentration should contact Dr. Steven Garabedian. Many History Majors are
enrolled in the BA/MAT 5-year program. Successful completion of that program results in students being
eligible for teacher certification.
Beneficial Skills and Interests
Interest in the past events of the world
Ability to interpret data
Reading, writing and research skills
Skills You Will Develop
An understanding of the growth and
development of the world
Historical insight in specialized areas
Strong analytical and communication skills
A thorough grounding in research techniques
and methods
Public presentation skills
Career Opportunities
Entry-level Positions
Curator’s Assistant
Editorial Assistant
Foreign Exchange Assistant
Library Assistant
Museum Employee
Peace Corps Volunteer
Research Assistant
Social Studies Teacher
Technical Writer
Long Term Positions
Business Careers
College Professor
Computer Analyst
Foreign News Correspondent
Foreign Service Officer
High School or Middle School Teacher
Public Administrator
Complementary Minors
American Studies, Business, Communications,
Education, Journalism, Languages, Latin
American/Caribbean Studies, Global Studies,
Political Science, Philosophy, Africana Studies,
Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Internships are required in the Public History
concentration. All majors must take either or both
an internship and the FDR Library Research
Graduate School Advanced degrees in law,
education, business and public administration are
common. Students have also pursued the Ph.D. to
deepen their mastery of specific eras and/or
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Information Technology & Systems
Donald R. Schwartz, Ph.D., Department Chair
School of Computer Science and Mathematics
Carolyn Matheus, Ph.D., Interim Dean
What is Information Technology & Systems? Information Technology & Systems (ITS) is an exciting
major that combines the best of Information Systems and Information Technology. It is the application of computer
and communication science to the enhancement of performance in a wide range of human endeavors. This major
provides seamless integration of computer science and business basics with the latest developments in the
revolutionary field of information and technology. ITS leads to a career in solving problems by applying
information technology to meet needs in organizations such as government, education, business/industry,
technology, pharmaceuticals, aeronautics, health care, sports, human services and many more. In ITS you will
develop expertise in state-of-the-art information technology to empower others in e-Commerce, networking,
computer fundamentals, learning organizations, business intelligence, database and information management. You
will apply a systems approach in problem solving, engage in collaborative learning experiences and work in teams
on multiple projects. Salaries in this field are generally lucrative. The Bachelor of Science degree in Information
Technology & Systems provides two concentrations: the IT track focuses primarily on networking and web
technologies while the IS track focuses on the development of information systems for business use. The first four
semesters are identical with concentration specific courses taken during the last four semesters. The Master’s
Program in Information Systems and a five-year B.S. /M.S. program are also available.
Beneficial Skills and Interests
Interest in people and their jobs
Interest in computers and technology
Mathematical and analytical ability
Organization and concentration
Interest in exciting new developments
Ability to adapt in a changing field
Skills You Will Develop
Understanding of computers and their application
in organizational settings systems.
Systems experience
Problem solving and analysis
Planning, developing, and managing computer
Career Opportunities
Entry-level Positions
Computer Project Analyst
Database Analyst
Designer Engineer
DevOps Engineer
Digital Hardware Technician
Electronic Data Analyst
Junior IT Administrator
Junior System Engineer
Office Automation Operator
Records Management Analyst
Systems Analyst
Technical Support Specialist
Telecommunication Engineer
Network Systems Technologist
System Programmer/Designer
Technical Writer
Technical Support Specialist
Long Term Positions
Business Analyst
Cloud Infrastructure Engineer
College/University Professor
Computer Systems Manager
Database Administrator
Data Quality Manager
DevOps Manager
Information Technology Engineer
Information Scientist
Media Center Manager
Network Administrator
Operations Research Manager
Project Manager
Systems Administrator
Systems Consultant
Technical Support Administrator
Complementary Minors Business
Administration, Computer Science, Cybersecurity,
English, Mathematics, Philosophy.
Internships are an integral part of applying
theoretical knowledge to the practical world. On and
off campus internships are available.
Graduate Study Many students go on for a
Master’s degree in Information Systems, Information
Technology, Computer Science or the Advanced
Certificate in Business Analytics.
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Italian Patricia Ferrer-Medina, Ph.D., Department Chair
Maureen Melita, Ph.D., Coordinator of Italian
School of Liberal Arts
Martin Shaffer, Ph.D., Dean
What is Italian? Italian is the language of the so-called “cradle of Western Civilization”. It is also the
language of food, art, and fashion. Spoken by over 62 million people in the world as a native language and
many more as a second language, Italian remains an important language in the global market.
The Italian major in the department of Modern Languages and Cultures is practically minded. It focuses on
the development of oral and written fluency as well as the cultural literacy necessary to communicate
effectively and appropriately. We encourage students to experience the language and culture by taking a
community-based learning course, participating in an internship, or pursuing a study abroad program. Our
Italian major also pairs well with other majors and all minors. We work very closely with students to
customize their Italian language preparation for the future.
Skills You Will Develop
Proficiency in oral and written Italian
Better command of oral and written English
Intercultural proficiency
Critical Thinking/Analytic Skills
Career Opportunities
Art Galleries and Museums: Director, archivist, curator, education director, marketing director, conservators.
Business: Marketing specialist, media researcher, public relations manager, international business.
Education: Elementary or secondary education teacher, special ed teacher, ESL teacher, school administrator,
school counselor, university professor.
Fashion: Merchandiser, public relations, designer, creative director,
Hospitality Industry: Restaurant or hotel manager, guest relations specialist, concierge, hospitality specialist.
Media: Film historian or critic, media producer, social media manager, graphic designer, sports commentator.
Publishing: Editor, literary translator, technical writer, publisher representative.
Travel: Travel blogger, travel agent, tourist guide, travel photographer, travel writer.
Complementary Minors Art History, Business, Communications, English, Fashion, Film Studies,
Global Studies, History, Public Relations, Sports Communication, and Women’s Studies, among others.
Internships Connect students to the vibrant Italian-speaking community in the area. Students complete
internships in business, museum, galleries, the hospitality industry, and fashion.
Study Abroad The department of Modern Languages and Cultures encourages students to pursue a study
abroad experience to improve their linguistic and intercultural proficiency. Short-term, semester-long, and
year-long programs are available in our campus in Florence, as well as other destinations in Italy.
Graduate School Trending graduate programs after an Italian major include: Education, Fashion
Studies, Film Studies, Global Studies, International Business, Museum Studies. In addition, students apply to
internationally renowned scholarship programs like the Fulbright and the Gilman Scholarship.
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Management Studies B.S. For Adult Learners
Available Fully Online
School of Professional Programs
Kristine Cullen, M.A., Assistant Dean
What is a Management Studies Major? Many adult students find the organization-related skills
of a business undergraduate degree very appealing and directly connected to career advancement. To meet the
needs of adult learners interested in an undergraduate business degree, Marist offers the Management Studies
major. This compact yet comprehensive program includes key foundational topics such as economics and
statistical analysis. It also covers the key disciplines of management such as marketing, accounting, human
resource management, finance, and operations. The curriculum also includes a focus on leadership issues in
the global workplace. Most students who enroll in the Management Studies major bring a significant number
of transfer credits into this program and these can easily be applied towards the degree requirements. Each
degree plan will be finalized based on the student’s background and prior learning.
Helpful Skills and Interests
Status as an adult learner is required to pursue
this major. Students usually, though not always,
have previous work experience and are
encouraged to reflect on their experiences in
relation to new learning and their career goals
Skills You Will Develop
Students will develop a broad set of
organizational skills. This includes analytical
skills related to financial topics and business
decision modeling. This is complemented by a
focus on people-related skills such as leadership,
human resource management, strategy, and
Career Opportunities
Entry-level Positions
Entry positions that require a general
management appreciation of how organizations
work would value this educational experience.
This could come in various areas of managerial
activities such as marketing, operations, or
human resource management.
Long Term Positions
Combining previous experience and insights
with the skills that are included in this major
can allow students with established careers an
opportunity to distinguish themselves. Often,
success in receiving promotions depends on a
strong ability to integrate across disciplines and
manage the work of others, both areas
examined in the Management Studies program.
Complementary Minors
Management Studies students may be able to
declare selected minors. Please consult with an
Life Work Credit
With Life Work Credit, sometimes referred to as
Prior Learning Assessment, gives adult students an
additional opportunity to earn college credits
towards an undergraduate degree while utilizing
non-traditional learning through professional work
experience, community service, or professional
training programs.
Opportunities are available for working adults.
Work place learning may also be an option at your
current place of employment. Internship experience
helps build your professional portfolio.
Graduate School
Advanced degrees offer the advantage of
specialization, career advancement, and increased
salary levels. Management Studies students are
well-positioned to go on for an MBA, MPA, or
specialized professional master’s degree. Dual
Degree options are available with the Marist
Advanced Certificate in Business Analytics and the
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Mathematics James Helmreich, Ph.D., Department Chair
School of Computer Science and Mathematics
Carolyn Matheus, Ph.D., Interim Dean
What is Mathematics?
Mathematics is the study of quantitative relationships expressed in numbers and
symbols. It focuses on mathematical concepts and theories and involves their formulation, testing,
interpretation, and practical application. Mathematics is usually referred to as either pure (more theoretical
and abstract) or applied (more practical and visible problem solving). Major branches include algebra,
geometry, discrete mathematics, calculus, probability and statistics. More simply stated, mathematicians are
problem solvers and a degree in mathematics indicates an ability to tackle quantitative challenges. The
Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics at Marist offers a solid grounding in the ideas and techniques of mathematics.
The Mathematics major at Marist combines the traditional focus of liberal arts education with modern
technology to develop skills in quantitative reasoning and deductive thinking that can be applied in business,
industry, and science. Students interested in teaching mathematics can prepare for certification in secondary
education. The Mathematics Department also offers a Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics with an
additional focus on technology, methods, and topics in the areas of Chemistry, Biology, Computer Science or
Financial/Actuarial. A minor in Mathematics is also available.
Beneficial Skills and Interests
Interest in technology problem solving
High School algebra, geometry
and trigonometry
Ability to think critically
Skills You Will Develop
Strong mathematical foundation applicable to
many fields
The ability to think analytically and make
sound quantitative deductions
Ability to organize, analyze and interpret
numerical data
Career Opportunities
Entry-level Positions
Business Analyst
Computer Programmer
Data Analyst
Financial Analyst
Informatics Analyst
Mathematics Teacher
Operations Research Analyst
Software Developer
Systems Analyst
Long Term Positions
Actuarial Fellow
Applied Mathematician
College/University Professor
Database Manager
Data Scientist
Portfolio Analyst
Quality Control Engineer
Quantitative Analytics Professional
Research Mathematician
Senior Analyst
Complementary Minors
Economics, Computer Science, Data Science and
Analytics, Business, Biology, Chemistry,
Information Systems, Philosophy.
Internships Summer internships, where
students gain experience applying quantitative
skills to solve real-world problems, and summer
research opportunities, where students work on
mathematical research projects, are widely
available and highly encouraged.
Graduate School Choices for master’s and
doctoral degrees include statistics, biostatistics,
actuarial science, business analytics, mathematics
and applied mathematics and are required for some
long-term positions.
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Media Studies and Production
Jeff Bass, M.A., M.S., Chair of Media Arts
School of Communication and the Arts
Jacqueline Reich, Ph.D., Dean
What is Media Studies and Production? Media Studies and Production is an exciting major
offering a wide range of opportunities for those interested in careers in the large and diverse media industry.
Besides learning about the business and how to create content for media consumers, you will also learn the
history and theory behind the industry. This degree develops strong analytical and production skills required
by media production companies large and small.
Helpful Skills and Interests
Interest in developing skills in writing and
Interest in working for the media industry
Ability to create media content
Skills You Will Develop
Skills in writing for media, digital production,
and content development
Principles of Media aesthetics, media research
and theory
Persuasive skills for pitching ideas
Career Opportunities
Entry-level Positions
Assistant Camera Operator
Assistant Film/Video Editor
Assistant Producer
Assistant Video Game Producer / Designer
Audience Coordinator
Film, TV, or game critic
Jr. Designer / User Experience Designer
Jr. / Assistant Media Producer / Designer
Media Manager
Production Assistant
Program Researcher
Video Graphics Specialist
Web Designer
Long Term Positions
Director of Photography
Executive Producer
Independent Filmmaker
Media Producer/Sr. Media Producer
Programming Head
Sound Designer
Talent Agent
Video Game Designer
Complementary Minors
Advertising, Business, Computer Science, English,
Games and Emerging Media, Information Systems,
Information Technology, Global Studies,
Journalism, Political Science, Psychology, Public
Relations, and Sports Communications.
With careful planning, Marist
students can complete more than one communication
internship at local organizations or in New York
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Medical Technology/Medical Laboratory Sciences
Terrance Paskell, M.A., MLS (ASCP), Department Chair
School of Science
Alicia Slater, Ph.D., Dean
What is Medical Technology? Medical Technologists, or Medical Laboratory Scientists, play a vital
role in healthcare, performing laboratory testing on blood and body fluids that physicians use to detect,
diagnose, and treat diseases. Medical technologists identify infections by doing microbiology studies on
material collected from infected body sites (Clinical Microbiology). They detect blood dyscrasias, like
leukemia and anemia, through cell counting and microscopic analysis (Hematology). They perform the
immunology studies needed for blood transfusion (Clinical Immunohematology) and determine the
concentration of numerous blood analytes like glucose, cholesterol and calcium (Clinical Chemistry). The
Marist Medical Technology Program is accredited by the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory
Scientists and New York State licensure eligible. Students complete internships at local medical laboratories
which provide them with marketable skills directly upon graduation. There is currently a national shortage of
medical laboratory professionals and as a result there are many jobs with good salaries available. Graduates
find positions in hospitals, private medical laboratories and state health departments as well as in research,
technical service and marketing areas of medical products industries. Many continue their education in
graduate and professional schools. Medical Technology is an excellent major for those with a combined
interest in biology, medicine and laboratory science who want exciting employment opportunities as soon as
they graduate!
Helpful Skills and Interests
An interest in medicine
An interest in helping others
Success with high school science courses
Ability to concentrate and problem solve
Skills You Will Develop
Ability to perform laboratory tests
Proficiency in analyzing laboratory data
Ability to make critical decisions about
laboratory results
Career Opportunities
Entry-level Positions
Blood Bank Technologist
Chemistry Technologist
Hematology Technologist
Medical Technologist-General
Microbiology Technologist
Quality Control Technologist
Research Technologist
Long Term Positions
College/University Professor
Computer Information Systems Specialist
Consultation Services Technologist
Department Supervisor
Forensic Technologist
Laboratory Manager
Marketing Specialist
Research Director
Senior Research Technologist
Technical Service Representative
Complementary Minors
Students spend a minimum of 720 hours in an
affiliated medical laboratory studying diagnostic
testing with professional medical technologists
Graduate School
M.S. – Physician Assistant
M.S. – Pathologist’s Assistant
M.S. /Ph.D. or Professional School Degrees:
Graduate Programs in Science, Public Health,
Computer Science or Business,
Professional Schools (Medical/Osteopathic,
Dental, Veterinary, Optometry, Podiatry, Law,
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Philosophy Joseph Campisi, Ph.D., Department Chair
School of Liberal Arts
Martin Shaffer, Ph.D., Dean
What is Philosophy? Philosophy wants to know the answers to the deepest questions that we can ask.
What is reality? (Metaphysics) How do I get to know what it is like? (Theory of knowledge or Epistemology)
What should I do here? (Ethics) How should we human beings live together? (Political Philosophy) Why
would I feel empty without music or film or painting or some other form of art to enjoy? Why—wherever and
whenever my fellow human beings exist – do they always produce it? (Philosophy of Art or Aesthetics).
Within the Philosophy major, there is also an available concentration in Religious studies.
Helpful Skills and Interests
Interest in getting to the root of things
Interest in being logical, clear and coherent
Interest in “seeing the broad picture”
Skills and Knowledge You Will
Critical thinking
Thinking in terms of fundamentals and
Reading with penetration and greater
Writing coherently and persuasively
Communicating effectively
How philosophy developed over time
Appreciate the influence that great
philosophers have had on civilization
Ability “to see the broad picture”
Career Opportunities
Entry-level Positions
The Arts
Government Service
Health Professions
Public Relations
Teaching, Pre-College
Technical Writing
Long Term Positions
College or University Professor
College President
College Vice-President
Academic Dean
The Arts
Computer Science
Government Service
The Ministry
Social Work
Complementary Minors
History, English, Political Science, Business, Pre-
Law, Communications, Science, Art, Religious
Studies, Mathematics, Criminal Justice,
Psychology, Sociology and Social Work. Most
disciplines pair well with the Philosophy Major
Graduate School
An M.A. or a Ph.D. is necessary or desirable for
most of the long-term positions listed. The study
of Philosophy also provides a sturdy foundation for
advanced studies in law or divinity.
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Political Science Jessica Boscarino, Ph.D., Department Chair
School of Liberal Arts
Martin Shaffer, Ph.D., Dean
What is Political Science? Political Science, the critical study of politics and government, addresses
the question: “Who gets what, when and how?” The discipline’s key concept is “power”. Major sub-
branches include political theory, public policy and administration, American politics, comparative
government and international relations. Faculty combine theory and practice to provide students with a better
understanding of political parties, interest groups, campaigns, law, justice and international relationships.
Marist’s Bachelor of Arts in Political Science imparts the skills necessary to succeed in a wide variety of
exciting careers. A Minor in Political Science is also available. The Faculty invites you to consult the
Political Science Web Site at to learn about the accomplishments of
alumni and faculty. The department takes full advantage of the renowned Marist Institute for Public Opinion,
Pi Sigma Alpha, Marist Democrats, Marist Republicans, Marist Moderates Club, the FDR Presidential Library
and the Center for Civic Engagement and Leadership.
Beneficial Skills and Interests
Curiosity about local, state, national and
international issues
Concern for law, public policy and social
Aptitude for leadership
Skills You Will Develop
Research and investigation
Communication and persuasion
Interpersonal and administrative
Policy analysis and critical thinking
Cross-cultural understanding
Career Opportunities
Entry-level Positions
Campaign Assistant
Congressional Aide
Corporate Management Trainee
Government Agent
Human Rights Advocate
International Trade Specialist
Law Enforcement Officer
Legal Assistant
Military Officer Candidate
Peace Corps Volunteer
Public Opinion Researcher
Social Science Teacher
Long Term Positions
Congressional Aides
Media Producers
Non-profit Administrators
Press Secretaries
Political Analysts
Policy Analysts
Social Media Content Managers
Complementary Minors
Business Administration, Communications, Data
Science and Analytics, Environmental Studies,
English, Global Studies, Languages, History,
Paralegal, Philosophy, Public Administration,
Social Justice, Women’s Studies.
Internships The New York State Legislative
Internship, the Albany Internship and the
Washington Semester are three popular ways to
explore political science. We also offer internships
in NYC with WNBC and locally with government
agencies and non-profits. Overseas internships are
strongly recommended such as with the London
FIE Program.
Graduate School Master’s or Doctoral
studies in Government, Business, Law, and Public
Administration are necessary for advancement in
some areas.
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Professional Studies B.A. and B.S. For Adult Learners
Offered Fully-Online
School of Professional Programs
Kristine Cullen, M.A., Assistant Dean
What is a Professional Studies Major? Often, the curriculum and schedule of a major designed for
traditional college students does not meet the educational and logistics needs of working adults. To meet the needs
of adult learners, Marist offers a customizable degree program: the Professional Studies major. This program
provides the flexibility to tailor an education that meets personal and professional objectives. With professional
advisement, the student develops a degree plan by combining courses from multiple disciplines. Students can select
from a variety of areas of study including concentrations in Management Studies, Organizational Leadership,
Organizational Communication, IT Management, and Behavioral Studies. Most students who enroll in the
Professional Studies major bring a significant number of transfer credits into this program and these can easily be
applied towards the degree requirements. Each degree plan will be uniquely the student’s own, with the course
selections based on the individual’s previous experience and professional and personal goals. Marist offers a
Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science in the Professional Studies major, according to the number of liberal arts
credits a student completes.
Helpful Skills and Interests
Helpful skills and interests will largely depend
upon the sequence of courses selected. Status as
an adult learner is required to pursue this major.
Students usually, though not always, have
previous work experience and are encouraged to
reflect on their experiences in relation to new
learning and their career goals.
Skills You Will Develop
Skill development largely depends upon the
sequence of courses. Professional Studies majors
are in a unique position to acquire a set of skills
and knowledge that blend previous work
experience with future goals. Students also
experience an interdisciplinary approach to
Career Opportunities
Entry-level Positions
Entry positions are defined by the course
sequence and previous experience. For example,
a student combining Management Studies, IT
Management and Organizational
Communication might find work as a
Management Trainee, Help Desk Assistant,
Sales Representative for a technical firm, or
Public Relations Assistant.
Long Term Positions
Many students use the Professional Studies
major to advance in their current career field.
For example, a current Sales Assistant might
advance to Sales Representative; a Bookkeeper
might advance to a Budget Analyst. Long-term
positions depend upon the student’s sequence of
courses and past work experience.
Complementary Minors
Professional Studies students may be able to declare
selected minors. Please consult with an Advisor.
Credit for Prior Learning
The Life Work Credit, sometimes referred to as
Prior Learning Assessment, gives adult students an
additional opportunity to earn college credits
towards an undergraduate degree while utilizing
non-traditional learning through professional work
experience, community service, or professional
training programs.
Opportunities are available for working adults.
Work place learning may also be an option at your
current place of employment. Internship experience
helps build your professional portfolio.
Graduate School
Advanced degrees offer the advantage of
specialization, career advancement, and increased
salary levels. Professional Studies students have
completed graduate programs in business, health
care, social work, education, and found a variety of
careers. Students may be eligible for a dual degree
in MPA at Marist.
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Psychology Mary Stone, Ph.D., Department Chair
School of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Deborah Gatins, Ph.D., Dean
What is Psychology? Psychology is the scientific study of human behavior, thoughts, and emotions.
Psychologists may engage in research or practice skills in a variety of settings. The field of psychology is a
multifaceted discipline consisting of sub-fields such as clinical, cognitive, community, counseling,
developmental, forensic, educational, evolutionary, experimental, health, industrial/organizational, and social.
Marist College offers a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. Students interested in teaching at the elementary level
or in special education can receive a degree in Psychology and take the necessary coursework to pursue New
York State Initial Teaching Certification. Also, a tailored double major in Criminal Justice and Psychology is
available. On the graduate level at Marist, programs are offered in Clinical Mental Health Counseling,
Educational Psychology, and School Psychology.
Helpful Skills and Interests
Interest in human behavior
Good interpersonal skills
Interest in theory and research
Skills You Will Develop
Extensive knowledge of human behavior
Communication skills
Knowledge of statistics and research
Career Opportunities
Entry-level Positions
Paraprofessional in Mental Health Settings
Human Resources Representative
Intake Counselor
Personnel Interviewer
Research Assistant
Residence Manager
Long Term Positions
Alcohol/Substance Counselor
Child Development Specialist
Clinical Psychologist
College/University Professor
Counseling Psychologist
Family Therapist
Forensic Psychologist
Human Resources Manager
Industrial Psychologist
Occupational Therapist
School Psychologist
Complementary Minors
Biology, Business, Chemistry, Communication,
Criminal Justice, Public Administration, Pre-Law,
Social Work and Sociology.
Internship / Service Learning
Students have access to 90+ internship sites.
These include correctional facilities, county mental
health agencies, residential emergency shelters,
inpatient substance abuse programs, after school
programs, community health centers, and more.
Graduate School
Marist offers Master’s degrees in Mental Health
Counseling, Educational Psychology, and School
Psychology. Many students pursue master’s or
doctoral programs to specialize in areas such as
Clinical Psychology, Counseling Psychology,
Industrial/Organizational Psychology,
Experimental Psychology, or Developmental
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Social Work Daria V. Hanssen, Ph.D., LCSW, Department Chair
School of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Deborah Gatins, Ph.D., Dean
What is Social Work?
Social work is a challenging profession that makes a difference. Social work
has two primary purposes: 1) helping people of all ages be successful and 2) improving social conditions so
that everyone has the opportunity to be successful. Social workers care about people and their quality of life.
Social workers are found wherever social problems interfere with successful human functioning. They work
nationally and internationally to relieve suffering from natural disasters and the effects of war, as well as
assisting impoverished people, those with HIV/AIDS, victims of domestic violence, human trafficking, abuse
and neglect, and those who suffer from mental and physical disabilities. Marist College offers a Bachelor of
Science in Social Work accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of the Council on Social Work
Education. Minors are available in Social Work and Sociology. Also, a tailored double major in Criminal
Justice and Social Work is available.
Helpful Skills and Interests
Good interpersonal skills
Interest in human behavior
Interest in social justice
Interest in diversity
Skills You Will Develop
Understanding of human behavior and the
social environment
Communication and interviewing skills
Application of research to practice
Assessment skills
Intervention strategies
Policy analysis and development
Global Awareness
Understanding Diversity and Oppression
Career Opportunities
Entry-level Positions
Case Manager
Child Welfare Worker
Employee Assistance Counselor
Family Educator
Family Services Assistant
Intake Counselor
Mental Health Worker
Patient Advocate
Probation Officer
Research Assistant
Residence Manager
Long Term Positions
Addictions Counselor
Agency Executive
Community Organizer
Child and Adolescent Treatment Specialist
College/University Professor
Family Therapist
Marriage Counselor
Medical Social Worker
Policy Analyst
Program Director
Psychiatric Social Worker
Social Services Director
School Social Worker
United Nations Representative
Veterans Specialist
Complementary Minors
Communication, Criminal Justice, Languages,
Political Science, Psychology, Sociology,
Women’s Studies
Internships Students are enrolled in a required
10 credits of senior practicums to allow the student
to apply Social Work knowledge, values and skills
in an agency setting.
Graduate School Advancement in the field
is very dependent upon the completion of the
Master’s in Social Work. Graduates of C.S.W.E.
accredited B.S.W. programs may be eligible to
waive one year of the two-year M.S.W. degree
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Spanish Patricia Ferrer-Medina, Ph.D., Department Chair
School of Liberal Arts
Martin Shaffer, Ph.D., Dean
What is Spanish? With over 40 million people in the US and over half a billion in the world, Spanish is
the second language spoken in the US and the third language spoken in the world. Over 62 million people in
the US alone culturally identify as Hispanic or Latinx. To study Spanish means to learn how to engage in the
language and culture of all those people. Spanish majors are better prepared to face 21st century challenges by
better understanding the multiple cultural contexts in the US.
The Spanish major in the department of Modern Languages and Cultures is practically minded. It focuses on
the development of oral and written fluency as well as the cultural literacy necessary to communicate
effectively and appropriately. We encourage students to experience the language and culture by taking a
community-based learning course, participating in an internship, or pursuing a study abroad program. Our
Spanish major also pairs well with other majors and all minors. We work very closely with students to
customize their Spanish language preparation for the future.
Skills You Will Develop
Proficiency in oral and written Spanish
Knowledge of technical Spanish for business, legal professions, and human/medical services
Better command of oral and written English
Intercultural proficiency
Critical Thinking/Analytic Skills
Career Opportunities
Proficiency in Spanish enhances most career choices, especially the following.
Business: Marketing specialist, media researcher, public relations manager, human resources manager or
recruiter, hotel manager, guest relations manager.
Education: Elementary or secondary education teacher, special ed teacher, ESL teacher, school administrator,
school counselor, university professor.
Human Services: Social worker, psychologist, physical therapy, medical professions such as physician
assistant, medicine, nursing, medical interpreter.
Legal Services: law enforcement, attorney at law, paralegal, legal secretary, court translator/interpreter.
Media: Entertainment media producer, social media manager, journalism, sports commentator.
Complementary Minors Biomedical Sciences, Business, Communications, Criminal Justice, English,
Fashion, Global Studies, History, Journalism, Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Paralegal, Political
Science, Psychology, Public Relations, Social Work, and Women’s Studies, among others.
Internships Connect students to the vibrant Spanish-speaking community in the area. Students complete
internships in legal, medical, business, and non-profit environments. Students also have the opportunity to
pursue an internship abroad in Madrid.
Study Abroad The department of Modern Languages and Cultures encourages students to pursue a study
abroad experience to improve their linguistic and intercultural proficiency. Our program in the Universidad
Carlos III in Madrid is especially popular.
Graduate School Trending graduate programs after an Italian major include: Education, Fashion
Studies, Film Studies, Global Studies, International Business, Museum Studies. In addition, students apply to
internationally renowned scholarship programs like the Fulbright and the Gilman Scholarship.
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Minors and Certificate Programs
Your major field of study can be enhanced by the addition of a minor, concentration or certificate.
Completing a minor can enable you to explore a second area of interest, pursue related studies, and
expand your career potential.
Accounting Minor Xiaoli Wang, Ph.D., Department Chair
Joanne H. Gavin, Ph.D., Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs
Jean Theobald, MPS, Director of Undergraduate Advising and Student Services
What is Accounting? Accounting is the process of identifying, measuring, and communicating
economic information to permit informed judgments and decisions by the users of the information. Accounting
is called the language of business, but it also provides financial information about not-for-profit organizations.
While the curriculum is primarily designed to prepare public accountants, it also serves those who wish to
enter management or internal accounting. The overall knowledge of business operations and the analytical
procedures that the student acquires makes the degree attractive to a variety of prospective employers. Marist
offers a Bachelor of Science in Accounting, a minor in Accounting.
Requirements for a Minor in Accounting
Required Introductory-Level Courses
ACCT 203 Financial Accounting 3 cr
ACCT 204 Managerial Accounting 3 cr
BUS 100 Introduction to Business and Management 3 cr
ECON 150 Economics of Social Issues OR
ECON 103 Principles of Microeconomics 3 cr
Elective Upper-Level Courses (9 credits)
Select three Accounting courses from the following
(Subject to prerequisite requirements): 9 cr
ACCT 301 Intermediate Accounting I
ACCT 302 Intermediate Accounting II
ACCT 310 Cost Accounting
ACCT 311 Information for Decision Making and Control
ACCT 315 Fraud Examination
ACCT 330 Financial Statement Analysis
ACCT 350 Accounting Systems
ACCT 401 Advanced Accounting
ACCT 402 Auditing
ACCT 403 Tax I
ACCT 404 Tax II
ACCT 405 Advanced Auditing
ACCT 451 Government and Not-For-Profit Accounting
Total Credit Requirement for a Minor in Accounting 21 cr
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Africana Studies Minor
Fungisai Musoni, Ph.D., Program Director
What are African Diaspora Studies? The Minor in African Diaspora Studies explores the
histories, cultures, and politics of Africa and people of African descent in the Caribbean, Latin America, the
United States, and elsewhere. It prepares students to live and work in, and make sense of, an increasingly
interdependent and multicultural world. As the world becomes increasingly interactive, the acquisition of new
skills, knowledge, and cultural sensitivity will be critical for interacting with people of African descent as
professional colleagues and neighbors working and living together. Students are encouraged to spend a
semester abroad in Africa or an African-descended community in the Caribbean, Latin America, or Europe.
Requirements for a Minor in African Diaspora Studies
Course Requirements:
HIST 242 Introduction to African Diaspora Studies 3 cr
Five African Diaspora Electives: 15 cr
Chosen from at least three different disciplines (e.g., Communications,
English, History, Political Science). Six credits must be completed in
Foreign Languages and Culture. Foreign Language and Culture courses
must be chosen from the list of designated courses below.*
*Designated Courses for the African Diaspora Studies Minor
COM 325 Intercultural Communication
ENG 353 Ethnic American Literature
Foreign Languages and Culture
CSSP 153 The Civilization of Puerto
FREN 101 Elementary French I
FREN 102 Elementary French II
FREN 105 Intermediate French I
FREN 106 Intermediate French II
FREN 315 French Literature of Africa
and the Caribbean
SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I
SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II
SPAN 105 Intermediate Spanish I
SPAN 106 Intermediate Spanish II
SPAN 201 Advanced Spanish I
SPAN 202 Advanced Spanish II
SPAN 281 Spanish Conversation and
Culture I
SPAN 282 Spanish Conversation and Culture II
SPAN 305 Advanced Intensive Spanish I
SPAN 306 Advanced Intensive Spanish II
SPAN 433 Literature of the Hispanic Caribbean
HIST 273 Colonial Latin America
HIST 274 Modern Latin America
HIST 375 History of Race in Latin America
HIST 234 African American History
HIST 280 Africa Since 1800
Political Science
POSC/ HIST 216 Black Political and Social
POSC 255 Comparative Politics of Africa
Philosophy and Religious Studies
REST 209 World Religions
Courses Developed for the Program
HIST 294 Introduction to African Diaspora Studies
COM 4XX Race and Ethnicity in Film
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
American Studies Minor
Sally Dwyer-McNulty, Ph.D., Program Director
What is American Studies? American Studies is an interdisciplinary program involving history,
politics, law, literature, philosophy, religion, art and music. American Studies allows students to transcend
narrow, disciplinary boundaries in exploring the broad interplay of ideas and events which have shaped
American culture.
Requirements for a Minor in American Studies
Introductory course:
AMST/HIST 110 Intro to American Studies (offered spring 2023) 3 cr
Two courses in Expression: 6 cr
ART 280 American Art
ENG 210 American Literature I
ENG 211 American Literature II
ENG 240 American Short Fiction
MUSC 242 Popular Music in America
MUS 343 Music in America
Two courses in Society: 6 cr
HIST 226 America I
HIST 227 America 2
PHIL 240 Pragmatism
PHIL 213 Foundations of American Social Thought
POSC 110 American National Government
REST 201 Religion in America
REST 230 Religion and Politics
One course in Critical Perspectives on Race: 3 cr
HIST 234 African American History
HIST 273 Colonial Latin America
HIST 274 Modern Latin America
POSC 310/HIST 216 Race and Political Thought
POSC 350 Latin American Politics
SPAN 270 Cultures of Hispanics in the US (Taught in Spanish)
One Elective course from any Focus Area in the Major (Law & Power, Identity & Power, or Culture &
explores institutional power, primarily the law, operating and intersecting in American
Students will have the opportunity to examine American institutions and ideologies
*Classes cannot double dip
COM 300 Mass Communication Law
COM 323 Public Affair
s Reporting
COM 341 Press in America
CRJU 230 Policing in America
CRJU 314 Race and Crime
CRJU 350 Organized Crime
CRJU 302 Criminal Courts
CRJU 306 Criminal Law
ECON 200 Economics of Gender
ECON 150 Economics of Social Issues
Environmental Politics & Policy
HIST 232 US Women’s History
HIST 223 American Military History
HIST 320 American Diplomatic History
POSC 218 American Political Thought
POSC 360 Congress Today
POSC 312/HIST 312 History of the American
POSC 212 Citizens and Political Organizations
POSC 214 Gender and the Law
POSC 218 American Political Thought
POSC/HIST 210/PRLG 206 Constitutional Law
POSC 300/
PRLG 201 Constitutional Law: Civil
Rights and Liberties
POSC 303 Politics of Prejudice
REST 333 Religion & the Constitution
SOC 336 Social Inequality
PRLG/POSC 105 Origins of American Legal System
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
HIST 364 Civil War and Reconstruction
HIST 325 History of Feminism
POSC 110 American Nat’l Gov’t
PRLG 206 Issues in American Constitutional Law
PRLG 105 Ori
gins of American Legal System
Identity & Power
This focus area explores how regionalism, ethnicity, race, citizenship status, ability, and class shape
American identity and access to power. Not limited to the geographic boundaries of the United States, this
focus area explores how global relations, the movement of humans, and transnational connections continue
to influence identity and intersect with other social categorizations such as race, gender, and class. *Classes
cannot double dip in with American Studies Foundation Courses.
ANTH 233 Native Indians
ANTH 230 American Culture I
ANTH 231 American Culture 2
ECON 210 Innovation in the Hudson Valley
ENSC 315 Natural History of the Hudson Valley
ENG 223 American Ethnic Literature
ENG 231 Literature of the Hudson Valley
ENG 236 New York Literature
ENG 353 Ethnic American Literature (take if you
are dual English Literature/Amer Studies major)
HIST 211 History of American Manhood
HIST 234 African American History
HIST 218 History and Culture of the Hudson Valley
HIST 242 Introduction to African Diaspora Studies
HIST 273 Colonial Latin America
HIST 274 Modern Latin America
HIST 309 Colonial American Experience
HIST 217 Catholics in the US
HIST 220 New York: Empire State
HIST 286 Irish American Experience
HIST 308 Rock ‘n’ Roll as U.S. History
POSC 310 Race & Political Thought
REST 201 Religion in America
SPAN 370 Latin American Women Writers
HONR 300-2 Honors Seminar in the Hudson River
This focus area explores the means and the methods by which Americans communicate, commemorate, and
express their culture and values. Students can expect to study the variety of theories that inform American
Studies and specific groups of Americans and regions in the contexts of their cultural expression. Attention
will be given to mediums of expression such as such as television, the press, theatre, literature, and the arts.
*Classes cannot double dip in with American Studies Foundation Courses.
ART 280 American Art
ART 290 Museum Studies
COM 260 Sport, Culture, and Communication
COM 342 Readings in Journalism
COM 400 Gender, Culture, and Communication
ENG 240 American Short Fiction
ENG 367 US Drama
ENG 346 American Renaissance
ENG 223 American Ethnic Literature
ENG 353 Ethnic American Literature (take if you
are dual English Literature/American Studies major)
FREN 305 Studies in French Film and Literature
FREN 322 Seminar in Francophone Studies (in
HIST 205 Introduction to Public History
HIST 308 Rock ‘n’ Roll as U.S. History
HIST 313 The Vietnam War
HIST 332 Women and Religion in the United States
HIST 345 Sex, Disease, and Death in America
MDIA 331 Current Issues in Television
MDIA 326 Race and Ethnicity in Film
MDIA 421 Topics in Television
MUS 243 Popular Music in America
MUS 226 Musical Cultures of the World
POSC 310 Race and Political Thought
POSC 303 Politics of Prejudice
POSC 339 Public Opinion and Politics
SPAN 260 Cultures of Latin America (in Spanish)
SPAN 270 Cultures of Hispanics in the US (in
SPAN 433 Literature of the Hispanic Caribbean (in
CSSP/SPAN 335 Themes in Latin American Film
SPAN 315 Experiences in Hispanic Literature (in
SPAN 370 Latin American Women Writers
Total Credit Requirement for a Minor in American Studies 21 cr
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Art History Minor Matt Frieburghaus, M.F.A., Department Chair
What is Art History? While always debated, art can be defined as the conscious use of skill and
creative imagination in the production of aesthetic objects. Drawing, painting, sculpture, photography, graphic
design, printmaking and digital art are among the media that comprise the visual arts. The study of art and
artists of different time periods and geographic areas comprises art history.
Requirements for a Minor in Art History
Introductory courses: 6 cr
ART 160 History of Western Art I
ART 180 History of Western Art II
Four additional Art History courses at the 200 level or above 12 cr
Total Credit Requirement for a Minor in Art History 18 cr
Biology Minor Raymond Kepner, Ph.D., Department Chair
What is Biology? Biology is the study of life extending from microorganisms to plants, to humans and
other animals, and all of the world’s ecosystems. Biologists study organism structure and function and how
different species are related to, and interact with, each other. Biology is a vast field that includes evolution,
molecular biology, genetics, human anatomy and physiology, botany (the study of plants), microbiology (the
study of microorganisms), zoology (the study of animals), and ecology (the study of relationships between
organisms and their environments).
Requirements for a Minor in Biology
Required Courses: 16 cr
BIOL 130 General Biology I 4 cr
BIOL 131 General Biology II 4 cr
CHEM 111 / CHEM 115 General Chemistry I / Lab 4 cr
CHEM 112 / CHEM 116 General Chemistry II / Lab 4 cr
Elective Biology Courses:
Three courses selected from the following with at least one 300-400 level course that must have a lab:
BIOL 201 Human Anatomy & Physiology I 4 cr
BIOL 202 Human Anatomy & Physiology II 4 cr
BIOL 203 Human Nutrition 3 cr
BIOL 211 Plant Biology 4 cr
BIOL 305 Animal Behavior 3 cr
BIOL 312 Microbiology 4 cr
BIOL 315 Immunology 3 cr
BIOL 320 Genetics 4 cr
BIOL 321 Evolution 3 cr
BIOL 325 Histology 4 cr
BIOL 328 Cell Biology 4 cr
BIOL 340 Comparative Anatomy 4 cr
BIOL 360 Ecology: Principles & Practices 3 cr
BIOL 390 Special Topics in Biology I 1 cr
BIOL 391 Special Topics in Biology II 2 cr
BIOL 392 Special Topics in Biology III 3 cr
BIOL 420 Invertebrate Zoology 4 cr
BIOL 421 Parasitology 4 cr
BIOL 430 Developmental Biology 4 cr
BIOL 435 Plant Physiology 4 cr
BIOL 440 Vertebrate Physiology 4 cr
BIOL 450 Biotechnology 4 cr
BIOL 490 ST: Microbial Ecology 4 cr
BIOL 493 Molecular Biology 4 cr
Total Credit Requirement for a Minor in Biology 26 cr
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Business Administration Minor
Ken Sloan, Ed.D., Department Chair
Xiaoli Wang, Ph.D., Department Chair
William B. Lamb, Ph.D., Dean
James D. Phillips, J.D., Ph.D., Senior Associate Dean
Joanne H. Gavin, Ph.D., Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs
Jean Theobald, MPS, Director of Undergraduate Advising and Student Services
What is Business Administration? Successful enterprises are run by skilled managers who serve
as the guiding force within business, government, or non-profit organizations. To manage effectively,
business professionals must have the knowledge and skills needed to plan, organize, direct, and control an
organization to the achievement of their goals. They must understand how people behave in organizations
and, at the same time, be mindful of the complexities of the global, legal, social, economic, and cultural
environment in which they operate.
Requirements for a Minor in Business
Required Courses: 15 cr
ACCT 203 Financial Accounting
ACCT 204 Managerial Accounting
ECON 103 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 104 Principles of Macroeconomics
BUS 320 Financial Management
Select one of the following: 3 cr
BUS 301 Human Resource Management
BUS 340 Marketing Principles
Electives: 6 cr
Select two 300/400 level from Business, Accounting**, Economics*** or
FASH 365 or FASH 455.
Total Credit Requirement for a Minor in Business 24 cr
* Subject to prerequisite requirements. Internship credits excluded.
** Accounting majors are required to take BUS 388 Operations Management and one additional 300-400 level
course in Accounting or Economics.
*** Economics majors are required to take two 300/400 level BUS or
ACCT course
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Catholic Studies Minor John Knight, Ph.D., Coordinator
Janet Stivers, Ph.D.
What is Catholic Studies? Catholic Studies is a multi-disciplinary program which offers students an
opportunity to study how the tradition of Catholic Christianity has shaped the world we know today, to
examine their beliefs and values in a mature and critical way, and to further integrate their Core/Liberal
Studies program. The three required courses for the Minor are designed to provide students with a historical
and theological foundation in the traditions of Catholic Christianity. The elective courses in the several
groupings identified below encourage students to explore the implications of Catholic thought, imagination,
spirituality, and social/political vision within the many other disciplines they are studying. All the required or
elective courses for the Minor can also satisfy one or another Core/LS area requirements.
Requirements for a Minor in Catholic Studies
Required Courses 9 cr
HIST 248 Medieval Europe 3 cr
HIST 255 The Catholic Church in Modern Times 3 cr
REST 243 Catholic Thought and Spirituality 3 cr
Elective Courses 9 cr
Students must elect at least one course from each of the first
two groupings, and a third from any of the three groupings:
Group One (Art, Music, Literature)
ART 380 Renaissance Art
ENG 214 Religion in Film and Literature
ENG 266 The Italian-American Experience
ENG 330 Medieval Literature
ENG 324 Chaucer
Appropriate Special-Topics and regular courses in Art, Literature or Music
Group Two (Philosophy and Religious Studies)
PHIL 321 Medieval Philosophy
PHIL 331 Philosophy of Religion
REST 208 Judeo-Christian Scriptures
REST 203 Christianity
REST 204 Judaism
REST 431 Spirituality and Human Development
Appropriate Special-Topics and regular courses in Philosophy or Religious Studies
Group Three (Historical and Cultural Studies)
HIST/POSC 217 Catholics in the United States
HIST/POSC 266 The Italian-American Experience
HIST 286 The Irish Experience in America
Appropriate Special-Topics courses in History or Cultural Studies
Total Credit Requirement for a Minor in Catholic Studies 18 cr
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Chemistry Minor John Galbraith, Ph.D., Department Chair
What is Chemistry? Chemistry, a major branch of the physical sciences, is the study of materials and
the changes they undergo, and includes an examination of composition, properties, reactions, and applications.
The major branches of chemistry are inorganic, organic, analytical, physical, biochemistry, and
materials science. Applications of chemistry include the production of fabrics, plastics and glass, paper,
semiconductors, pharmaceuticals and exotic materials like superconductors, improvements in food production,
metallurgy, the development of fuels and lubricants, environmental monitoring and protection, and the general
area of health, medicine, and safety. Chemical research touches every facet of modern life, including the
chemical basis of life.
Requirements for a Minor in Chemistry
CHEM 111 / CHEM 115 General Chemistry I / Lab 4 cr
CHEM 112 / CHEM 116 General Chemistry II / Lab 4 cr
CHEM 211 Organic Chemistry I 3 cr
CHEM 212 Organic Chemistry II 3 cr
CHEM 215 Organic Chemistry I Lab 1 cr
CHEM 216 Organic Chemistry II Lab 1 cr
Two courses chosen from two different groups. One of these courses
must be 4 cr or accompanied by its corresponding lab course. 7-9 cr
Group 1: CHEM 355 Analytical Chem* OR CHEM 376 Res Methods in Chem I*
OR CHEM 310 Env Chem
Group 2: CHEM 361 Thermodynamics & Kinetics** OR CHEM 362 Quantum and
Statistical Mechanics**
Group 3: CHEM 430 Adv. Inorg Chem, OR CHEM 440 Adv. Org Chem, OR other
advanced special topics courses as offered
Group 4: CHEM 301 Principles of Biochemistry OR CHEM 420 Biochemistry I
Group 5: CHEM 203 Computational Chemistry
* Both have lab courses built in, no further lab would be required.
**Chem 361-362-363 require Phys 211-212 and MATH 210
Total Credit Requirement for a Minor in Chemistry 23-25 cr
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Cinema Studies Minor Jeff Bass, M.A., M.S., Department Chair
What is Cinema Studies? The Cinema Studies Minor emphasizes the critical study of cinema as an art
form, a business, a technology, a form of entertainment, and a cultural product that both reflects and shapes
culture. It brings knowledge and concerns from various disciplines--such as history, literature, and philosophy-
-to bear on the critical study of domestic and international cinemas. This minor complements majors in fields
such as communication, theater, art, digital media, literature, history, or psychology, and deepens students'
critical thinking and analytical skills. The minor advances the Marist tradition of enhancing students'
appreciation and respect for ideological, cultural, and artistic diversity.
Requirements for a Minor in Cinema Studies
Two required courses:
MDIA 120 Art of Film 3 cr
MDIA 322 Film Theory and Criticism 3 cr
Select three: 9 cr
MDIA 323 Film and History
MDIA 324 Experimental Film and Video
MDIA 325 Documentary
MDIA 326 Race and Ethnicity in Film
MDIA 332 Current Issues in Film (can be taken up to three times under different topics)
MDIA 335 Gender and Media
MDIA 339 Film and Literature
MDIA 422 Topics in Global Cinema (can be taken up to three times with new topics)
FREN 305 Studies in French Film and Literature
SPAN 330 Themes in Spanish Cinema
SPAN 335 Themes in Latin American Cinema
PHIL 333 Philosophy and Film
Total Credit Requirement for a Minor in Cinema Studies 18 cr
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Cognitive Science Minor Andrei A. Buckareff, Ph.D., Co-Director
Kimery Levering, Ph.D., Co-Director
What is Cognitive Science? Cognitive science is a interdisciplinary field of research about the nature
of cognition (thinking). Cognitive science involves many levels of examination, from basic neuroscience, to
measures of behavior from which we infer cognitive structures and processes, to computer modeling of these
processes. Unifying the field is the importance of abstract thinking (as mental processes are unobservable) and
an understanding of philosophical issues related to the study of mental processes, action, and perceptual
experience. This minor would be of interest to anyone curious about the mind, the nature of the human
experience of reality, the roles of language, emotion, biology, and social context in this experience, our
understanding of cognition in other organisms, and artificial intelligence. In particular, the minor
complements its constituent disciplines (psychology, philosophy, computer science, linguistics, biology, etc.)
by offering a flexible, integrative, and interdisciplinary context of study.
Requirements for a Minor in Cognitive Science
Four required courses:
PHIL 101 Philosophical Perspectives 3 cr
PSYC 101 Introduction to Psychology 3 cr
PHIL 205 / PSYC 205 Foundations of Cognitive Science s 3 cr
PHIL 302 Moral Cognition 3 cr
Four additional courses with the following constraints: 12 cr
- Courses must be from at least 3 different disciplines
- No more than 1 course at 100-level
- No more than 2 courses (which must be 300-level or above) from student’s major discipline
- At least 2 courses must be 300-level or above
ANTH 101 Introduction to Physical Anthropology
BIOL 232 Sex, Evolution, and Behavior
BIOL 305 Animal Behavior
CMPT 120 Introduction to Programming
CMPT 404 Artificial Intelligence
CMPT 412 Robotics
CMPT 440 Formal Languages and Computability
ENG 201 Introduction to Linguistics
ENG 293 Theory of Mind: Cognitive Approaches to
American Literature
ENG 301 History of the English Language
ENG 302 World Englishes
MATH 130 Introductory Statistics I
MATH 131 Introductory Statistics II
MATH 310 Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning
MATH 412 Computational Linear Algebra
PHIL 203 Introduction to Logic
PHIL 310 Symbolic Logic
PHIL 324 Contemporary Analytic Philosophy
PHIL 325 Contemporary Continental Philosophy
PHIL 335 Metaphysics
PHIL 336 Epistemology
PHIL 345 Philosophy of Mind
PHIL 338 Philosophy of Science
PHIL 339 Philosophy of Language
PHIL 334 Free Will
PSYC 206 Psycho-Biological Sex Differences
PSYC 220 Social Psychology
PSYC 301 Psychobiology and Lab
PSYC 302 Neurobiology of Learning and Memory
and Lab
PSYC 303 Developmental Neuropsychology and
PSYC 305 Neurobiology and Neuropsychology of
Learning Disabilities and Lab
PSYC 306 Cognitive Neuroscience and
Neuropsychology and Lab
PSYC 307 Social Psychology of Modern Living and
PSYC 308 Human Memory & Lab
PSYC 342 Cognitive Psychology
PSYC 343 Sensation and Perception
Total Credit Requirement for a Minor in Cognitive Science 24 cr
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Coaching License (NYS)
Timothy Murray, M.A., Director of Physical Education
What is the NYS Coaching License? A ruling by the New York State Board of Regents requires
that all public-school coaches must be licensed by an approved program of licensing or be a certified teacher
of Physical Education. Marist has been approved as a certifying institution and is providing the courses leading
to an initial temporary coaching license in New York State.
The course areas offered are mandated by the state and fall into three basic areas:
1. Philosophy, principles, and organizations; students must take PHED 410, Principles/Problems of Coaching.
2. Health Sciences applied to coaching: students must take either PHED 401 (Movement in Sports) or HLTH
300 (Kinesiology); students must take HLTH 202 (First Aid/CPR)
3. Theory and techniques courses in coaching: students must take one two-credit course chosen from the
following, not all of which are offered every year:
PHED 310 Soccer Coaching
PHED 311 Basketball Coaching
PHED 313 Baseball Coaching
PHED 314 Football Coaching
PHED 391 Track Coaching
4. Child Abuse and Violence Abuse Workshops: in accordance with Section 801.4 completion of a study in
child abuse identification and reporting, and school violence prevention and intervention. All candidates
licenses shall have completed at least two clock hours of coursework or training regarding the identification
and reporting of suspected child abuse or maltreatment in accordance with the requirements of sections
3003(4) and 3004 of the Education Law and completed at least two clock hours of coursework or training in
school violence prevention and intervention, as required by section 3004 of the Education Law. Additional
workshops include: Training in Harassment, Bullying, Cyber bullying, and Discrimination in Schools:
Prevention and Intervention (DASA Training)
Check with the local BOCES for course offerings or go to the following links to find an online class: (child abuse identification) (SAVE) (DASA Training)
To gain the temporary coaching license the applicant must submit evidence of acceptable first aid and CPR
courses (see above) and
concussion training course (Every 2 years). (Concussion Training)
Upon completion of all of these courses, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the New York State
Education Department to apply for a license, which is not issued by Marist College. It is also the student’s
responsibility to take appropriate steps to renew the temporary license every year for three years. After the
third year the student can then apply for a professional coaching license, which is valid for three years.
Please refer to the following websites for information about contacting the New York State Education
Total Credit Requirement for a Certificate in Coaching 10 / 11 cr
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Communication Minor
Kevin Lerner, Ph.D., Department Chair
What is Communication? The field of communication examines the exchange of messages between
people in a variety of contexts. Verbal and non-verbal information is exchanged to create shared meaning.
Communicators are involved in the gathering, analyzing, and processing of information and transmitting it
clearly and coherently in a variety of forms. Students are encouraged to study the process, outcomes, and
effects of the many modes of communication.
Requirements for a Minor in Communication
Choose one of the six (6) communication concentration areas: 18 cr
Advertising (18 cr)
COM 102 Introduction to Communication
COM 220 Principles of Strategic Advertising
COM 324 Research & Consumer Insight
COM 329 Creative Problem Solving
COM 314 Media Strategy
Select one:
COM 354 Visual Story Telling
COM 358 Digital, Direct & Database Advertising
COM 424 Branding
Communication Studies (18 cr)
COM 101 Public Presentations
COM 102 Introduction to Communication
COM 203 Interpersonal Communication
COM 301 Small Group Communication
COM 302 Persuasion
Select one:
COM 325 Intercultural Communication
COM 420 Advanced Public Presentations
COM 425 Advanced Communication Theory
General Communication Minor (18 cr)
COM 101 Public Presentations
COM 102 Introduction to Communication
COM 200 Research Strategies and Methods
*Plus three Communication electives, two of
which must be upper-level.
Journalism (18 cr)
COM 102 Introduction to Communication
COM 242 Intro to Journalism
COM 243 Journalism Skills
Select One:
COM 236 News Editing
COM 322 News Writing
COM 327 Magazine Writing
COM 331 Broadcast News Writing
Select One:
COM 328 Magazine Layout & Design
COM 332 Producing the Newscast
COM 345 Photo Journalism
Select One:
COM 300 Mass Communication Law
COM 341 Press in America
COM 342 Readings in Journalism
Public Relations (18 cr)
COM 102 Introduction to Communications
COM 211 Fund of Pub. Relation Theory/Practice
COM 212 Public Relations Writing Tools
COM 333 Applied Research and Analytics
COM 371 Public Relations Case Studies
COM 418 Communication Campaign Mgmt.
Sports Communication (18 cr)
COM 102 Intro to Communication
COM 242 Intro to Journalism
COM 260 Sport, Culture, and Communication
COM 365 Issues in Sports Media
Select two:
COM 445 Sports Reporting
COM 448 Sports Broadcasting
COM 460 Sports Public Relations
Total Credit Requirement for a Minor in Communication 18 cr
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Computer Science Minor
Donald R. Schwartz, Ph.D., Department Chair
What is Computer Science? The rapid spread of computers and computer-based
technologies over the past two decades has generated a need for skilled, highly trained professionals to design
and develop the hardware and software systems and to determine how to incorporate these advances into new
or existing systems. Computer scientists conduct research, design computers, and discover and use principles
of applying computers. Their jobs are distinguished by the higher level of theoretical expertise they apply to
complex problems and innovative ideas for the application or creation of new technology. They work in such
areas as hardware and language design, developing and advancing artificial intelligence, designing
programming tools, knowledge-based systems or computer games.
Requirements for a Minor in Computer Science
Introduction to Programming
4 cr
Software Development I
4 cr
Software Development II
4 cr
Discrete Mathematics
4 cr
Two approved upper-level CMPT courses
6–8 cr
Total Credit Requirement for a Minor in Computer Science
22–24 cr
Creative Writing Minor Joshua Kotzin, Ph.D., Department Chair
What is Creative Writing? Creative Writing encompasses the crafts of poetry, fiction, creative
nonfiction, and playwriting. Creative Writing allows students to explore their own creativity while also
acquiring the valuable skills of revision, critical thinking, and communication.
Requirements for a Minor in Creative Writing
Foundation Course
ENG 280 Introduction to Creative Writing 3 cr
Required Course
ENG 218 Grammar, Style and Editing 3 cr
Four (4) of the following courses:
ENG 310 Playwriting Workshop
ENG 311 Poetry Workshop
ENG 380 Nonfiction Workshop
ENG 382 Fiction Workshop
ENG 392 Special Topics (in Writing)
ENG 490 Independent Writing Project 12 cr
Required 1-Credit Course
ENG 318 Forms in Writing 1 cr
Total Credit Requirements for a Minor in Creative Writing: 19 cr
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Criminal Justice Minor Frank Merenda, Ph.D., Department Chair
What is Criminal Justice? Criminal Justice explores the components of criminal behavior,
consequential treatments, legal institutions and operations that shape society. It relates to legal and protective
services that focus on the effective implementation of law and legal procedures as well as the relationship of
laws to the safety and protection of life and property.
Requirements for a Minor in Criminal Justice
CRJU 101 Introduction to Criminal Justice 3 cr
CRJU 230 Policing in America 3 cr
CRJU 235 Corrections 3 cr
CRJU 302 Criminal Courts 3 cr
Any 2 Criminal Justice Elective Courses 6 cr
Total Credit Requirement for a Minor in Criminal Justice 18 cr
Cyber Security Minor Donald R. Schwartz, Ph.D., Department Chair
Minor in Cybersecurity Includes:
Framework and key concepts based on established cybersecurity certifications
Hands-on experience in cyber-defense tools and techniques
Security governance and ethics
Penetration testing of data center servers, storage, and networks
Implementing data confidentiality, integrity, and authentication
Managing mobile device and wireless security
Requirements for a Minor in Cybersecurity
CMPT 120 Introduction to Programming 4 cr
CMPT 306 Data Communication and Networks 4 cr
CMPT 307 Internetworking 4 cr
CMPT 416 Introduction to Cybersecurity 4 cr
CMPT 417 Hacking and Penetration Testing 3 cr
CMPT 418 Mobile Security 4 cr
Total Credit Requirement for a Minor in Cybersecurity 23 cr
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Data Center Facilities Management Associate
and Professional Certificates
Donald R. Schwartz, Ph.D., Department Chair
What is Data Center Facilities Management Associate and Professional
The Data Center Facilities Management Associate and Professional Certificates provide a
fast-track opportunity to (re)train for entry-level data center operations positions and to provide competency in
critical infrastructure design and management, and problem-solving acumen. The program provides essential
knowledge and skills in the unique aspects of managing the power, cooling and design of a data center facility
as well as the information technology resources that continuously challenge system operational
efficiency. The Professional certificate will focus on the interconnectivity of the data center, challenges of
managing a "cloud" infrastructure and project management. Completion of the two certificates allows students
to earn 20 undergraduate credits that can be applied toward the Marist College Bachelor of Science Degree in
Professional Studies with an emphasis in Data Center Technologies.
Admission Requirements: High School Diploma or equivalency
Course Requirements:
Associate Certificate in Data Center Facilities Management
Requirements: Students must pass each course with a “C” or better to attain certificates.
CMPT 130 Information Technology and Systems Concepts 3 cr
CMPT 482 Introduction to Facilities Management 3 cr
CMPT 487 Advanced Facilities Management 3 cr
Total Credit Requirement for Associate Certificate in Data Center Facilities Management 9 cr
Professional Certificate in Data Center Facilities Management
Requirements: Successful completion of the Associate Certificate in Data Center Facilities Management, plus:
CMPT 306 Data Communication and Networks 4 cr
CMPT 309 Project Management 3 cr
CMPT 483 Cloud Infrastructure and Services 4 cr
Total Credit Requirement for Professional Certificate in Data Center Facilities Management 20 cr
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Data Science and Analytics Minor
James Helmreich, Ph.D., Department Chair
Donald R. Schwartz, Ph.D., Department Chair
What is Data Science and Analytics Minor? The mission of the minor in Data Science &
Analytics is to broaden the scope of students to get a good understanding of data analysis, data
visualization, data mining and predictive modeling without requiring combined extensive, in-depth
mathematical and computer science foundation.
The program’s home academic unit, the School of Computer Science and Mathematics prepares its students to
live and work within a technologically driven, rapidly changing world. These goals are very much in line
with the distinguishing feature of Marist’s education in which information technology is used to support
teaching, learning, and scholarship. At Marist College, technology resources are combined with flexible and
innovative program formats to expand access to higher education for all students.
Requirements for a Minor in Data Science and Analytics
CMPT 120 Introduction to Programming 4 cr
MATH 241 Calculus I 4 cr
DATA 220 Introduction to Data Analysis 4 cr
DATA 300 Data Visualization 3 cr
DATA 450 Data Mining & Predictive Analytics 3 cr
Total Credit Requirement for a Minor in Data Science and Analytics 18 cr
Digital Video Production Minor
Jeff Bass, M.A., M.S., Department Chair
What is Digital Video Production? The Digital Video Production Minor is open to all majors and
is designed to give students fundamental knowledge and experience in production and writing for various
media. It is an ideal minor for students majoring in fields where having solid production skills will give them
that competitive edge, such as Communication majors with Journalism, Sports Communication, Advertising,
and Public Relations concentrations.
Requirements for a Minor in Digital Video Production
Two required courses:
MDIA 103 Digital Toolbox 3 cr
MDIA 203 Video Production 3 cr
Select three: 9 cr
MDIA 201 Writing for Media
MDIA 301 Screenwriting for Film and Television
MDIA 302 Editing
MDIA 304 Audio Production
MDIA 305 Lighting and Cinematography
MDIA 306 Media Performance
MDIA 395 Directing the Narrative Film
MDIA 401 Advanced Screenwriting
MDIA 402 Advanced Post Production
MDIA 403 Multi-Camera Production
Total Credit Requirements for a Minor in Digital Video Production: 15 cr
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Economics Minor Xiaoli Wang, Ph.D., Department Chair
Joanne H. Gavin, Ph.D., Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs
Jean Theobald, MPS, Director of Undergraduate Advising and Student Services
What is Economics? Economists study the underlying components of economic issues and problems
including inflation, recession, poverty and unemployment. This investigation promotes research and reasoning
based on economic theory and leads to alternative policy proposals that can ultimately shape society and
increase economic growth.
Requirements for a Minor in Economics
Introductory-Level Courses
ECON 103 Principles of Microeconomics 3 cr
ECON 104 Principles of Macroeconomics 3 cr
MATH 130 Introductory Statistics I 3 cr
MATH 115 Calculus with Management Applications OR
MATH 241 Calculus I 3-4 cr
Upper-Level Courses
ECON 303 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory 3 cr
ECON 304 Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory 3 cr
Two courses from the following: 6 cr
ECON 305 Environmental Economics
ECON 310 Labor Economics
ECON 315 Money and Banking
ECON 320 Quantitative Methods in Economics and Business
ECON 321 Public Finance
ECON 340 Economic Development: Towards Global Equality
ECON 383 Money and Banking
ECON 422 Financial Markets and Institutions
ECON 432 International Financial Policies and Issues
ECON 442 International Economics
ECON 443 History of Economic Thought
Total Credit Requirement for a Minor in Economics 24-25 cr
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
English Literature Minor Joshua Kotzin, Ph.D., Department Chair
What is English Literature? The literature minor provides students with a sense of the historical
development of literature. Students also examine how that tradition is continually re-formed and reshaped as
writers from previously excluded cultural traditions and once-marginalized groups are added to the canon.
Students in the concentration develop the analytical skills and the critical language to describe, analyze, and
evaluate literary texts.
Requirements for a Minor in English Literature
1.0 Foundation Courses 6 cr
ENG 180 Introduction to Literary Study
ENG 270 Classics of Western Literature
2.0 Any four 300-400 level literature courses 12 cr
(Not to include writing workshops or theatre arts courses)
Total credit requirement for a Minor in English Literature 18 cr
Enterprise Computing Minor
Donald R. Schwartz, Ph.D., Department Chair
What is Enterprise Computing? Enterprise Computing is a term used to distinguish data processing
in primarily large organizations (banks, manufacturers, utilities, insurers, governments, stock exchanges, the
military, etc.) from data processing carried out on a smaller scale by typically smaller organizations (small and
mid-sized businesses) or even individuals (personal computing). Enterprise Computing - a large scale, highly
available, highly secure computing environment that serves the needs of a relatively large organization. The
environment consists of an enterprise server(s) running multiple workloads surrounded by functional
distributed servers all acting in concert to support the data processing needs of an organization. The computing
environment is complex and heterogeneous in nature (no one vendor (hardware or software) is used
exclusively). In fact, you may often hear the person in charge of an Enterprise Computing environment claim
that they have “one of everything”. Marist College has been a leader in the use of and providing education for
enterprise computing for many years.
Requirements for a Minor in Enterprise Computing
CMPT 120 Introduction to Programming 4 cr
CMPT 220 Software Development I 4 cr
CMPT 315 Introduction to z/OS and Major Subsystems 4 cr
Select 3 electives from the following:
CMPT316N z/OS Networking 3 cr
CMPT317N z/OS Security 3 cr
CMPT451N z/OS Advanced Topics 3 cr
CMPT452N z/OS RAS and PD 3 cr
CMPT455N DB2 Fundamentals 3 cr
CMPT456N z/OS Performance Fundamentals 3 cr
CMPT453N z/OS Emerging Technologies 3 cr
CMPT454N z/OS Installation 3 cr
Total Credit Requirement for a Minor in Enterprise Computing
21 cr
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Environmental Policy Minor
Richard Feldman, Ph.D., Department Chair
Requirements for a Minor in Environmental Policy
Required Courses (18 credits)
ENSC 101 Intro to Environmental Issues (2) 3 cr
ENSC/POSC 202 Political Process and the Environment (1) (3) 3 cr
ENSC 230 Intro to Geographic Info Systems 3 cr
ENSC/ECON 305 Environmental Economics (1) (3) 3 cr
ENSC/POSC 420 Environmental Planning (1) (3) 3 cr
ENSC 425 Environmental Law 3 cr
Electives (3 credits) 3 cr
a. Choose three elective credits related to the minor with approval of the Chair of Environmental Science & Policy
b. Complete a 3-credit internship with approval of the Internship Coordinator of Environmental Science & Policy
Total Credit Requirement for a Minor in Environmental Policy 21 cr
(1) Prerequisite courses required beyond those listed under Required Courses
(2) Counts for C/LS Natural Science
(3) Counts for C/LS Social Science
Environmental Science Minor
Richard Feldman, Ph.D., Department Chair
Requirements for a Minor in Environmental Science
Required Courses (19 – 23 credits)
BIOL 130 General Biology I 4 cr
BIOL 131 General Biology II 4 cr
{CHEM 101 Intro to Chemistry 3 cr
{CHEM 130 Intro to Chemistry Lab 1 cr
{CHEM 111 / CHEM 115 General Chemistry I / Lab 4 cr
{CHEM 112 / CHEM 116 General Chemistry II / Lab 4 cr
ENSC 101 Intro to Environmental Issues 3 cr
ENSC/BIOL 360 Ecology: Principals & Practices 4 cr
Elective Courses (at least 6 credits) 6 cr
ENSC 210 Intro to Geology 3 cr
ENSC 212 Intro to Geology Lab 1 cr
ENSC 230 Intro to Geographic Info Systems 3 cr
ENSC 309 Environmental Chemistry Lab 1 1 cr
ENSC 310 Environmental Chemistry 1 3 cr
ENSC 313 Environmental Microbiology 1 3 cr
ENSC 321 Natural History of the Hudson Valley 3 cr
ENSC/BIOL 327 Freshwater Ecology 3 cr
ENSC 380 Principles of Environmental Assessment 3 cr
ENSC 404 Environmental Toxicology 4 cr
BIOL 211Plant Biology 4 cr
BIOL 420 Invertebrate Zoology 4 cr
Total Credit Requirement for a Minor in Environmental Science 25-29 cr
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Environmental Studies Minor
Richard Feldman, Ph.D., Department Chair
Requirements for a Minor in Environmental Studies
Course distribution:
ENSC 101 Intro to Environmental Issues 3 cr
Environmental sciences (courses listed below) 6 cr
Social sciences and humanities (courses listed below) 9 cr
Total Credit Requirement for a Minor in Environmental Studies 18 cr
Environmental Sciences
ENSC 210 Intro to Geology 3 cr
ENSC 212 Intro to Geology Lab 1 cr
ENSC 313 Environmental Microbiology (1) 3 cr
ENSC 321 Natural History of Hudson Valley 3 cr
ENSC/BIOL 392 Freshwater Ecology (1) 3 cr
ENSC/CHEM 310 Env Chemistry1 (1) 3 cr
ENSC/BIOL 360 Ecology: Principles and Practices (1) 4 cr
ENSC 404 Environmental Toxicology (1) 4 cr
BIOL 211 Plant Biology1 4 cr
Social Sciences and Humanities
ENSC/POSC 202 Political Process and the Environment (1) 3 cr
ENSC/ECON 305 Environmental Economics1 (1) 3 cr
ENSC/POSC 420 Environmental Planning (1) 3 cr
ENSC 425 Environmental Law 3 cr
ENSC 230 Intro to Geographic Info Systems (GIS) 3 cr
ECON 150 Economics of Social Issues 3 cr
ECON 340 Economic Development: Toward Global Equality (1) 3 cr
POSC/GBST 103 Intro to Global Studies 3 cr
COM/GBST489 Social & Env Justice in Fiction & Non-fiction Film 3 cr
(1) Prerequisite courses required beyond ENSC 101
Some Special Topics courses may be substituted with prior approval of the Chair of Environmental Science & Policy.
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Fashion Merchandising Minor
Jennifer L. Finn, Department Chair
What is Fashion Merchandising? The fashion industry today is worldwide, vast, and complex. It
deals with the design, production and distribution of apparel and accessories, as well as products for the home.
It includes the textiles and other materials used in making finished products. The fashion program helps
students develop the creative, technical and business skills that position them for successful employment in
this exciting field. The Merchandising Minor provides a foundation in retailing, buying, or marketing.
Requirements for a Minor in Fashion Merchandising
Required Courses (3 credits each): 9 cr
FASH 100 Fashion Culture & Commerce
FASH 265 Retail Principles and Practices
FASH 304 Merchandising Planning and Control
Select Three (3 credits each): 9 cr
FASH 200 Textiles
FASH 235 Trend Forecasting
FASH 245 Digital Fashion Design I
FASH 266 Writing for Fashion
FASH 295 Fashion Show Production
FASH 306 Sustainability
FASH 315 Retail Entrepreneurship
FASH 355 Buying, Planning & Allocation
FASH 455 Global Merchandising Strategies
Total Credit Requirement for a Minor in Fashion Merchandising 18 cr
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
French Minor
Shanaaz Mohammed, Ph.D., French Coordinator
Why Study French? French is the second most widely spoken native language in the European Union
and the second world language taught in US schools. Studying French allows you to communicate successfully
with over 2 million French-speaking people at home as well as 8 million in Canada and over 11 million in the
Caribbean. Spoken in every continent and bearing the history of 300 years as the language of international
diplomacy, French is still the working language of many transnational and global institutions.
The French major in the department of Modern Languages and Cultures is practically minded. It focuses on
the development of oral and written fluency as well as the cultural literacy necessary to communicate
effectively and appropriately. We encourage students to experience the language and culture by taking a
community-based learning course, participating in an internship, or pursuing a study abroad program. Our
French major also pairs well with other majors and all minors. We work very closely with students to
customize their French language preparation for the future.
Requirements for a Minor in French Language Studies
FREN 201 Workshop in Writing 3 cr
FREN 202 Workshop in Oral Expression 3 cr
FREN 250 French Culture and Thought 3 cr
FREN 251 Contemporary France 3 cr
FREN 305 Studies in French Film and Literature OR
FREN 315 French Literature of Africa and the Caribbean 3 cr
FREN 325 Language and Technology Practicum OR
FREN 311 French Grammar & Composition 3 cr
Total Credit Requirement for a Minor in French Language Studies 18 cr
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Games and Emerging Media Minor
Karen Schrier, Ed. D., Program Director
What is Games and Emerging Media? Games are interactive, involve goals and rules, and
are an integral part of human culture. The minor allows students to take a foundation in the design,
development, culture, and art of games. Students can then choose to take classes centered on the
technical, artistic, design, and/or the ethics of gaming.
Requirements for a Minor in Games and Emerging Media
Required Courses: (10 cr)
CMPT 120 Introduction to Programming 4 cr
GAME 101 Introduction to Games 3 cr
MDIA 103 Digital Toolbox 3 cr
Select 12 credits from the following: (12 cr)
CMPT 220 Software Development I
CMPT 414 Game Design & Programming I
CMPT 415 Game Design & Programming II
GAME 401 Human Computer Interaction
MDIA 210 Interactive Media I
MDIA 314 Game Design I
MDIA 316 Ethics and Gaming
MDIA 431 3D Modeling
MDIA 432 3D Animation
MDIA 410 Game Design II
Total Credit Requirement for a Minor in Games and Emerging Media 22 cr
Global Studies Minor Martin Shaffer, Ph.D., Program Coordinator
What is Global Studies? Global Studies is an interdisciplinary program intended to prepare students to
live and work in, and make sense of, an increasingly interdependent and multicultural world. Students with an
interest in international studies, as well as in careers in business, communications, education, environmental
science, history, and politics, are encouraged to consider the minor as a supplement to their major. Courses in the
minor focus on the critical study of cultures and systems outside of the United States, as well as on the political,
economic, social, and cultural interrelationships within the contemporary global system. In addition to the required
academic coursework and experience in world languages and cultures, the program actively encourages students to
expand their global interests with a regional specialization in their Core and Major courses, and with participation in
the Marist International Club, the Marist Foreign Film program, and in community or international organizations.
Advanced students have the opportunity to give formal lectures on campus about their global projects or
commitments and to link non-classroom international experiences with their chosen field of study. The Global
Studies program also works closely with the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures to offer customized
support for language study; with the Study Abroad Program to integrate new destinations; and with the Graduate
School and Fellowship Advisor to prepare for post-graduation work in international fields.
Students will be held to the requirements of the catalog of the year in which they declare their major. Following are
the requirements for the 2013-2014 catalog.
GBST/POSC/CSCU103L Introduction to Global Issues 3 cr
Five qualifying electives chosen from at least three different disciplines 15 cr
(e.g. Business, Foreign Language, Political Science)
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
GBST 301L 1 cr
Total Credits 19 cr
Other Requirements:
Foreign Language requirement. Students must demonstrate the equivalent of one year of successful college-level
study in a foreign language. They can do this by either (i) taking two college-level foreign-language courses at the
elementary level, or one intermediate-level course, which would count as electives for the minor, or (ii) getting
approval by the Department of Modern Languages to waive the requirement by demonstrating the equivalent of one-
year college-level study in a foreign language.
An approved “international experience.” In this component of the minor, students must take part in an experiential
project which is international in scope and will normally include foreign travel. The Marist Abroad program
experience is strongly recommended, but not required. Other options for the international experience requirement
must be approved by the Program Coordinator in consultation with the Global Studies Committee members. These
may include independent work abroad with a humanitarian organization; study abroad during a leave of absence; or
fluency in a culture other than North-American from extended living abroad. Participation in the experience must be
certified by appropriate documentation.
Regular Offerings Acceptable for the Global Studies Minor
ANTH 102 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
ANTH 232 Religion and Culture
ART 255 Pre-Columbian Art
ART 256 Chinese Art
BIOL 101 Topics in Biology
BIOL 225 Topics in Nutrition
BIOL 321 Evolution
BUS 202 Global Business and Society
BUS 430 International Trade Management (prerequisite: BUS 100 or 202)
BUS 442 International Marketing (prerequisite: BUS 340)
COM 325 Intercultural Communication
COM 400 Gender, Culture and Communication
COM 488 Comparative Communication Systems
Criminal Justice
CRJU 350 Organized Crime
CRJU 377 Politics of Crime and Terrorism (prerequisite: CRJU 101 or POSC 101)
CRJU 440 Senior Seminar I: Cross Cultural Criminal Justice (prerequisites: CRJU 202 and 370)
ECON 150 Economics of Social Issues
ECON 305 Environmental Economics (prerequisite: ECON 103)
ECON 340 Economic Development: Towards Global Equality (prerequisite: ECON 101, 102 or 150)
ECON 432 International Financial Policies and Issues (prerequisite: ECON 103 and ECON 104)
ECON 442 International Economics (prerequisites: ECON 101 and 102)
Environmental Science
ENSC 101 Introduction to Environmental Issues
ENSC 102 Environmental Politics and Policy
ENG 201 Introduction to Linguistics
ENG 302 Structure of English/World Englishes
ENG 353 Ethnic American Literature
ENG 370 Modern Jewish Literature
ENG 373 Literature of the Holocaust
Fashion Merchandising
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
FASH 455 International Retailing (prerequisite: FASH 265)
Foreign Language and Culture
All foreign language, culture, and civilization courses, including foreign literature in translation courses
HIST 206 Afghanistan and its Wars
HIST 242 Introduction to the African Diaspora
HIST 252 Modern Europe
HIST 262 History of Russia: The Russian Revolution
HIST 263 Eastern Europe and Russia from 1928 to the Present
HIST 267 Women in Asia
HIST 269 Modern Asia
HIST 271 Modern China
HIST 274 Modern Latin America
HIST 280 Modern Africa
HIST 285 The History and Political Culture of Ireland
HIST 312 The Vietnam War (prerequisite: six credits in history)
HIST 320 American Diplomatic History (prerequisite: six credits in History)
HIST 355 History and Politics of the Modern Middle East (prerequisite: six credits in history)
HIST 375 History of Race Relations in Latin America (prerequisite: six credits in history)
Media Arts
MDIA 326 Race & Ethnicity in Film
MDIA 422 Topics in Global Cinema (topics must be pre-approved by GBST coordinator)
Music 226 Music Cultures of the World
PHIL 212 Philosophy of Society
PHIL 301 Environmental Ethics
Political Science
POSC 113 International Relations
POSC 202 Environmental Politics and Policy
POSC 213 Politics of Human Rights
POSC 236 Politics of Developing Areas
POSC 251 Comparative Politics of Western Europe
POSC 252 Comparative Politics of Russia/Eastern Europe
POSC 255 Political Economy: The Rise of the Asia-Pacific
POSC 271 Nationalism and Communism in China and Taiwan
POSC 280 International Communications and Negotiations
POSC 290 International Law and Organization
POSC 350 Latin American Politics
POSC 351 African Politics
POSC 355 Comparative Politics of the Middle East
PSYC 222 Community Psychology
PSYC 330 Culture and Psychology (prerequisite: PSYC 101)
Religious Studies
REST 209 World Religions
REST 219 Sociology of Religion
REST 230 Religion and Politics
REST 231 Social Ethics and Economics
REST 315 Global Liberation Theology
SOC 219 Sociology of Religion
Other courses to be approved in advance by the Global Studies Steering Committee.
Total Credits 19 cr
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Graphic Design Minor Matt Frieburghaus, M.F.A., Department Chair
Requirements for a Minor in Graphic Design
Course Requirements (Recommended Sequence)
ART 101 Fundamentals of Art and Design 3 cr
ART 231 Intro to Digital Media (Prerequisite: ART 101) 3 cr
ART 211 Digital Layout and Design (Prerequisite: Art 231) 3 cr
ART 215 Graphic Design I: Typography and Design (Prerequisite: ART 231) 3 cr
ART 315 Graphic Design II: Publication and Design (Prerequisite: ART 215) 3 cr
Choose One Of The Following:
ART 320 Digital Photography (Prerequisite: Art 231) 3 cr
ART 322 Multimedia Authoring (Prerequisite: ART 235 and ART 320) 3 cr
ART 323 Design for the Web (Prerequisite: Art 231) 3 cr
*Special Topics Graphic Design Course by Advisement 3 cr
Total Credit Requirement for a Minor in Graphic Design 18 cr
History Minor Kristin Bayer, Ph.D., Department Chair
What is History? History is the study of the past. The purpose of history is to enable students to make sense
of the world they are inheriting. In order to do this, they must be grounded in their own historical experience, which
should be placed within an emerging international context. In addition, students should recognize the ongoing
tensions over the nature of identity: racial, ethnic, national, and global.
Requirements for a Minor in History
One of the following:
HIST 248 Medieval Europe
HIST 249 Early Modern Europe
HIST 252 Modern Europe 3 cr
HIST 226 American History to 1877 3 cr
HIST 227 American History since 1877 3 cr
Two of the following:
HIST 267 Women in Asia
HIST 268 Traditional Asia
HIST 269 Modern Asia
HIST 270 Tradition China
HIST 271 Modern China
HIST 273 Colonial Latin America
HIST 274 Modern Latin America
Any other two History courses 6 cr
Total Credit Requirement for a Minor in History 21 cr
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Hudson River Valley Regional Studies Minor
James Johnson, Ph.D., Department Chair
What is Hudson River Valley Regional Studies Minor? The Hudson River Valley Regional
Studies minor develops and fosters an understanding of the history, culture, and environment of this region and
the place of regionalism more generally. This interdisciplinary minor assists students in understanding their
community, the region, and connections of each to the larger world. It employs the ideas and methods of the
liberal arts, natural and social sciences, and the fine arts. While the minor focuses on the Hudson River Valley,
the knowledge, skills, and approaches to understanding developed can be applied to all regions. The minor is
recommended for any student who plans to have a career that depends on ties to surrounding communities
such as education, business, politics, or research in the natural or social sciences. Upon completion of the
minor, students will understand how the regions where they have chosen to live and to work connect to the
larger global community.
Requirements for a Minor in Hudson River Valley Regional Studies
HIST 218
History and Culture of the Hudson River Valley
3 cr
HONR 330
Hudson River Valley Studies: History
ENSC 101
Introduction to Environmental Issues
3 cr
HONR 351
Science Technology, and Society: Environmental
Science and Policy
Elective Courses: 12 cr
Students must take four electives from the following course offerings, and students will be strongly
encouraged to distribute their electives across three or more disciplines:
ANTH 233 Native Americans
ART 290 Museum Studies
ENG 231 Literature of the Hudson River Valley
ENSC 315 Natural History of the Hudson Valley
HONR 331 Hudson River Valley Studies: Contemporary Poetry in the Hudson Valley
HIST 220 The Empire State: A History of New York
ECON 210 Innovation in the Hudson River Valley
POSC 202/ENSC 202 Environmental Politics & Policy
POSC 211 American State & Local Politics
Total Credit Requirement for a Minor in Information Systems 18 cr
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Information Systems Minor
Donald R. Schwartz, Ph.D., Department Chair
What is Information Systems? Information Systems specialists conduct research, design and analyze
computer systems, and discover and use new approaches to applications. They analyze business procedures and
problems to refine data and convert it to a programmable form for electronic data processing. They also evaluate
computer system effectiveness and develop new systems, using various techniques to analyze a problem and devise
a new system. They also plan and prepare technical reports and instructional analyses that describe how the system
operates, in terms that managers and customers can understand.
Requirements for a Minor in Information Systems
The minor in Information Systems requires students to complete all of the six courses shown below.
Introduction to Programming
4 cr
BUS 100N
Introduction to Business and Management
3 cr
Software Systems and Analysis
4 cr
CMPT 306
Data Communications
4 cr
System Design
4 cr
Database Management
4 cr
Total Credit Requirement for a Minor in Information Systems 23 cr
Information Technology Minor
Donald R. Schwartz, Ph.D., Department Chair
What is Information Technology? Information Technology is the application of computer and
communication science to the enhancement of performance in a wide range of human endeavor. Information
Technologists talk to people in these industries, determine what is needed in technology areas, design a solution,
and implement the system. IT specialists focus on computer networking and the design and development of
software for the World Wide Web.
Requirements for a Minor in Information Technology
The minor in Information Technology requires twenty-four credits beyond the student’s major and other
Introduction to Programming
4 cr
Software Development I
4 cr
Software Development II
4 cr
Data Communications and Networks
4 cr
Discrete Mathematics
4 cr
4 cr
Total Credit Requirement for a Minor in Information Technology
24 cr
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Information Technology Management Minor
Kristine Cullen, M.A., Assistant Dean
What is Information Technology Management Minor? The minor in Information
Technology (IT) Management addresses critical skills for any manager to contribute to the success of an
organization. The courses within the minor offer a comprehensive foundation in key management skills as well
as courses focused on the specific managerial issues and challenges with respect to information technology.
Students enrolled in an undergraduate degree program offered through the School of Professional Programs
(i.e., the Management Studies major and the Professional Studies major) may find the inclusion of this minor
in their degree studies as an important means to distinguish themselves when seeking new employment or
working to advance their careers.
Requirements for a Minor in Information Technology Management
ORG 100 Exploring Business and Management OR
ORG 101 Managing and Leading in Organizations 3 cr
ORG 202 Global Issues in Business and Society OR
ORG 301 Managing Human Resources 3 cr
ORG 302 Behaviors in Organizations 3 cr
CMPT 130 Information Technology and Systems Concepts 3 cr
CMPT 300 Management and Information Systems 3 cr
CMPT 309 Project Management 3 cr
Total Credit Requirement for a Minor in Information Technology Management 18 cr
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Interactive Media Minor Jeff Bass, M.A., M.S., Department Chair
What is Interactive Media? The Interactive Media Minor gives students from all disciplines the
essential knowledge and cutting-edge skills in analyzing and designing interactive media, such as websites,
apps, games, and social media. No prior technical experience is necessary as this minor focuses on the
“people” side of design.
Requirements for a Minor in Interactive Media
Two required courses:
MDIA 103 Digital Toolbox 3 cr
MDIA 210 Interactive Media I 3 cr
Select three: 9 cr
MDIA 201 Writing for Media
MDIA 310 Interactive Media II
MDIA 311 Media Theory: Communication Revolution
MDIA 312 Participatory Media
MDIA 313 Convergent Media
MDIA 314 Concepts in Game Design
Total Credit Requirement for a Minor in Interactive Media 15 cr
Italian Minor Patricia Ferrer-Medina, Ph.D., Chairperson
Maureen Melita, Ph.D., Coordinator of Italian
Why Study Italian? Italian is the language of the so-called “cradle of Western Civilization”. It is also
the language of food, art, and fashion. Spoken by over 62 million people in the world as a native language and
many more as a second language, Italian remains an important language in the global market.
The Italian major in the department of Modern Languages and Cultures is practically minded. It focuses on
the development of oral and written fluency as well as the cultural literacy necessary to communicate
effectively and appropriately. We encourage students to experience the language and culture by taking a
community-based learning course, participating in an internship, or pursuing a study abroad program. Our
Italian major also pairs well with other majors and all minors. We work very closely with students to
customize their Italian language preparation for the future.
Requirements for a Minor in Italian Language Studies
ITAL 201 Advanced Italian I 3 cr
ITAL 250 Italian Civilization and Culture 3 cr
ITAL 281 Italian for Conversation 3 cr
ITAL 282 Advanced Reading and Composition 3 cr
Additional upper-level Italian courses at the 300 level or higher 6 cr
as approved by an advisor. At least one elective course must be a literature.
Total Credit Requirement for a Minor in Italian Language Studies 18 cr
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Jewish Studies Minor Joshua Kotzin, Ph.D., Coordinator
What is Jewish Studies? The minor in Jewish Studies is an interdepartmental program which involves
faculty from the departments of English, Religious Studies, History, and Political Science. A planned program of
courses drawn from current and future offerings, the minor has been developed for students who wish to deepen
their knowledge of Judaism and Jewish culture. Participation in the program can help students to perceive the
relation of Judaism to other world religions and to understand Judaism's impact on Western culture. It can stimulate
reflection on fundamental human values. A minimum of 18 credits constitutes the minor. In addition to the
curriculum, independent study courses are available. Students can satisfy up to 9 credits of the minor through
summer study at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Arrangements should be made with the coordinator of the
Requirements for a Minor in Jewish Studies
Two courses selected from the following: 6 cr
REST 201 Religion in America
REST 204 Judaism
REST 300 Judeo-Christian Scriptures
Four courses selected from the following: 12 cr
HIST 207 History of the Holocaust
HIST 272 The Ancient East
HIST 349 Modern Germany: Between Dictatorship and Democracy
ENG 370 Modern Jewish Literature
ENG 371 The Hebrew Bible as Literary Classic
ENG 373 Literature of the Holocaust
POSC 245 Politics of Prejudice
Total Credit Requirement for a Minor in Jewish Studies 18 cr
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Latin American and Caribbean Studies Minor
Ivette Romero, Ph.D., Co-Coordinator
Patricia Ferrer-Medina, Ph.D., Co-Coordinator
What is the Latin American & Caribbean Studies Program? The Latin American &
Caribbean Studies Program offers students the opportunity to complement their major field(s) with an
interdisciplinary experience combining history, culture, language, and other disciplines, and helps prepare students
interested in working with Latin American/Caribbean communities in the United States and abroad.
Requirements for a minor in Latin American & Caribbean Studies:
1) A minimum of 18 credits, excluding courses in French or Spanish language proficiency (FREN 101-102, FREN 105-
106, SPAN 101-102 and SPAN 105-106).
2) Demonstrated proficiency through successful completion of at least one 200 level or higher course taught in French or
3) One immersion experience which could include study abroad in Latin America or the Caribbean, community service
or an internship approved by the coordinator. (The Marist International Education Program consistently offers long-
term as well as short term programs that will enable students to take some of these courses abroad.)
4) 3 Core courses (9 credits) out of the following:
FREN 250 French Culture & Thought
HIST 273 History of Latin America to 1830
HIST 274 History of Latin America since 1830
POSC 111 Intro to Comparative Politics
POSC 350 Comparative Politics of Latin America
SOC 336 Social Inequality
SOC 341 Social Change
SPAN 260 Civilization of Latin America
SPAN 270 or SPAN 154 Civilization: Hispanics in the US
* NOTE: All courses offered in the Marist Cuba Program will also fulfill core courses.
5) 3 electives (9 credits) from related courses approved by the LACS Coordinator to fulfill the minor requirement. Please
contact coordinator for a full listing of courses.
Total credit requirement for the Latin American/Caribbean Studies Minor: 18 credits
Mathematics Minor James Helmreich, Ph.D., Department Chair
What is Mathematics? Mathematics is the study of quantitative relationships expressed in numbers and
symbols. It focuses on mathematical concepts and theories and involves their formulation, testing,
interpretation, and practical application. Minoring in mathematics indicates an interest in solving problems and
the ability to think critically. Major branches include algebra, geometry, discrete mathematics, calculus,
probability and statistics.
Requirements for a Minor in Mathematics
MATH 241, 242, 343, Calculus I-III 12 cr
Select Any Two:
MATH 205 Discrete Mathematics 4 cr
MATH 210 Linear Algebra 3 cr
MATH 310 Intro to Mathematical Reasoning 3 cr
MATH 321 Differential Equations 3 cr
Total Credit Requirement for a Minor in Mathematics 18-19 cr
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Medieval and Renaissance Studies
Janine Peterson, Ph.D., Coordinator
What is Medieval and Renaissance Studies? Medieval and Renaissance Studies is an
interdisciplinary program that offers students the ability to study the culture, history, literature, music,
philosophy, politics, and religious traditions of late antiquity up to the modern world. Students choose five
electives from at least three different fields: English, Fine Arts (Art History and Music), History, Modern
Languages and Cultures, and Philosophy & Religious Studies and a foreign language course at any
level. Many of these courses also fulfill Core curriculum and pathway requirements and build on the offerings
at Marist-Italy and other study abroad programs. The minor is appropriate for students interested in
investigating the antecedents of modernity; in identifying enduring cultural and philosophical issues, themes,
and problems; and in comparing and contrasting past and contemporary society.
Requirements for a Minor in Medieval and Renaissance Studies
Five Courses from 3 of the following disciplines: 15 cr
Philosophy & Religious Studies, History; English
Modern Languages & Culture, Art History or Music
A Foreign Language Course at any level
Total Credit Requirement for a Minor in Medieval and Renaissance Studies 18 cr
Music Minor Michael Napolitano, B.S., M.A., Assistant Director, Program Director
What is the Music Minor? The Marist College Music Department offers a minor in Music with both
vocal and instrumental tracks. Primarily a performance-based program, the Music Minor offers students the
opportunity to pursue their musical endeavors on the college level. The Department is home to over 600
students who participate in performing ensembles and take a variety of courses offered in music theory, music
industry, music history, and applied music. From applied study in voice, piano, brass, woodwinds, percussion,
or strings to researching the lives and works of various composers, the Marist student finds an atmosphere of
individual care and attention to personal musical growth. These skills can be used and enjoyed for a lifetime.
Requirements for a Minor in Music
Students may select either the vocal track or the instrumental track.
Vocal Track:
One 3-credit Vocal course selected from the
following: 3 cr
MUS 112 Beginning Vocal Skills I
MUS 113 Beginning Vocal Skills II
MUS 212 Intermediate Vocal Skills I
MUS 213 Intermediate Vocal Skills II
Three 1-credit Choral Ensemble Courses 3 cr
MUS 250 Marist College Singers
MUS 252 Marist College Freshmen Treble Choir
MUS 253 Marist College Chapel Choir
MUS 254 Marist College Gospel Choir
MUS 255 Marist College Select Treble Choir
MUS 256 Marist College Chamber Singers
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
One 3-credit Theory course selected from the
following: 3 cr
MUS 103 Sight Reading
MUS 120 Theory of Music I
MUS 220 Theory of Music II
Two 3-credit History courses selected from the
following: 6 cr
MUS 105 Intro to Music
MUS 106 Jazz and Sound
MUS 226 Music Cultures of the World
MUS 242 Popular Music in America
MUS 246 History of Musical Theatre
MUS 247 History of Music Industry
MUS 248 History of Motion Picture Music
MUS 249 History of Rock & Roll
MUS 330 Beethoven and Schubert
MUS 335 Opera
MUS 340 Baroque Masters
MUS 344 Medieval and Renaissance Music
MUS 341 Romantic Music of the 19th Century
MUS 342 Music of the 20th Century
MUS 343 Music in America
MUS 346 Amadeus Mozart and 18th-Century
The remaining six credits are selected from any
other music courses. 6 cr
Total Credit Requirement for a Minor in
Music (Vocal Track) 21 cr
Instrumental Track:
One 3-credit Instrumental Skills course selected from
the following: 3 cr
MUS 140 Beginning Instrumental Skills I
MUS 141 Beginning Instrumental Skills II
MUS 240 Intermediate Instrumental Skills I
MUS 241 Intermediate Instrumental Skills II
Three 1-credit Instrumental Ensemble Courses
selected from the following: 3 cr
MUS 107 Beginner Piano
MUS 108 Intermediate Piano
MUS 230 Jazz Foxes
MUS 231 Brass Ensemble
MUS 232 Flute Choir
MUS 233 Woodwind Ensemble
MUS 234 Orchestra
MUS 235 Handbell Choir
MUS 236 Symphonic Band
MUS 238 Chamber String Ensemble
MUS 239 Drumline
MUS 237 Wind Symphony
MUS 245 Percussion Ensemble
MUS 410 Advanced Piano
One 3-credit Theory course selected from the
following: 3 cr
MUS 103 Sight Reading
MUS 120 Theory of Music I
MUS 220 Theory of Music II
Two 3-credit History courses selected from the
following: 6 cr
MUS 105 Intro to Music
MUS 106 Jazz and Sound
MUS 226 Music Cultures of the World
MUS 242 Popular Music in America
MUS 246 History of Musical Theatre
MUS 247 History of Music Industry
MUS 248 History of Motion Picture Music
MUS 249 History of Rock & Roll
MUS 330 Beethoven and Schubert
MUS 335 Opera
MUS 340 Baroque Music
MUS 341 Romantic Music of the 19th Century
MUS 342 Music of the 20th Century
MUS 344 Medieval and Renaissance Music
MUS 343 Music in America
MUS 346 Amadeus Mozart and 18th-Century Vienna
The remaining six credits are selected from any other
music courses. 6 cr
Total Credit Requirement for a Minor in Music
(Instrumental Track) 21 cr
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Organizational Communications Minor
Kristine Cullen, M.A., Assistant Dean
What is Organizational Communications Minor? The minor in Organizational
Communication addresses critical skills for any manager to contribute to the success of an organization. The
courses within the minor offer a comprehensive foundation and examination of the nature and application of
communication in organizations. Students enrolled in an undergraduate degree program offered through the
School of Professional Programs (i.e., the Management Studies major and the Professional Studies major) may
find the inclusion of this minor in their degree studies as an important means to distinguish themselves when
seeking new employment or working to advance their careers.
Requirements for a Minor in Organizational Communications
COM 102 Introduction to Communication 3 cr
COM 203 Interpersonal Communication 3 cr
COM 211 Fundamentals of Public Relations Theory and Practice 3 cr
COM 270 Organizational Communication 3 cr
COM 302 Persuasion 3 cr
COM 325 Intercultural Communication 3 cr
Total Credit Requirement for a Minor in Organizational Communications 18 cr
Organizational Leadership Minor
Kristine Cullen, M.A., Assistant Dean
What is Organizational Leadership Minor?
The minor in Organizational Leadership addresses
critical skills for any manager to contribute to the success of an organization. The courses within the minor
offer a comprehensive foundation and examination of the nature and application of leadership in organizations.
Students enrolled in an undergraduate degree program offered through the School of Professional Programs
(i.e., the Management Studies major and the Professional Studies major) may find the inclusion of this minor
in their degree studies as an important means to distinguish themselves when seeking new employment or
working to advance their careers.
Requirements for a Minor in Organizational Communications
ORG 101 Managing and Leading in Organizations 3 cr
ORG 202 Global Issues in Business and Society 3 cr
ORG 302 Behaviors in Organizations 3 cr
ORG 321 Issues in Leadership 3 cr
ORG 322 Leadership in the Global Workplace 3 cr
ORG 421 Strategic Leadership and Innovation 3 cr
Total Credit Requirement for a Minor in Organizational Leadership 18 cr
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Paralegal Program Certificate
Annamaria Maciocia, J.D., Director
What is the Paralegal Program? The objective of the Marist Paralegal Program is to offer organized
and comprehensive training in the theory, information, and skills required to qualify as a legal assistant, in
accordance with the guidelines established by the American Bar Association. The program is offered within the
context of the educational purpose of the college and its commitment to a liberal arts, humanist, and value-oriented
curriculum. Our program meets its objective in a number of ways. Faculty in the program are drawn from Marist
faculty and from practicing lawyers and law office administrators in the Mid-Hudson area. The program encourages
a generalist orientation among its students, while stressing specific competency in paralegal studies. Program
matriculates may satisfy the generalist requirements by having a baccalaureate degree, by being enrolled in the
College’s baccalaureate program contemporaneously with enrollment in the Paralegal Program, or by having at least
36 general education college credits. Students acquire competency in paralegal studies by being required to
complete successfully the following courses: Introduction to Law; Introduction to Legal Research and Writing;
Family Law; Criminal Law; Real Property and Title Search; Business Law I; Wills, Trusts, Estates; and Civil
Litigation and Practice. Upon graduation, students will be capable of functioning in all the required areas of study.
As examples, a real estate closing, a simple will, a divorce proceeding, a memorandum of law utilizing research
tools, and civil trial pleading are but some of the tasks our graduates understand and can complete. Additionally,
grasping sufficient legal theory to be able to grow in the profession is required of our students. Successful
completion of the program therefore qualifies graduates to serve the many legal needs of the Mid-Hudson area,
while contributing to the advancement of the legal profession. The program combines required paralegal courses
with general education courses. In order to receive the Paralegal Certificate, undergraduates accepted into the
Paralegal Program are required to matriculate and pursue a major field of study leading to the baccalaureate degree.
The certificate will be awarded after a student has completed all of the course requirements in paralegal studies (24
credits) and at least 36 additional credit hours toward the Marist baccalaureate degree. Students already holding
baccalaureate degrees are eligible to receive the Paralegal Certificate upon completion of the paralegal course
requirements (24 credits). The Paralegal Certificate Program is approved by the American Bar Association.
Requirements in the Paralegal Program
Course Requirements in Paralegal Studies 24 cr
PRLG 101 Intro to Law
PRLG 210 Intro to Legal Research and Writing
PRLG 311 Family Law
PRLG 312 Criminal Law
PRLG 313 Real Property and Title Search
PRLG 380 Business Law I
PRLG 420 Wills, Trusts, Estates
PRLG 422 Civil Litigation and Practice
Total Paralegal Course Credits 24 cr
Additional course credits 36 cr (Non-degree holders admitted to the program)
Total Credit Requirement for Paralegal Certificate for Non-Degree Holders 60 cr
Marist undergraduates must also fulfill their major field requirements for their degrees. All 36 non-paralegal
course credits, including transfer credits, must be acceptable towards a Marist degree.
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Philosophy Minor Joseph Campisi, Ph. D., Department Chair
What is Philosophy? Philosophy wants to know the answers to the deepest questions that we can ask. What
is reality? (Metaphysics) How do I get to know what it is like? (Theory of knowledge or Epistemology) What
should I do here? (Ethics) How should we human beings live together? (Political Philosophy) Why would I feel
empty without music or film or painting or some other form of art to enjoy? Why—wherever and whenever my
fellow human beings exist – do they always produce it? (Philosophy of Art or Aesthetics).
Requirements for a Minor in Philosophy
PHIL 101 Philosophical Perspectives 3 cr
PHIL 200-level Ethics 3 cr
Two History of Philosophy Courses: 6 cr
PHIL 240 Pragmatism
PHIL 210 Ancient Philosophy
PHIL 211 Modern Philosophy
PHIL 321 Medieval Philosophy
PHIL 323 19th Century Philosophy
PHIL 324 Contemporary Analytic Philosophy
PHIL 325 Contemporary Continental Philosophy
PHIL 213 Foundations of American Social Thought
Two Additional Philosophy Courses 6 cr
Total Credit Requirement for a Minor in Philosophy 18 cr
**Students who wish to minor in Philosophy must contact the Chair for advisement in choosing Philosophy courses
pertinent to the student’s major field of study.**
Photography Minor Matt Frieburghaus, M.F.A., Department Chair
What is Photography? Photography is a newly created minor at Marist. Students will progress through
the foundations of photography to advanced methods of photography as well as using the newest techniques and
technologies associated with photography.
Requirements for a Minor in Photography
Foundation Courses: 9 cr
ART 101 Fundamentals of Art and Design I OR
ART 110 Basic Drawing
ART 145 Basic Photography
ART 231 Introduction to Digital Media
Required Course: 3 cr
ART 220 History of Photography
Two [2] of the following courses: 6 cr
ART 240 Intermediate Photography
ART 314 Advanced Photography
ART 320 Digital Photography I
ART 425 Digital Photography II
ART 313 View Camera Photography
Total Credit Requirement for a Minor in Photography 18 cr
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Political Science Minor Jessica Boscarino, Ph.D., Department Chair
What is Political Science? Political Science, the critical study of politics and government, addresses
the question: “Who gets what, when and how?” The discipline’s key concept is “power”. Major sub-
branches include political theory, public policy and administration, American politics, comparative
government and international relations. Faculty combine theory and practice to provide students with a better
understanding of political parties, interest groups, campaigns, law, justice and international relationships.
Marist’s Bachelor of Arts in Political Science imparts the skills necessary to succeed in a wide variety of
exciting careers. A Minor in Political Science is also available. The Faculty invites you to consult the
Political Science Web Site at to learn about the accomplishments of
alumni and faculty. The department takes full advantage of the renowned Marist Institute for Public Opinion,
Pi Sigma Alpha, Marist Democrats, Marist Republicans, Marist Moderates Club, the FDR Presidential Library
and the Center for Civic Engagement and Leadership.
Requirements for a Minor in Political Science
One course at the 100 level from two of the following subfields: 6 cr
Political Theory:
POSC 112 Introduction to Political Theory
Global Politics:
POSC 111 Introduction to Comparative Politics
POSC 113 International Relations
American Politics:
POSC 110 American National Government
One POSC course from two of the following subfields: 3 cr
Political Theory:
POSC 218 American Political Theory
POSC 232 Classical Political Thought
POSC 233 Modern Political Thought
Global Politics:
POSC 213 Politics of Human Rights
POSC 236 Politics of Developing Areas
POSC 251 European Politics
POSC 252 Comparative Politics of Russia/Eastern Europe
POSC 255 Political Economy: The Rise of the Asia/Pacific
POSC 271 Nationalism and Communism in China and Taiwan
POSC 280 ICONS: International Communication and Negotiation Simulations
POSC 290 International Law and Organization
American Politics:
POSC 202 Environmental Politics & Policy
POSC 210 US Constitutional Law
POSC 211 American State & Local Politics
POSC 212 Political Parties and Interest Groups
POSC 214 Gender & the Law
POSC 240 Introduction to Public Policy
POSC 289 Public Opinion & Politics
Three Elective Courses in Political Science 9 cr
(One course must be at the 300 level)
Total credit requirement for a Minor in Political Science 21 cr
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Product Development Minor
Jennifer L. Finn, Department Chair
What is Product Development? More and more often today the fashion industry turns to the
merging of creative design aspects and merchandising insights to create new saleable products and designs.
The Fashion Program prepares students to pursue careers in Product Development with this minor that
explores fashion trend, global production and sourcing, branding and licensing, and other pertinent aspects of
the fashion industry. The Product Development minor is available to Fashion Design or Fashion
Merchandising majors.
Requirements for a Minor in Product Development
Required Courses: 9 cr
FASH 200 Textiles
FASH 318 Apparel Supply Chain Management
FASH 300 Product Development
Select Three: 9 cr
FASH 267 Textile Design
FASH 325 Private Label Development
FASH 341 Fashion Branding & Licensing
FASH 350 Accessory Design
FASH 379 Knitwear Design
FASH 415 Advanced PDM Software
FASH 455 Global Merchandising Strategies
Total Credit Requirement for a Minor in Product Development 18 cr
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Professional Writing Minor
Joshua Kotzin, Ph.D., Department Chair
What is Writing? The Professional Writing minor allows students to explore the intersections of writing
and many businesses and industries. Students will learn how professionals solve information problems. They
will discover how to develop persuasive professional arguments to effect change. By creating effective
professional documents, students will work towards solving complex problems and supporting information
Requirements for a Minor in Professional Writing
Foundation Courses 6 cr
ENG 218 Grammar, Style, and Editing
ENG 222 Intro to Professional Writing
Upper-Level Writing Requirements 12 cr
Four of the courses below:
ENG 312 Business Writing
ENG 313 Writing in the Digital Age
ENG 352 Technical Writing
ENG 380 Nonfiction Workshop
ENG 392 Special Topics (in Writing)
ENG 490 Independent Study in Writing
ENG 497 Professional Writing Internship
Total Credit Requirement for a Minor in Writing 18 cr
Psychology Minor Mary Stone, Ph.D., Department Chair
What is Psychology? Psychology is the scientific study of human behavior, thoughts, and emotions.
Psychologists may engage in research or practice skills in a variety of settings. The field of psychology is a
multifaceted discipline consisting of sub-fields such as clinical, cognitive, community, counseling,
developmental, forensic, educational, evolutionary, experimental, health, industrial/organizational, and social.
Requirements for a Minor in Psychology
PSYC 101 Intro to Psychology 3 cr
Any five Additional PSYC Courses, Selected From 15 cr
No Less Than Three of the Following Five
Elective Categories:
(1) Developmental Psychology (PSYC 310, 317, 318, 321, 323)
(2) Biological Psychology (PSYC 206, 210, 211, 213, 301-306)
(3) Sociocultural Psychology (PSYC 215, 220, 222, 307, 330, 331, 340, 385)
(4) Learning & Cognition (PSYC 205, 306, 308, 315, 342, 343)
(5) Counseling, Clinical & School Psychology (PSYC 201, 202, 203, 207, 208, 311, 332, 348, 362,
Total Credit Requirement for a Minor in Psychology 18 cr
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Public Opinion Concentration
Lee M. Miringoff, Ph.D., Director, Marist Institute for Public Opinion
What is Public Opinion? Marist College offers an undergraduate concentration in Public Opinion.
Associated with the activities of the Marist Institute for Public Opinion, the concentration provides students
with the opportunity to enhance their understanding of the research methods associated with the measurement
of public opinion, the processes involved with its communication, and the impact of public opinion upon
society. Students learn the various aspects of conducting public opinion research, the broader theoretical
contexts that guide public opinion research, and current value issues in the field.
Requirements for a Concentration in Public Opinion
MATH 130 Intro to Statistics I 3 cr
POSC 110 American Natl Govt 3 cr
POSC 211 Amer State and Urban Politics OR
POSC 212 Political Parties and Pressure Groups 3 cr
POSC 338 Political Communication and Politics 3 cr
POSC 339 Public Opinion and Politics 3 cr
POSC 342 Survey Res and Political Data Anal 3 cr
POSC 235 Scope Methods of Political Anal 4 cr
Total Credit Requirement: 22 cr
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Religious Studies Minor Georganna Ulary, Ph. D., Department Chair
What is the Religious Studies Minor? Religion is both the source of expression for much of
humanity’s self-understanding. Fundamental questions about existence, identity, and values are addressed
through religious “worlds of meaning”. At various times in recent history, religion has been disparaged as
oppressive (Marx) criticized as an illusion (Freud) or dismissed as irrelevant (the post-Holocaust
“God is Dead” movement). Nonetheless, religious sources and expression continue to provide the central texts,
symbols, and paths of transformation for individuals and societies throughout the world.
The study of religion is also at the heart of contemporary program of liberal studies. It has been extolled as
“Interdisciplinary multiculturalism in wild and glorious bloom” (R. Eastman). Such as grand assessment can
only make sense when one considers the almost boundless range of geography, history, languages and cultures
that encompass the field. Perhaps no other area of liberal studies has brawn comparable attention and
contributions from such diverse disciplines as archeology, art, literature, philosophy, theology, sociology,
history, psychology, and political science.
Religious Studies at Marist
Religious Studies course at Marist are not only integrated into the Core program, but are also available as
electives and as areas of more in-depth study (including the minor programs in Religious Studies and Catholic
Studies). The department offerings are taught with an emphasis on both the academic and experiential insights
gained from religion as a “living and growing organism” (T. Ludwig). While the department highly values the
Catholic tradition handed down from the Marist Brothers who founded the College, Religious Studies courses
are non-confessional. Instead, the emphasis is placed on appreciating the historic, cultural and critical
development of this vital branch of study, and inquiring into the role of religion with regard to contemporary
moral problems.
Requirements for a Minor in Religious Studies
Two introductory courses selected from the following: 6 cr
REST 107 Intro to Religion
REST 201 Religion in America
REST 300 Judeo-Christian Scriptures
Four other REST courses: 12 cr
Total Credit Requirement for a Minor in Religious Studies: 18 cr
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Social Justice Minor Addrain Conyers, Ph.D., Co-Director
Steven Garabedian, Ph.D., Co-Director
What is Social Justice? The Social Justice Minor offers students an interdisciplinary experience that
focuses on the goal and process of achieving equal rights and opportunities for all members of society. The
curriculum emphasizes marginalized identities, social structure, and social change; the distribution of power,
resources, and opportunities; and appropriate individual and collective remedies for social inequities. This minor
would be of interest to anyone curious about diversity, equity, inclusion, marginalization, social justice, and social
change. The social justice minor is open to all students from any major.
Requirements for a Minor in Social Justice
Foundation Requirements (one course) 3 cr
CRJU 290L Foundations in Social Justice
SOC 336L Social Inequalities
Distribution Requirements/Thematic Areas (three courses) 9 cr
*No more than three courses from the student’s major field of study can be used to fulfill the distribution and
elective requirements in the minor.
Social Identities (one course) 3 cr
ENG 220L Literature and Gender
HIST 232L U.S. Women’s Hist
HIST 234L African American History
PSYC 331L Psychology of Women
SPAN 270L Cultures of Hispanics in the U.S.
Social Structures (one course) 3 cr
CRJU 314L Race and Crime
ECON 150L Econ
- Social Issues
HIST 205L Introduction to Public History
POSC 300L US Constitutional Law
POSC 303L Politics of Prejudice
SOC 101L Introduction to Sociology
SOC 150L Culture, Power, and Education
Social Change (one course) 3 cr
COM 400L/WMST 400L Gender, Culture and Communication
HIST/WMST 130L Intro to Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
PHIL 340L Marx and Marxism
POSC 214L Gender & Law
POSC 302L Political Social Movement
POSC 310L/HIST 216L Race and Political Thought
POSC 320L Feminist Political Thought
PSYC 222L Community Psychology
SOC 341L Social Change
SOCW 326L Domestic Violence Prevention and Intervention
Electives (two courses) 6 cr
*Any of the aforementioned foundation or thematic courses and:
COM 260L Sports, Culture and Communication
COM 325L Intercultural Communication
Juvenile Justice
ENG 223L American Ethnic Literature
ENG 353L Ethnic American Literature
ENSC 101L Intro to Environmental Issues
HIST 211L History of American Manhood
HIST 217L/POSC 217L/REST 217L Catholics in the U.S.
PHIL 213L Foundations of American Social Thought
PHIL 234L Social & Political Philosophy
PHIL 348L The Ethics of Food
POSC 213L Politics of Human Rights
PSYC 330L Culture and Psychology
REST 231L Social Ethics + Econ
SOCW 343L Soc Work w/ Aging People
SOCW 352L Addictions and Diverse
Total Credit Requirement: 18 cr
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Social Work Minor Daria V. Hanssen, Ph. D., LCSW, Department Chair
What is Social Work? Social workers are people who care about people; who want to make things
better, who want to relieve suffering; who want their work to make a difference. Social Work is a profession
devoted to helping people function the best they can in their environment. This can mean providing direct
services on a one-to-one basis. It also means working for change to improve social conditions. Some of the
main areas of specialization include health care, mental health, school, family services, child welfare, chemical
dependence, gerontology, clinical and occupational.
Requirements for a Minor in Social Work
SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology 3 cr
SOCW 230 Introduction to Social Work 3 cr
Any Three additional elective courses in Social Work 9 cr
Total Credit Requirement for a Minor in Social Work 15 cr
Sociology Minor Daria V. Hanssen, Ph. D., LCSW, Department Chair
What is Sociology? Sociology involves the systematic study of human behavior in the social
environment including the effect of social forces on people's attitudes and behavior and how attitudes and
behaviors differ across time and social groups, from small primitive societies to large, complex, modern
Requirements for a Minor in Sociology
SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology 3 cr
SOC 336 Social Inequality 3 cr
SOC 341 Social Change 3 cr
SOC 440 Social Theory 3 cr
SOC 450 Qualitative Social Research Methods OR 3 cr
SOC 480 Social Research Methods
Any One additional elective course in sociology AND/OR 3 cr
ENSC 101 Intro to Environmental Issues
HIST 130 Introduction to Women’s Studies
MDIA 325 Documentary Film
MDIA 326 Race & Ethnicity in Film
MDIA 335 Gender and Media
SPAN 270 Cultures of Hispanics in the US
POSC 303 Politics of Prejudice
SOC 301 Sports in Society
Total Credit Requirement for a Minor in Sociology 18 cr
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Spanish Minor Patricia Ferrer-Medina, Ph.D., Department Chair
Why Study Spanish? With over 40 million people in the US and over half a billion in the world,
Spanish is the second language spoken in the US and the third language spoken in the world. Over 62 million
people in the US alone culturally identify as Hispanic or Latinx. To study Spanish means to learn how to
engage in the language and culture of all those people. Spanish majors are better prepared to face 21st century
challenges by better understanding the multiple cultural contexts in the US.
The Spanish major in the department of Modern Languages and Cultures is practically minded. It focuses on
the development of oral and written fluency as well as the cultural literacy necessary to communicate
effectively and appropriately. We encourage students to experience the language and culture by taking a
community-based learning course, participating in an internship, or pursuing a study abroad program. Our
Spanish major also pairs well with other majors and all minors. We work very closely with students to
customize their Spanish language preparation for the future.
Requirements for a Minor in Spanish Language Studies
Spanish Language: nine credits above the intermediate level* 9 cr
Culture: Spain and Latin America 6 cr
Literature: One course selected with advisement 3 cr
TWELVE to FIFTEEN credits of the minor can also simultaneously fulfill
the distribution requirements of Core/LS.
*SPAN 210-211 are required for Bilingual Hispanic students, but may be waived
if the student has a solid background in Spanish.
Total Credit Requirement for a Minor in Spanish Language Studies 18 cr
Studio Art Minor Matt Frieburghaus, M.F.A., Department Chair
What is Studio Art? Studio Art is an exploration of the visual arts. The courses help you to enhance
your abilities to produce works of art in various media. You might take classes in drawing, painting,
photography, etc., to help you to better express yourself through your art and combine your studies in other
disciplines with an increased awareness of the visual arts.
Requirements for a Minor in Studio Art
Foundation Courses: 6 cr
ART 101 Fundamentals of Art and Design I
ART 110 Basic Drawing
Four additional Studio Art courses 12 cr
Total Credit Requirement for a Minor in Studio Art 18 cr
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Theatre Minor Matt Andrews, M.F.A., Director of Theatre Program
Joshua Kotzin, Ph.D., Department Chair
What is Theatre? The minor in Theatre offers students an integrated training program in a liberal
arts environment. The goal of the minor is to educate students in the art and craft of theatre. Students are
exposed to the breadth of the discipline and have the opportunity to focus their study through electives.
The Theatre minor complements several major courses of study, such as Communication, Media Studies
and Production, Art & Art History, Business Administration, Psychology, English and Political Science.
Requirements for a Minor in Theatre
ENG 150 Intro to Theatre 3 cr
ENG 227 Acting I 3 cr
ENG 228 Stagecraft 3 cr
ENG 350 Directing 3 cr
ENG 356 Global Drama 3 cr
Any two Theatre Electives: 6 cr
ENG 241 Acting II
ENG 349 Acting III
ENG 310 Workshop in Playwriting
ENG 320 English Drama
ENG 325 Shakespeare
ENG 341 American Drama
ENG 349 Acting III
ENG 363 Modern Drama
ENG 435 Theatre in the Round
ENG 451 Theatre Workshop
Appropriate Special-Topics course
Theatre Internship
Total Credit Requirement for a Minor in Theatre 21 cr
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Womens, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Minor
Kristin Bayer, Ph.D., Program Director
What is the Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Minor? It is a
multidisciplinary academic program that focuses on gender as a significant cultural and cognitive category.
The minor in WGSS exposes students to the intellectual, political, and aesthetic contributions of women to
human culture, and examines how gender has influenced the lives, status, and opportunities of all people.
Attention is paid to the ways in which gender intersects with race, class, and ethnicity to shape social and
political structures and individual experiences. Courses provide students with a critical approach to the study
of history, political science, literature, philosophy, religion, economics, communication, social sciences, the
natural sciences, and management, incorporating scholarship on women, gender, and feminist theory. The
program advances the Marist tradition of preparing students to develop a global perspective that recognizes
and respects diversity. Students are required to take an interdisciplinary Introduction to Women’s Studies
course and five other courses distributed among at least two different disciplines for a total of 18 credits.
Courses that may be applied to the minor include the following regular offerings, as well as designated special
topics and cross-disciplinary courses and include all study of gender issues.
Requirements for a Minor in Women’s Studies
WMST/HIST 130 Introduction to Women’s Studies, Gender, and Sexuality Studies 3 cr
Five additional designated courses from two different disciplines 15 cr (see below)
Regular offerings (Please see appropriate discipline for full description.)
BIOL 232 Sex, Evolution, and Behavior
COM 350 Sex and Media
COM 400 Gender and Communication
ECON 200 Economics of Gender
ENG 220 Literature and Gender
HIST 232 U.S. Women’s History
HIST 267 Women in Asia
HIST 314 Witchcraft and Sorcery in Pre-Modern Europe
HIST 325 History of American Feminism
HIST 332 Women and Religion in America
WMST 385/MDIA 335 Gender and Media
POSC 314 Gender and the Law
POSC 320 Feminist Political Thought
PSY 206 Psycho-Biological Sex Differences
PSY 331 Psychology of Women
SOC 336 Social Inequity
SOC 341 Social Change
SPAN 370 Latin American Women Writers
**Other courses to be approved in advance by the Director**
Total number of credits for a Minor in Women Studies 18 cr
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Career Publications and Websites
Where can you find information about majors and careers? There is a lot you can learn using online
and hard copy resources, as well as career professionals.
Center for Career Services
Follow us on: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Instagram
Cannavino Library
Occupational Outlook Handbook
Find the training and education needed for individual careers; earnings; expected job prospects; what
workers do on the job; working conditions; and links to professional associations. This online book is
available in English or Spanish.
• The Bureau of Labor Statistics
Locate up-to-date information on employment and salaries nationwide.
Research the details of particular occupations.
• NY career Zone
Follow your interests to logical career options. Includes videos.
• Career One Stop
Browse different career options as well as typical salaries. Explore resume and interview tips. This is a
resource for both jobseekers and employers.
A self-paced, online career and education planning tool for college students and alumni. The access
code needed to set up an account on FOCUS 2 is MaristRedFoxes. A Marist email address must be
used to establish an account.
An online career management system that provides access to job and internship postings, career fairs,
employer events, and enables you to schedule an appointment with career coach.
Use your MyMarist credentials ( email address and MyMarist password) to log into
Join the Marist Alumni Association group to network with alumni and join the Marist College Center
for Career Services group to receive updates on job postings and other opportunities.
Access handouts and other information at any time to assist with career planning. Once logged in to
iLearn click on the Membership tab > Joinable Sites > Center for Career Services
Alumni Career Network
Search the Alumni Career Network for hundreds of names of individuals who are willing to be
contacted by current Marist students about career choices and paths.
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Digital Resources
A free online career hub that provides access to job and internship postings, career fairs, other
employer events, employer pages with peer reviews, and more features.
Apply for full-time and part-time jobs, on-campus employment jobs, internships, and fellowships.
Set up notifications for opportunities that are tailored to your interests, goals, and other preferences.
Use your MyMarist credentials ( email address and MyMarist password)
to log in to
Handshake at
this link:
Get updated career advice (employment outlook/industry trends, work permit and visa regulations,
interview and
cultural advice, etc.) for more than 120 domestic and international locations.
Search NGO, nonprofit, and corporate opportunities all in one database. Search by keywords,
location, annual
revenue, or number of employees.
Access GoinGlobal here:
Get advice on how to enter and succeed in a variety of industries.
To access Candid Career go to:
Search, select, and store job listings from many job boards and company profiles.
Find Marist alumni by entering “Marist College” in the Contacts section.
Get up-to-date contact information, including email addresses, for millions of
Go to
and click on the
Sign Up Now
link at the bottom of the
page. Provide all required information, including your Marist College email address, and make sure the
Group or School
Identifier is listed as Marist.
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Digital Resources (Continued)
An online career guidance program for students and alumni.
Take inventories
your interests,
values, personality,
Look at careers based on the inventory results.
Use the careers database to learn more about careers that interest you and are related to majors at Marist
Go to Click the REGISTER button
and fill out
the required information. Enter this access code:
(exactly as it appears
here). You must use your
Marist College email address to set up your account.
An online simulator that lets you see and hear yourself responding to interview questions.
Choose from among dozens of interview question sets and record yourself answering them right in the
Go to
and click on
if you don’t have an account. You
must register
using your Marist College email address.
Contains thousands of individuals who are willing to be contacted by Marist students about career
choices and
career paths.
Search the network by occupation type, business title, business name, name of the person,
location, and/or
graduation year.
Types of assistance alumni provide for students include advice giving via email or phone,
informational interviews, job and internship referrals, job shadowing, mentoring, and more.
Use your MyMarist credentials ( email address and MyMarist password)
to log in to
and search the
Alumni Career Network at
If you need further assistance with these resources please email or
schedule an appointment with a career coach.
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
What Are Internships?
Internships enable students to integrate their academic studies with periods of employment related to their career goals. It
is a program of educational enrichment designed to enhance students’ academic and personal development in preparation
for careers. Students are supervised by internship faculty coordinators in off-campus, full or part-time internship
experiences, related to their studies and/or career interests. The program is designed to provide students with practical field
experience while giving employers access to resourceful students preparing for professional positions. Internships are
available in all major credit-bearing areas of study currently offered at Marist. Internships may be arranged for the fall,
spring or summer terms. Since academic credit is awarded upon completion of the field experience, tuition must be paid
according to the number of credits attempted.
Who is Eligible for Internships?
Students must meet the following requirements:
Matriculation in a bachelor’s degree program
Completion of 60 credits, at least 12 of which were earned at Marist
Minimum GPA of 2.50
Completion of courses that relate to the duties to be performed at the work site
Approval of the division Faculty Coordinator prior to registering for internship credit
*Each School has its own set of internship eligibility requirements so it’s important that students confirm these with their
internship faculty coordinator. In addition, students must also meet the necessary qualifications established by the
participating employer.
In addition, students must also meet the necessary qualifications established by the participating employer.
Note: Internship credits are not granted for existing full-time or part-time jobs. All elective internship credits are counted
as non-liberal arts elective credits. The Internship Program annually recognizes graduating seniors at the Marist College
Internship Award Ceremony.
83% of students participated in one or more internships while at Marist. Below is a list of
organizations that our students interned with:
iHeart Radio
Target Corporation
Anderson Center for Autism
JP Morgan Chase
Arts Mid-Hudson
The Hartford
Atlantic Records
Krupp Communications
The Valley Table Magazine
Binghamton Devils
Madison Square Garden
The Walt Disney Company
Coburn Communication
Marvel Entertainment
TigerBeat Magazine
Coyne Public Relations
Michael Kors
TJX Companies, Inc.
Cryptic Gallery
Mid-Hudson Regional Hospital
Tommy Hilfiger
Donna Karan International
Morgan Stanley
Tory Burch
National Park Service
TV Guide Magazine
Entertainment Tonight
NBC Universal
U.S. Military Academy at West Point
Express Scripts
New York Jets
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation
Vera Wang
Family Services
Oscar de la Renta
Prudential Financial
Victoria’s Secret
Fidelity Investments
Rhinebeck Bank
Fox News Channel
Ross Stores Inc.
Goldman Sachs
Sesame Street
Haddad Brands
Sirius XM Radio
Sony Music
For more information contact Stephanie Paquin, Assistant Director, Internship Program at Marist College,
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 at (845) 575-3547 or E-mail:
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Approaching the Graduate School Decision
The Calendar and Considerations Involved
Are you thinking about going to graduate school? This decision requires time, planning and the help of faculty and staff
at Marist. Making the right decision requires that you ask yourself:
Why should I go to graduate school?
Where do I want to attend graduate school?
What might I contribute to a graduate program?
Exploring the Reasons for Graduate School
There are several extremely good reasons to consider continuing your education after Marist. In terms of future
employment, the pay scale tends to be higher for those with advanced degrees as compared with the salaries paid to those
with just the baccalaureate. For some occupations (law, medicine, teaching, to name a few), some form of graduate
training is mandatory. For other careers, such training may not be required for all positions, but does ensure advancement
to positions of greater responsibility and remuneration (social work, psychology and counseling, business). For some
students who are quite strongly drawn to the debates and themes within a specific discipline, attending graduate school is
a compelling personal and important decision. These kinds of students very often enroll in doctoral programs to obtain
the PhD.
For every good rationale for pursuing graduate study, there is a flawed or poor reason to do so. You should not decide to
attend graduate school because you haven’t figured out what you want to do after graduating from Marist. The graduate
study decision requires as great a sense of direction as do career choices: students seek advanced study because they know
what they want to do. Further, students who apply to graduate school just to give themselves a bit more time to figure out
their paths frequently are not accepted. If they are, these students often end up floundering or becoming intimidated by
the demands of graduate study. This is a shame because, with a little more time and some job experience, these
individuals might very well have identified their own interests and come to thrive in a graduate program. Similarly, you
shouldn’t go on to graduate study to “try it out.” Not only is the application process for advanced study a fairly searching
one, being a grad student is an expensive and demanding proposition. Graduate study is an investment.
When you make the decision that graduate study is the right choice for you, it’s time to begin identifying the appropriate
schools at which to apply. Ideally, you should begin this process around the spring semester of your junior year.
Seeking out the Guidance and Expertise of Faculty
Throughout your undergraduate career, Marist faculty members are essential resources. In the process of researching
graduate programs, these professors are fundamental. Of course, you may have geographical preferences about the school
you attend, or you may feel more comfortable either with a larger program with potentially more resources or in a small
department which may ensure more individual attention. These are important considerations and will help you to develop
a short list of graduate schools. To identify those graduate programs that offer the best fit with your goals, you will also
need the counsel of faculty members.
Graduate study is the stage of specialization and depth. Academic disciplines have sub-fields and emphases that shape
the structure of specific graduate programs. In economics, for example, the field is broken down into micro- and
macroeconomics. Political scientists may investigate domestic politics, international relations, comparative politics or
political theory. The structure of graduate study will reflect these distinctions, but not all graduate programs will teach all
subfields well. To identify the best programs for your specific interests, you will need to consult with Marist faculty who
work in the discipline you wish to pursue. Through these consultations, you will both receive good direction and develop
further the contacts you will need for graduate school letters of recommendation.
Once you have received this guidance, you can begin to examine more closely the specific attributes of the programs you
have identified. Go online and research the course listings, the faculty biographies and the special features of your short-
listed programs. This research will almost certainly call out aspects of some programs that have particular appeal to you.
Not only aiding in narrowing your graduate school choices, but this information will also be highly useful in crafting your
application to individual programs.
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
Presenting Yourself to Graduate Schools
The time will come to assemble your graduate school application materials; this generally happens in the fall semester of
your senior year. What goes into an application? It is commonly made up of four components:
Your Marist transcript (where admissions committees will pay greatest attention to your coursework in the field
to which you are applying);
Graduate school admissions test scores (the GRE, the GMAT, the LSAT, and the MCAT are the most common);
Letters of recommendation (usually three; depending on your proposed field of study, these come from faculty
and/or from internship/job supervisors);
Your graduate school statement of purpose.
When graduate school admissions committees review applications, they are looking through all of these materials for
evidence of a serious commitment to the field and to making significant contributions to it.
The undergraduate transcript is self-explanatory in this regard: your Marist coursework in the graduate school field (and
any other academic disciplines which relate to it) will be examined not only for the grade you earned, but for the degree
of challenge presented by individual courses.
Graduate admissions exams are standardized tests measuring your potential for success in graduate study. While they do
largely measure aptitude, some parts and some exams in particular (the MCAT for medical school) also measure
knowledge acquired over time, particularly as an undergraduate. It is highly advisable to prepare well for these exams,
either by taking a test preparation course or by using sample tests (on exam websites) and test prep books to identify areas
that need extra work. These tests can be taken more than once but, past two exam administrations, some programs may
come to question the value of your scores. The summer before your senior year is a good time to prepare, and you should
plan to take the test by approximately October of the senior year.
Faculty recommendations weigh heavily and, with your statement of purpose, give you the opportunity to address or
counterbalance any perceived weaknesses in your college transcript or test scores. They also are the means by which you
acquire an individual identity in the eyes of the admissions committee. It is therefore highly important to pick your
recommenders with care. These should be faculty members (or supervisors) who know you and your work very well, and
who are able to speak to your potential for significant contributions in your chosen field --in graduate school and beyond.
When you request letters, sit down and describe to these individuals the specifics of the programs you’ve chosen and your
aspirations for study in them.
Be sure to give your recommenders plenty of time to prepare these letters.
Your statement of purpose for graduate study essentially tells the committee how you have evolved as a potential scholar
in the field to which you are applying, how their graduate program fits and fits extremely wellwith your profile as a
scholar, and where you hope to take your graduate school training five to ten years after receiving your advanced degree.
It is essential that your statement be sincere and that it convey your true voice. Barring an on-campus interview, which a
few programs do request, the statement is your one opportunity to introduce yourself personally and directly to the
admissions committee.
Finding Additional Graduate School Information
Additional information and support for graduate school applications is available from the Graduate School and
Fellowship Advisor in the Center for Career Services.
The Career Services Library has a broad selection of volumes on:
Graduate school listings
Graduate school culture, expectations and survival
Guidance on writing grad school admissions essays
Graduate school admissions exams
For information on specific graduate programs and links to them:
Details on fellowship funding for graduate study are available at:
Advisors for all Majors and Minors at Marist can be found in the online
Advisor Directory at:
The Academic Learning Center
Courses and Programs for Undeclared Students
FOCUS PROGRAM: This is a year-long, academically based freshman success program.
FOCUS provides resources and information for first year students to assist them in
making a successful transition from high school to college, and in making informed
choices about their course of study and future career options. (3 credits in the fall
and 1 credit in the spring)
THE COLLEGE EXPERIENCE: This course addresses the needs of freshmen who have
not declared a major. Topics include: transition issues, information on schools,
majors, the Core, time management, study skills and stress management. (1 credit,
offered in fall semester only)
MAJORS and MINORS FAIR: This annual fall event brings together representatives
from all majors offered at Marist College. Students are given the opportunity to speak
with Deans, faculty and upperclassmen in their major areas of interest.
SELF-DEVELOPMENT: Exposes students to a practical self-management model that
enables them to increase academic and personal achievement in a college
environment. (3 credit elective course, offered every fall and spring semester)
CAREER PLANNING and DECISION MAKING: This course helps students identify and
discover career-related skills, interests, personality styles and possible career paths
related to majors at Marist in order to help the student focus on career plans.
(1 credit, offered every fall and spring semester)
TRANSFER SEMINARS: This course will address the unique needs of the Marist
transfer student. The course will include the common reading for freshmen students
and FYS workshops on information literacy, presentation skills, and critical
thinking. Other topics covered will include transition issues, information on schools,
majors, minors, the Core, Pathways, etc. The students will become familiar with web-
based registration, student support services, information on the Center for Career
Services, Student Financial Services, and student organizations. (1 credit, offered
every fall and spring)