Data Analyst Career Launch Endorsement Application, Nov 2020
Institution details (data for application cover sheet):
Institution: Washington State University
Program: Data Analyst Career Launch
Level: College Bachelor Degree
CIP: 30.71
NAICS: varies, multiple
Contact info:
- Name: Andy Ferrera
- Title: Consulting Manager, Kinetic West; Consultant to Career Connect Washington
- Phone: 206-348-6972
- Academic contact: Dr. Jan Dasgupta, WSU, [email protected]
Program Checklist
P1. Program description including length of program in years and total hours (including split
between classroom and worksite).
This Career Launch program is designed to prepare young adults for high-demand jobs in the broad field
of data analytics. There are over 120,000 data analyst roles in Washington, with an additional ~60,000
jobs expected by 2027. These roles are in significant demand across industries, job functions, regions,
and organization sizes. Data analyst positions are well-compensated and serve as a strong entry point
into many fulfilling careers
This data analyst program, developed in partnership with employers including Tableau, F5, and Avista,
and the Data Analytics program at Washington State University, provides students with the skills needed
to succeed as a Data Analyst, and provides employers with qualified applicants to fill high-demand roles.
Program length:
- 120 semester credit hours, generally completed in 4 years with a full-time course load
- Program culminates with a Bachelor of Science in Data Analytics from Washington State
University (WSU)
- Students will complete at least 320 paid worksite hours after completing 90 semester credit hours
(i.e. 3 years of full-time study). The majority of students to complete their worksite training during
a full-time, 8-10 week paid, summer internship between their 3rd and 4th year of study.
P2. Estimated number of hours per week at worksite and in classroom (this approach may shift
throughout the program).
Classroom: 30 semester credit hours per year, ~15 classroom hours per week (not including homework
and assignments)
Worksite: 2 options:
- Full-time during summer between 3rd and 4th year: 40 hours per week for minimum 8 weeks
(most common option)
- Part-time during the school year: 10-15 hours per week for 2 semesters (less common option)
All students must complete a minimum of 320 hours of paid, supervised, worksite training
P3. Demonstration of labor market demand for specified skills/career in local region
Data Analyst Career Launch Endorsement Application, Nov 2020
This Career Launch program is geared towards a broad definition of the data analyst role, and is
designed for all regions of Washington State. The role can have a variety of job titles depending on the
industry and specific department within an organization. Potential titles include business intelligence
analyst, operations analyst, risk analyst, HR / payroll analyst, healthcare analyst, etc. All of these
positions are united by the core skill set of quantitative data analysis and communication.
Based on analysis conducted by Bain & Company, there were ~120,000 data analyst roles in Washington
as of 2018 employment statistics, with 50% projected growth (~180,000 jobs) expected by 2027 (Sources
consulted: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Current Employment Statistics, Burning Glass).
These jobs span across industries and employers:
Data Analyst Career Launch Endorsement Application, Nov 2020
While these job figures do not reflect the impacts on the economy from the COVID-19 recession, we
believe that the need for employees who can analyze large data sets and draw out key insights will
continue to be in demand long-term. Additionally, since many data analyst roles can be conducted
remotely, these roles are more insulated from the short-term, pandemic-caused closures.
P4. Projected count of student enrollment, student completion, and anticipated employer
participation for 5 years, post-pilot.
On average, there are ~150 students per year in the Data Analytics B.S. program at WSU. This includes
students across multiple campuses including Pullman, Vancouver, Everett, Global online.
Year 1 Students: Of the ~150 students in the WSU Data Analytics B.S. program, our goal is for
10-15 students to participate in the Career Launch program in the first year, with growth in each
subsequent year. 10-15 students represents approximately 16-25% of the senior class.
Currently we have commitments for 3-4 students from employers and we expect that number to
rise given continued employer interest.
Year 1 Employers: Three (3) employers have committed to host students (see attached letters).
Since the first internships will not begin until next summer 2021, we will continue to recruit
employer partners into the Spring to reach our target of 4-5 employers to host 10-15 students.
Based on recent conversations with employers in the Yakima region (assisted by the Yakima
County Development Association) and health care employers (assisted by WSHA), we anticipate
additional employer hosts to join.
Year 5 Students: 60+ students by end of year 5
Data Analyst Career Launch Endorsement Application, Nov 2020
60+ students, which represents all Seniors enrolled at Washington State University in the
Data Analytics program across campuses.
Additionally, we are in conversation with community and technical colleges throughout
the state about potential adoption of this Career Launch program within their institutions.
We have spoken with representatives from Bellevue, Everett, Whatcom, and Wenatchee
Valley Colleges regarding their interest in bringing this data analyst program to their
campuses. (See attached support letters from Wenatchee Valley College and Whatcom
College.) We will revise the goal upwards should community colleges finalize a
commitment to this program.
Year 5 Employers: Goal of 12 employers (assuming an average of ~5 students hosted per
employer by end of year 5, does not include additional employer partners should CTCs join the
Career Launch in the future.)
P5. Concise description of development process to create the Career Launch program (e.g. who
was involved, when, how was the program piloted, etc.)
In 2019, the process to build this program began during the early design and implementation of CCW. In
multiple meetings with employers and industry leaders, the CCW statewide team heard repeatedly that
there was not enough qualified data analyst talent. Employers need more employees who can take large
data sets, analyze them, and communicate key insights to a team and within an organization. We heard
this theme across industries (health care, technology, agriculture, public sector, etc.), across job functions
(product development, marketing, finance, HR, health quality, compliance, etc.), and across the state.
Since there was not an intermediary already building a data analyst program, and given the potential
impact of this program across the state, the CCW Statewide team decided to incubate the program
internally. CCW was initially assisted by a pro-bono team from Bain and Company, who performed the
labor market and initial job skills analyses for Washington. Their research is reflected throughout the
The CCW Statewide team engaged the WSU Data Analytics Program, and the program’s Director,
Professor Jan Dasgupta to develop the program’s curriculum in partnership with employers. Multiple
employers assisted in development of the Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSAs or core competencies) --
most notably representatives from Avista, F5, and Tableau.
As the KSAs were refined, we began validating the program and curricular design with several
stakeholders including
CTCs: Bellevue, Everett, Wenatchee Valley, and Whatcom Colleges -- all are evaluating
opportunities for future partnership and participation in this program (see support letters from
Wenatchee and Whatcom in the appendix)
CCW Regional Networks: We briefed the regional network leaders on multiple occasions about
the program goals and design. Multiple networks have assisted in recruiting employer partners.
(See support letters from several networks in the appendix)
Employer outreach: We engaged several employers regarding the design and potential
participation in the Data Analyst program including employers from the WSU Data Analytics
employer advisory group (including Career Launch participant Unify Consulting), members from
regional network business leadership groups, the Washington State Hospital Association, and
several past participants in other career connected learning programs. As our economy moves
towards recovery from COVID-19, we anticipate many of the employers engaged in this process
to host Career Launch interns.
Data Analyst Career Launch Endorsement Application, Nov 2020
P6. Signed letter of endorsement from all relevant partners, stakeholders and regional networks
(including employers, labor organizations, academic institutions, community-based organizations,
individuals, and other relevant stakeholders in support of the proposed Career Launch program).
Regional network endorsement preferred.
See attached letters in appendix:
Education partners
Dr. Jan Dasgupta, Professor of Data Analytics at Washington State University
Dean Jocker, Dean of College of Arts & Sciences at Washington State University
Dr. Tod Treat, VP of Instruction, Wenatchee Valley College
Dr. Kathi Hiyane-Brown, Ed.D., President of Whatcom Community College
Employer partners
Darren Alger, CEO, Unify Consulting
Jonathan Bennett, VP Data Analytics and IT Services, Washington State Hospital
Joy Emory, President & CEO, Workforce Snohomish
CCW Regional Network Directors
Mark Cheney, South Central Washington region
Vickei Hrdina, Southwest Washington region
Sue Kane, North Central Washington region
Cassidy Peterson, Spokane / Northeast Washington region
P7. Description of resources, supports, or other processes to recruit and support students from
underserved backgrounds (e.g. including students of color, students from low income families,
English language learners, students with disabilities, foster students, students experiencing
homelessness, students from single parent homes, and other populations that face barriers to
employment); or create an implementation plan to do so
To support students through their tenure in the program, Washington State University will serve as the
student support hub with multiple services provided for students to assist them to and through this Career
Launch program. (For more details on support while students are at the employer site, see section I-R6).
The specific services needed will vary by student, but all resources will be made available to all student
participants, and will be discussed during student advising sessions.
The Office of Multicultural Student Services,
The Office of Multicultural Student Services (MSS) seeks to facilitate the best undergraduate experience
for multicultural, first generation, and other underrepresented students through the provision of culturally
relevant services to enhance their learning and development and foster their successful transition,
adjustment, persistence, achievement, and graduation.
Smart Start Program,
The Smart Start Program works to facilitate the successful transition and retention of students who are
first in their family to attend and graduate from a 4-year university, during their 1st year on campus.
Students who actively participate in the program develop self-efficacy, broaden their perspective of
campus resources, and strengthen their ability to learn & succeed at the post-secondary level.
College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP),
Data Analyst Career Launch Endorsement Application, Nov 2020
The College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) is a federally funded program designed to meet the
needs of students with migrant or seasonal farm-working backgrounds. CAMP offers to eligible students'
valuable information on pre-college transitions and support services to aid the development of skills
necessary to succeed in their first year of higher education. Services include academic advising, tutoring,
skills workshops, health referrals, financial aid stipends, and cultural enrichment activities.
TRIO Student Support Services (SSS)
Student Support Services (SSS) is a federally funded TRIO program committed to the success of
first-generation, low-income, and/or scholars with disabilities. The program mission is to empower
scholars to achieve, develop, and graduate. Serves 160 students annually through services such as
academic advising, tutoring, priority class registration, personal support, career guidance, and cultural
enrichment activities.
Cougs Rise,
The Cougs Rise program, under the provost’s office, is designed to help students transition to college, by
matching students with a student mentor who has faced similar experiences, offering a wide range of
support from financial aid applications, admission, registration, and housing, with assisting with students.
College Success Foundation, The
College Success Foundation provides designated staff support for students from low income families,
foster care, and homelessness navigate and complete a bachelor’s degree. This Foundation has
additionally established a partnership with high-demand sectors of Washington’s economy like
aerospace, engineering, technology, and health care to help increase the rate at which students entering
our state’s workforce in these sectors.
Women’s Resource Center,
The Women’s Resource Center mission works to elevate all marginalized voices, through programs that
including honoring indigenous womxn, promoting justice for migrant women, education on violence, and
education on the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of international women.
Native American Programs and Student Center (NASC),
The Native American Programs and Student Center works to increase Native American student
recruitment and retention and also coordinate with tribes to promote initiatives on campus that benefit
Native students and encourage responsible research and interaction with tribes.
Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP),
The Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation program works to recruit and support minority
students to successfully complete science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)
baccalaureate degree programs, and increase the number of students interested in, academically
qualified for and matriculating into programs of graduate study.
The Ronald E. McNair - Postbaccalaureate Scholars Program,
The McNair Scholars Program provides undergraduates with opportunities to participate in
academic year and summer research activities. McNair Scholars participate in courses, seminars
and workshops on topics related to graduate school preparation, complete a paid research
project under the guidance of a faculty mentor, and have the opportunity to present their
research at local, regional and national conferences.
Washington State Academic Red-Shirt Program (STARS),
Data Analyst Career Launch Endorsement Application, Nov 2020
The Washington State Academic RedShirt (STARS) program assists motivated first-year engineering and
computer science students with the transition from high school study to the rigor of a college curriculum
by providing them with the tools and requisite math skills to be successful. STARS targets financial
need-based students who have demonstrated talent and interest in the engineering and computer science
disciplines, but have not been given the opportunity to properly prepare for the demands of these fields.
The Voiland College Internships and Career Services office,
The Voiland College Internships and Career Services office works to inspire students to become leaders
in today’s complex global society through participation in experiential learning and professional practice
activities with engaged industry partners. The office provides career-planning services to assist students
in clarifying career goals through individual coaching and activities that guide students through the career
development process.
Industry-Related Checklist
I-R1. Address of worksite(s) where Career Launch students will complete supervised training.
Employer Partner
Unify Consulting
8259 122nd Ave NE
Kirkland, WA 98033
Washington State Hospital Association
Wells Fargo Center, 999 3rd Ave. #1400
Seattle, WA 98104
Workforce Snohomish
808 - 134th Street S.W., Suite 105
Everett, WA 98204
Given the COVID-19 pandemic and related office closures, students may also be working remotely.
I-R2. Hourly wage for Career Launch participants.
All students will earn at least the minimum wage, with specific wage based on regional wage
requirements and employer determination.
I-R3. List of entry-level positions and associated job descriptions for which a Career Launch
student would be eligible for upon completion.
A variety of positions are available for students who complete this Career Launch program including Data
Analyst, Strategy Analyst, Business Analyst, and Data Analytics Consultant. (See attached job
descriptions provided by Unify Consulting.)
I-R4. List of specific skills and competencies required for completion of Career Launch program,
with demonstrated alignment to entry-level positions, job descriptions, and average local salary
The Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSAs) were developed in close collaboration with Washington State
University and regional employers of Data Analysts including F5, Avista, and Tableau. The KSAs were
Data Analyst Career Launch Endorsement Application, Nov 2020
supported based on research from Bain and Company who sources included expert interviews with
Washington employers, educators, and intermediaries, Burning Glass job posting data, and competencies
from peer data analyst programs -- specifically CoLAB in Washington, DC.
Using the initial benchmarks and labor research, along with significant input from our WSU and our
employer partners, we refined the KSAs to ensure that Data Analysts will be learning skills required for
success in entry-level Data Analyst positions across the state. See below for a summary of the KSAs,
with more details in the appendix.
According to Glassdoor, the average entry-level wage for Data Analysts nationwide is $63,000.00,
qualifying this as a job providing family-sustaining wage with ample room for growth.
I-R5. Employer attests that Career Launch program is in compliance with required federal, state,
and local regulations.
All employers attest that this program is in compliance with applicable laws within their area.
I-R6. Employers will outline a student supervision and mentorship model.
Each student in the Career Launch Data Analyst program will be assigned one manager who manages a
small team of interns in addition to full-time employees at the company. The manager will provide
feedback on work product and performance to the student participating in the Career Launch program.
The manager will also provide advice and coaching regarding knowledge, skills, and abilities required for
the specific role and at the company at large.
Students will also have the opportunity to interact across teams and within affinity groups within the
company based on interest. Managers will provide the opportunity for students to complete a
post-program evaluation for continual improvement of the program.
Data Analyst Career Launch Endorsement Application, Nov 2020
If issues arise during the work-based learning experience, the student will also be able to reach out to a
contact in Human Resources at the employer. Lastly, students will have support from WSU to ensure that
credits are appropriately awarded for the work-based experience. The advising team at WSU will also
serve as a backstop should any issues arise during the student participation in the Career Launch
I-R7. Description of common career pathway(s) beginning with entry-level position specified with
demonstration of likely salary growth over specified time period.
Data analyst roles encompass a broad set of job titles and functions across industries from Marketing
Analyst to Business Intelligence Analyst to HR / Payroll Analyst. (see additional roles listed in P3)
Since this Career Launch program is developed for multiple industries and regions across Washington
state, there is no singular path that a Data Analyst Career Launch completer may pursue. The following
are potential career pathways that students may pursue. All data is from LinkedIn salary insights. Given
the many opportunities for remote work in data analytics, salaries are from national benchmarks.
For Career Launch completers interested in digging deeper into advanced, quantitative analytics. Salary
data from LinkedIn salary insights for Washington jobs and salaries.
Career Stage
Potential titles
Beginning salary
Est. years in role
before advancement
Data Analyst, Business
Intelligence Analyst,
Risk Analyst, Quality
Analyst, HR Analyst
Data Scientist, Data
Engineer, Business
Intelligence Manager,
HR Manager
5+ years
From the Bain-led research analysis, 92% of the ~120,000 data analyst jobs in Washington meet or
exceed living wage levels (>$42,000 / year) and have low vulnerability to automation. See below chart:
Data Analyst Career Launch Endorsement Application, Nov 2020
I-R8. Demonstrated competency alignment with relevant professional standards for specified
entry-level positions when applicable.
There is not one set of specific industry standards required for this position (e.g. specific software
competencies, licensures, etc.). However, the KSAs as described in IR-4 were developed in partnership
with industry experts from Tableau, F5, and Avista, along with education partner input from WSU, and
other benchmarks from Bain and CoLAB. The KSAs developed serve as relevant professional standards
for the purposes of this program. See attached KSAs for more detail.
I-R9. Signed letter from employers partners attesting that Career Launch completers will be ready
for specified entry-level jobs, including an optional, non-binding commitment estimating number
of Career Launch completers they plan to interview/hire over the first three years of the program.
Please see employer letters of support in the Appendix.
Academic-Related Checklist
A-R1. List of academic institution(s) providing career-aligned instruction for Career Launch
Washington State University (Pullman, Vancouver, Everett, and the Online Global Campus)
A-R2. Curriculum scope and sequence aligned to skills and competencies provided in
employment checklist.
See WSU Data Analytics curriculum in Appendix.
A-R3. Demonstration of student supports (e.g. mentoring, advising, financial aid, tutoring)
available for Career Launch students enrolled in the course.
Data Analyst Career Launch Endorsement Application, Nov 2020
Data Analytics Advisory Board,
The Data Analytics Advisory Board is composed of industry leaders across the Pacific Northwest
committed to partnering with this WSU academic program to ensure graduates are ready to meet industry
news and expectations. These industry partners are committed to provide hands-on application of skills
through mentoring, internships, and partnership in the senior capstone experiential learning course
offering industry projects.
We currently have an active industry board with members representing a diverse range of industry
partners: Boeing, Microsoft Clearwater Paper Corp, Discovery Org, Google, Moss Adams, Nordstrom,
Schweitzer Engineering Labs, T Mobile, Kaiser Permanente Washington, and Unify Consulting.
Data Analytics Seminar
The program director has established a weekly seminar to provide additional support for students in the
program. This seminar includes discussions about courses, internships, resume writing, and employment
related questions. Guests will periodically be invited to the seminar, including industry board members,
external stakeholders, and WSU personnel and faculty to talk with the students. The seminar allows
students to build community and get advice from a diverse group of professionals working and doing
research in the field.
Data Analytics Program, (DAP)
There are seven Data Analytics Advisors/faculty/staff who support the Pullman, Global, Vancouver and
Everett programs with specialized advising. Advisors work with majors to assist in sequencing the
coursework for their particular needs, accessing support services, and working to identify or adjust areas
of application. Advisors also work with high school and transfer students to help them prepare for the
coursework needed to begin or transition over to Data Analytics. Advisors serve as a link to students for
additional university support and services available throughout the university, specialized for their
academic, personal, or financial needs.
Major Exploration Advising Program (MEAP) -
Provides personal advising and guidance for students needing assistance with selecting a program of
study at WSU and/or specifically within the College of Arts and Sciences. Three MEAP advisors lead
discussions with students about exploring academic majors & minors, career education, and campus
academic-enrichment resources; specifically targets students who have yet to earn college credits, and
have accumulated no more than 30 semester college credits.
Academic Success and Career Center (ASCC),
The ASCC serves as the central advising and career services for the WSU Pullman campus. The center
provides summer orientation & advising for all new undergraduate students, personal advising & career
coaching for returning students, and hosts year-round workshops and events focused on personal and
professional development. The ASCC partners with the College of Business, College of Engineering, and
the College of Arts & Sciences to host a fall & spring career expo as well as promote explorer networking
and career readiness tips.
Academic Success and Career Center (ASCC),
Free Tutorial Services for (31) subject areas covering Math, Sciences, Humanities, and the social
sciences. The ASCC also serves as the central advising and career services for the WSU Pullman
Data Analyst Career Launch Endorsement Application, Nov 2020
campus. The center provides summer orientation & advising for all new undergraduate students, personal
advising & career coaching for returning students, and hosts year-round workshops and events focused
on personal and professional development.
The Math Learning Center (MLC),
Free Tutorial Services through the Math Learning Center, which is fully staffed with qualified tutors to
assist students with class assignments. The MLC provides academic support for students enrolled in all
math courses offered at Washington State University.
Computer Services - Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics,
Four computing labs are available to students and faculty. These labs support both Linux and Windows
operating systems running mathematical software such as Maple, Matlab, SAS, Minitab, Splus, and
LaTeX, as well as other computing packages. Students may access mathematical software at any time by
using an interactive website maintained exclusively for math courses.
Computer Services - Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics,
Four computing labs are available to students and faculty. These labs support both Linux and Windows
operating systems running mathematical software such as Maple, Matlab, SAS, Minitab, Splus, and
LaTeX, as well as other computing packages. Students may access mathematical software at any time by
using an interactive website maintained exclusively for math courses.
Voiland College Student Success - (VCEA) Tutoring Services,
Tutors are experienced Voiland College undergraduates who are trained to work with students. Tutoring
is available for all engineering, computer science, and construction management disciplines. Tutoring
Services are also available for one-on-one tutoring and workshop formats.
Carson Center for Student Success Services,
Financial Support
Provost Office / Office of Academic Engagement / Invest In Cougs
Invest in Cougs is an OAE initiative that supports students in persisting toward graduation through
matched savings, peer mentoring, financial education, and individualized support to alleviate financial
barriers. Students have the opportunity to save $1000 and have their savings matched at 400%, to use
toward their education at WSU. Along the way, we help students successfully navigate the institution, gain
a sense of belonging, and engage in an academic experience unique to their passion and goals
Student Financial Services offers support, guidance, and distribution of state & federal educational aid, as
well as university scholarships. This office has gathered helpful resources for students across all WSU
campuses to help ensure all students can have access to the many resources available to them in a
variety of ways throughout their academic career.
Financial Aid,
This office helps students locate and apply for financial aid, as well as understand their financial aid
received, through options including grants and waivers, student jobs, loans, post-baccalaureate aid,
student-athletes, and consortium agreements.
Data Analyst Career Launch Endorsement Application, Nov 2020
The WSU scholarship search tool helps students find scholarships that not only look at academic
performance, but also Academic interests, talent, financial need, community service, leadership, career
ambitions, campus involvement. The tool allows students to look at WSU as well as outside scholarship
A-R4. Number of postsecondary credits provided and / or credential earned upon completion of
Students will earn 120 semester credit hours and will receive a B.S. in Data Analytics.
A-R5. Demonstrated curricular alignment with relevant professional and / or academic standards
associated with coursework and credential, when applicable.
See attached KSAs and WSU curriculum in Appendix.
A-R6. Details of potential for current or future partnerships and/or scalability of the program
within and across sectors and/or geographic locations (e.g. articulation, degree pathways), when
We anticipate continued growth in this program with more students, more employers, and more education
partners. As stated in question P4, we are targeting 10-15 students in this pilot year and 60+ after 5
years (a conservative estimate).
We continue to engage regional networks and industry associations about employer interest in this
program. As the economy recovers from the pandemic, we anticipate additional employer participation
and commitments to host students for paid work-based training. Furthermore, as referenced throughout
the application, we are also working to add more education partners.
Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities required for entry-level Data Analyst
WSU Data Analytics Curriculum
WSU letters of support
CTC letters of support
Regional network letters of support
Employer letters of support
Sample employer job descriptions