467 Tennyson Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94301 917-242-6511 kkimbrough@linkedin.com
Dr. Karin Kimbrough is the Chief Economist for LinkedIn Corporation. Prior to joining LinkedIn
in 2020, she served as the Assistant Treasurer for Google and the Managing Director and Head of
Macroeconomic Policy at Bank of America. In addition, Kimbrough worked at the Federal
Reserve Bank of New York as a Vice President and Director for the Financial Stability
Monitoring Function in the Markets Group from 2005-2014. She serves on the board of directors
for Fannie Mae and the National Bureau of Economic Research, and is a member of the Federal
Reserve Bank of Chicago’s Academic Advisory Council. She holds a bachelor’s from Stanford
University, a masters from Harvard and a Ph.D. from the University of Oxford.
467 Tennyson Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94301 917-242-6511 [email protected]
Data Science LinkedIn
1/20 – present Chief Economist, Vice President, Data Engineering
Responsible for a team of economists and data scientists researching issues on the global
labor market and the future of work.
Provide economic insights to clients, policy makers, internal executives, and the public.
Treasury Google
10/17 – 12/19 Senior Director, Assistant Treasurer, Corporate Finance
Responsible for share repurchase, repatriation planning, all capital markets transactions,
ratings agency and banking relationships.
Liaise with economics team inside Alphabet supporting investment and macro discussions.
Office of the CIO Bank of America Merrill Lynch
11/14 - 10/17 Managing Director, Head of Macroeconomic Policy
Report to the Chief Investment Officer in Wealth Management. Responsible for developing
thought leadership on global macroeconomy, Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury policy.
Provide market and macro insights to clients. Experienced public speaker, represented the
CIO at large conferences, and in print and televised media.
Markets Group Federal Reserve Bank of New York
6/05 - 11/14 Director, Financial Stability Market Monitoring Function
Responsible for team identifying risks to financial stability and producing cross-asset
analysis and analysis of bank and nonbank financial institutions.
Conducted scenario analysis of shocks to financial markets, including evaluation of
transmission mechanisms through credit intermediation channels, trading and market
infrastructure. Presented regularly to Chair of Federal Reserve.
Authored financial stability reports on asset valuation, leverage, and financial conditions.
Served on Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) Systemic Risk Subcommittee, and
Office of Financial Research (OFR). Drafted sections of FSOC Annual Report.
Manager, Analytical Development Staff
Led a team of masters and PhD level analysts. Guided research on empirical asset price
valuation models for equity, fixed income and MBS, and FOMC announcement event
467 Tennyson Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94301 917-242-6511 kkimbrough@linkedin.com
Performed quantitative analysis of cross-market trends. Led morning call between NY Fed
and the Board of Governors on a rotating basis.
Conducted primary dealer monetary policy survey and issued reports disseminated
throughout Board of Governors and Federal Reserve System.
Foreign Exchange Desk Morgan Stanley, London & New York
3/00 - 5/05 Economist/Strategist
Developed thematic research linking economic fundamentals and foreign exchange markets
and forecasts, generated investable ideas, and communicated with clients.
Built quantitative FX models for proprietary trading desk including early warning model for
14 emerging markets, and behavioral equilibrium exchange rate (BEER) and PPP models.
Chaired daily foreign exchange morning meeting for sales and traders, analyzed policy and
data releases for the FX desk, and authored desk’s daily FX comment.
While on leave from my doctorate studies:
1/98 - 2/98 Harvard Institute for International Development Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Research Assistant to a consulting team led by Jeffrey Sachs sent to work with the Ministry of
Finance on optimal investment and trade policies for small landlocked developing countries.
7/96 - 9/97 The World Bank, Washington (DC)
Research Analyst in the Macroeconomics and Growth Division, Policy Research Group.
Contributing author of chapter on regional trade arrangements. Exchange Rate Misalignment:
Concepts and Measurement for Developing Countries, by L. Hinkle and P. Montiel, 1999.
9/94 - 6/99 PhD in Economics University of Oxford, Oxford (UK)
Coursework in macroeconomics and applied econometrics.
PhD Thesis: “Monetary Union, Real Exchange Rates and Trade in the West African Monetary
Union”. Awarded British Council Overseas Research Scholarship, 1995-98.
9/92 - 6/94 Master in Public Policy Harvard Kennedy School of Government
Coursework in international trade and finance. Awarded KSG Black Alumni Scholarship, 1992-
9/86 - 6/90 B.A. in Economics, French and English Literature Stanford University
Junior year: Institut d’Etudes Politiques, Paris, France.
Selected for Stanford University African American Undergraduate Scholars Project.
467 Tennyson Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94301 917-242-6511 kkimbrough@linkedin.com
Programming/ Licenses: Stata, Excel, Haver, EViews, R, some Matlab/ FINRA Series 24, 7, 66.
Languages: Native English speaker, fluent in French, limited Spanish.
Interests: Ice skating, hiking, and skiing.
Membership: AEA, Chicago Fed Academic Advisor Committee member 2020