Document 1 - Briefing Document
Documents prepared by:
Susan Albanese Head of Procurement and
Karen Williams Interim Assistant Director
The ACC Liverpool Group
1 Overview
2 Vision
3 Values
4 Aim & Objectives
5 Summary of Requirements
6 Procurement Documents
7 Notes to Organisations
8 Your ITT Submission
9 Selection Criteria
10 Next Steps
The ACC Liverpool Group Tender for the Provision of Email Platform and Services
Commercial in Confidence
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1. Overview
We are The ACC Liverpool Group operators of a world-class event campus located
on the banks of Liverpool’s world heritage waterfront, ACC Liverpool, home to Echo
Arena, BT Convention Centre, Exhibition Centre Liverpool and ticking agency Ticket
Quarter. The ACC Liverpool campus is a family of venues, experiences and services
for the local, national and international events market. We play a leading role in
shining a spotlight on Liverpool, we have successfully staged a wide array of
national and international events, from shows and conventions, business gatherings
to showcase exhibitions, developing our offer over the last decade to that of a world
class provider of venue and event services.
The versatile BT Convention Centre facilities include a 1,350 seat auditorium, 18
breakout rooms, 3,725m
of exhibition space and a range of sustainable credentials
having been designed to produce half the CO
emissions it would without any
environmentally-friendly measures.
Sister venue Echo Arena Liverpool is an 11,000-seat arena with 22 hospitality VIP
Boxes and The Liverpool Collection Lounge with a packed programme of
entertainment and sporting events throughout the year.
In September 2015, The ACC Liverpool Group expanded its offering with the
opening of Exhibition Centre Liverpool, adjacent to BT Convention Centre and Echo
Arena, providing an additional 8,100m
exhibition facility, taking the total to 15,225m
of interlinked and flexible event space.
A pedestrian link bridge connects the new and existing venues making it the only
purpose-built interconnected arena, convention centre and exhibition facility in
Europe. A 216-bedroom Pullman hotel, which forms part of the development,
opened in February 2016.
Ticket Quarter is a ticketing agency created in 2012, we have since expanded the
services we provide to include support for event promoters and venues including
online ticketing; contact centre; marketing and promotional support; customer
service support and account management. We have grown our portfolio and we
now sell tickets for music, comedy, theatre and arts, family entertainment,
exhibitions and sport for a variety of regional venues and more than 200 events
across the North West including St George’s Hall and Farmaggedon and Liverpool
International Music Festival (LIMF).
The ACC Liverpool Group works closely with Clients helping to ensure the success
of their events and delivering the best possible service. Our vision is to be a
successful world class arena, convention centre and exhibition centre and the
ticketing agency for the North West that serves its customers to the best of its
abilities and attracts visitors to Liverpool, thereby contributing to the long term
growth and prosperity of our enterprise, our city and its people.
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Commercial in Confidence
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2. Vision
The unique skill of what The ACC Liverpool Group does is in the complexity of
bringing together many diverse individual groups of people with different expertise
and experiences, to create seamless, coherent and impactful events that deliver a
unique experience for Clients and visitors.
The awarded Contractors must be true partners and work closely with The ACC
Liverpool Group to promote continuous improvement and help The ACC Liverpool
Group enhance their brand and service quality through the provision of high quality,
pro-active and innovative products and services.
3. Values
The ACC Liverpool Group’s brand values are:-
The ACC Liverpool Group Tender for the Provision of Email Platform and Services
Commercial in Confidence
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4. Aim and Objectives
The overall aim of this tender is for The ACC Liverpool Group to appoint a new
Supplier for its email platform and associated services.
The Supplier’s objectives when appointed should include:-
supporting our vision and values
meeting our comprehensive range of requirements as detailed in the Scope
of Services and
providing us with a professional and timely service.
5. Summary of Requirements
Please refer to Document 3 Scope of Services for further details.
The duration of the contract is 3 years with an option to extend for two further
periods of twelve months. The anticipated contract start date is 1 October 2018.
6. Procurement Documents
The documents provided as part of this tender process are detailed below:-
Document 1 Briefing Document
(this document)
Document 2 Confidentiality Agreement
Document 3 Scope of Services
Document 4 Invitation to Tender Submission Schedule.
Please note Documents 3 and 4 will be provided to organisations once an expression
of interest has been received with a signed copy of the Confidentiality Agreement.
7. Notes to Organisations
Please note the following:-
7.1 The ACC Liverpool Group reserves the right to reject any organisation which fails
to comply fully with the requirements of the selection process set out or referred to
in the tender process.
7.2 Failure to submit a pre-qualification questionnaire or tender response, in whole or
in part may disqualify the organisation from the procurement and The ACC Liverpool
Group may undertake no further evaluation of that tender. Failure to furnish the
required information or supply documentation referred to in responses, within the
specified timescale, may also mean that an organisation is not awarded the contract.
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Commercial in Confidence
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7.3 Organisations should be aware that erroneous or incorrect responses may result
in their not being awarded the contract. In the case where the error or
misrepresentation is not discovered until after the contract is awarded, The ACC
Liverpool Group reserves the right to terminate the contract and all costs incurred by
The ACC Liverpool Group as a result of the termination shall be recoverable from the
tenderer accordingly.
7.4 The ACC Liverpool Group reserves the right to terminate the procurement
process and does not undertake to award a contract to any organisation. In no
circumstances shall The ACC Liverpool Group be liable for any costs incurred by an
organisation in relation to the procurement process or entering into a contract.
7.5 By participating in the procurement process, organisations agree and accept that
they are bound by all of the terms of this ITT. The submission of a tender will imply
the full acceptance of the provisions of this ITT by the relevant organisation. Any
attempt to qualify any of the provisions of this ITT may result in an organisation
being disqualified.
7.6 If The ACC Liverpool Group considers any question or request for clarification to
be of material significance, both the question and the response will be
communicated, in a suitably anonymous form, to all organisations who have been
invited to tender.
7.7 Information given by The ACC Liverpool Group is provided in good faith.
Technical information may be incomplete, or even contradictory, where it relates to
different time periods or methods of information gathering. The ACC Liverpool
Group Information is intended only as an explanation of The ACC Liverpool Group’s
requirements and is not intended to form the basis of an organisation’s decision as
to whether to enter into a relationship with The ACC Liverpool Group. Organisations
will be expected to test and verify any information that has a bearing on their
7.8 The ACC Liverpool Group Information does not purport to be all-inclusive or to
contain all the information that a prospective contractor may require. Organisations
must take their own steps to verify any information which they use and must make
an independent assessment of the opportunities described in The ACC Liverpool
Group Information after making such investigation and taking such advice as they
think necessary.
7.9 Neither The ACC Liverpool Group nor its members, directors, officers,
employees, agents or advisers make any representation or give any warranty as to
the adequacy, accuracy, reasonableness, or completeness of The ACC Liverpool
Group Information. Organisations considering entering into a relationship with The
ACC Liverpool Group should make their own enquiries and investigations of The
ACC Liverpool Group’s requirements.
7.10 Neither The ACC Liverpool Group nor its professional advisers shall be liable
neither for any loss or damage arising as a result of reliance on The ACC Liverpool
Group Information nor for any expenses incurred by organisations at any time in
connection with the procurement process.
The ACC Liverpool Group Tender for the Provision of Email Platform and Services
Commercial in Confidence
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7.11 Any advisers appointed by The ACC Liverpool Group, whether legal, financial,
technical or otherwise, will not be responsible to anyone other than The ACC
Liverpool Group for providing advice in connection with this procurement process.
7.12 Where an organisation intends to use sub-contractors, it will be its responsibility
to provide such sub-contractor with all necessary information. Where information
about the organisation is requested in negotiations or any procurement
documentation, such information must be provided for the principal contractor and
all sub-contractors.
7.13 Organisations remain responsible for all costs and expenses incurred by them
or by any third party acting under instructions from the organisation in connection
with their tenders, at any time, and whether incurred directly by them or their
advisors or subcontractors and regardless of whether such costs arise as a
consequence, direct or indirect, of any amendments made to this ITT by The ACC
Liverpool Group at any time.
7.14 Any attempt by any organisation or its appointed advisers to influence the
procurement process in any way will result in the relevant tender being disqualified.
Specifically, organisations shall not directly or indirectly at any time:
7.14.1 fix or adjust the amount or content of any tender in accordance with
any agreement or arrangement with any other person, other than in good
faith where such other person is a proposed provider of finance;
7.14.2 communicate to any person other than The ACC Liverpool Group
(other than in order to obtain quotations for supplies, services or finance) or
seek to obtain information about the amount or content of any other tender;
7.14.3 enter into any agreement or arrangement with any other person that
will result in such a person refraining from submitting a tender;
7.14.4 enter into any agreement or arrangement with any other person as to
the form, content or amount of this tender or any other tender;
7.14.5 offer or pay a sum of money, incentive or valuable consideration to
any person proposing to effect changes in or omissions from any other
tender; nor
7.14.6 contravene any provisions of the Bribery Act 2010.
7.15 Direct or indirect canvassing by an organisation or its appointed advisors in
relation to the procurement or any attempt to obtain information from any of the
officers, employees, or agents of The ACC Liverpool Group or their appointed
advisors concerning another organisation or another tender will result in
7.16 The ACC Liverpool Group must be notified in writing of any change in the
control, composition, or membership of an organisation that has taken place or takes
place at any time prior to execution of any contract.
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Commercial in Confidence
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8. Your ITT Submission
The ACC Liverpool Group’s Vision, Values and Objectives, along with our
requirements for the proposed Contract, have been detailed in the Procurement
Documents listed under Section 6.
We would now like to know more about your organisation and the skills you could
potentially bring to this Contract. Listed below are a number of areas we would like
you to cover in your ITT submission which should be provided by completing
Document 4 Invitation to Tender Submission Schedule:-
Section A Potential Supplier Information
This section requests details about your organisation.
Section B Exclusion Grounds
This section relates to activity that may exclude an organisation from participating in
this process.
Section C Selection Questions
This section requests details about your organisation’s economic and financial
standing, technical and professional ability, legislative and insurance requirements.
Section D Your Services
1. Details of your organisations experience and expertise in the provision of email
marketing solutions and evidence of recent work. This should include case studies,
technical specifications, visuals and screen grabs where appropriate
2. Details of your service delivery plan, including amongst other things, set up and
integration programme, management of the Contract, ongoing delivery of the
Services, communication with the Customer and contingency planning.
Section E Intention to Sub-Contract Part of the Services
Please indicate whether your organisation intends to sub-contract any element of
this Contract including software and technology. If so, please provide details of sub-
contractors and/or third party providers.
Section F Additional Services
Please provide details of any additional product or service offerings which you feel
would be relevant and how they could be utilised by The ACC Liverpool Group. You
may also provide an outline of those factors which differentiate your organisation
from those of your competitors. In addition to this, please demonstrate how you will
ensure a value for money service.
The ACC Liverpool Group Tender for the Provision of Email Platform and Services
Commercial in Confidence
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Section G - Costs
In addition to the above information, please complete the Costs Schedule ensuring
charges for all elements of the services are provided.
Section H Terms and Conditions of Contract and Service Level Agreement
Please provide a copy of your Terms and Conditions of Contract and Service Level
Agreement. The ACC Liverpool Group reserves the right to review the terms and
enter into negotiations with the proposed Supplier prior to awarding the Agreement.
9. Selection Criteria
Tender submissions will be evaluated by the panel detailed below:-
Karen Williams Interim Assistant Director (Marketing)
Susan Albanese Head of Procurement (Tender Facilitator)
Robin Cooke Multimedia Manager
Dominic Leeson Head of ICT.
The evaluation panel will use the following guidelines, listed in no particular order, to
select a contractor:-
depth of experience and expertise in database segmentation and email
platform and the ability to deliver to the platform requirements as a minimum
competitiveness of pricing
ability to offer value added services
future developments planned
compatibility with The ACC Liverpool Group’s vision, mission and brand
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10. Next Steps
Please see below an indicative project timetable (these times may be subject to
Thursday 9 August 2018
Documents 1 and 2 added to Contracts Finder and ACC Liverpool Group Website.
Please note, organisations must express an interest and sign and return Document 2
Confidentiality Agreement before Documents 3 and 4 are issued.
Friday 24 August 2018
Tenderers have the opportunity to raise questions regarding the ITT until 12 noon on
this date. Please submit any questions via email to purchasing@accliverpool.com
Friday 31 August 2018
Deadline for tender submissions.
Tender submissions will be evaluated and a short list of tenderers invited to present
to the evaluation panel.
Wednesday 12 September 2018
Presentations held.
Week commencing 17 September 2018
Award confirmed.
Week commencing 24 September 2018
Contract documentation finalised and issued.
1 October 2018
Mobilisation work to commence.