Executive Vice President and Provost
The Pennsylvania State University
Justin Schwartz serves as the Executive Vice President and Provost (EVPP) at the Pennsylvania State
University. Penn State is a longstanding member of the AAU and is consistently ranked among the
nation’s top public universities with highly ranked programs in a broad spectrum of academic disciplines.
With over 6,500 full-time faculty, ~88,000 students at 24 physical campuses across the state and Penn
State’s World Campus, an $8.4 billion annual operating budget, $4.3 billion endowment, and over $1
billion in annual research expenditures, Penn State is amongst the nation’s largest and most complex
universities. Schwartz serves as Penn State’s Chief Academic Officer and has direct responsibility for
about a $2B budget supporting all sixteen academic colleges and schools, nineteen commonwealth
campuses, World Campus, Student Affairs, University Libraries, Penn State Sustainability University
Health Services, Penn State Global, the Schreyer Honors College, and the Offices of Educational
Equity, Faculty Affairs, Affirmative Action, and Planning, Assessment and Institutional Research.
Schwartz works closely with President Bendapudi and her leadership team to set university priorities
across Penn State.
A highly visible, engaging and transparent leader, Provost Schwartz has built a diverse leadership team
and launched efforts to diversify faculty, close demographic gaps in student success to diversify Penn
State’s graduating classes, and to integrate student curricular and co-curricular experiences to provide
holistic student experiences. Recognizing the need to align academic offerings with the interests of a
global student population and societal needs, Schwartz launched an Interdisciplinary Schools Task Force,
creating a framework to bring together multiple colleges and campuses to offer undergraduate and
graduate degree programs in cross-cutting areas such as sustainability and artificial intelligence.
Recognizing that the demands and demographics of higher education students is evolving, under his
guidance, Penn State is reimagining online education, developing blended programs to meet the demands
of students across Pennsylvania and the world.
Schwartz’s tenure as EVPP has afforded him leadership experiences during a transformational period in
Penn State history and in an era of unique challenges facing higher education across the United States.
Schwartz played a key role in developing and implementing a new university-wide budget allocation
model, is co-leading strategic planning, and serving as an executive sponsor of an initiative to restructure
support services across the university for organizational excellence. Provost Schwartz led conversations
within Penn State related to first amendment rights and the requirements of Title VI, addressing campus
safety concerns triggered first by speakers hosted by Penn State student organizations and more recently
by events related to the war in Israel and Gaza. Provost Schwartz charged a university-wide task force to
create and implement a Visitor Rights and Responsibilities policy, codifying Penn State’s behavioral
expectations for all campus visitors.
Prior to his transition to EVPP, Schwartz served as the Harold and Inge Marcus Dean of the College of
Engineering. With over 400 faculty, 400 staff, 10,000 undergraduate and graduate students, and over
$180M in research expenditures and about $300M in total expenditures, the College of Engineering is
Penn State’s largest, most comprehensive college.
During his tenure as Dean of the College of Engineering, Schwartz transformed the foundations of the
college. The College’s strategic plan was built upon four cornerstones: excellence, equity, social mobility,
and sustainability
. These same cornerstones guided changes to the College’s promotion and tenure
criteria, which had not been updated in over two decades. Recognizing that cultural change only succeeds
in academia via faculty participation, Dean Schwartz engaged the College’s faculty by using a novel
In this context, sustainability refers to everything within the College, including financial management, student success, etc.
Justin Schwartz, Penn State University
“open source” approach to writing the new promotion and tenure guidelines, giving all faculty in the
College an opportunity to contribute directly to the writing of the new criteria. The resulting criteria
explicitly recognize the challenges associated with bias in various forms of faculty evaluations.
Through Schwartz's leadership, Penn State emerged as a national engineering leader through the
Engineering Equity Initiative. Schwartz set comprehensive goals for the College’s equity culture and
demographics, embodied in the College’s Equity Action Plan, a roadmap to actualize the College’s goals.
The EAP is a detailed call to action, with clearly defined responsibilities and metrics for success.
Schwartz led the national engineering community, co-leading his Big10+ decanal colleagues in an effort
to request that ABET require equity education in engineering accreditation. To prepare the community for
new accreditation requirements, he sponsored a national workshop on “Integrating Diversity, Equity, and
Inclusion into Undergraduate Engineering Programs”.
Under Schwartz’s leadership, the College of Engineering diversified its tenure-line faculty, nearly
doubling the number who identify as African-American/Black, doubling the number identifying as
Latino/a, increasing the number of faculty who identify as female by over 75%, while recruiting the
college’s only faculty member who identifies as female Pacific Islander. Through his initiatives, the
College expanded its interdisciplinary connections with Penn State’s major research institutes, as well as
many University Park colleges and Commonwealth Campuses, the College of Medicine, and the Applied
Research Laboratory.
Schwartz provided a vision for impactful research at Penn State. Under his leadership, external research
awards grew by over 50%, including significant increases in industry funding, and the graduate student
population grew by 25%. The impact of his research vision extended beyond engineering, as he worked
with colleagues to create new multidisciplinary research centers covering topics such as biodevices,
artificial intelligence, and neurotechnology in mental health research. Schwartz played a key role in
establishing Penn State’s Global Building Network, a formal partnership with the United Nations,
establishing Penn State’s global leadership in building energy efficiency, human health, and social justice.
As Dean of Engineering, Schwartz focused on student success and well-being for all Penn State
engineering students. The College modernized entrance-to-major processes and launched Engineering
Connect, a program addressing the biggest hurdles faced by first-year students. Schwartz created the
Project Drawdown Research Experience for Undergraduates program bringing students from across the
U.S. to Penn State for summer research within six different Colleges, focusing on climate change action.
Schwartz led the College through a fundraising campaign which raised $250M, nearly doubling the
College’s total endowment. Gifts include the largest single gift to the College, $15.5M from the Clark
Foundation to create the Clark Scholars Program, and a $7M gift to name the Ken and Mary Alice
Lindquist Department of Nuclear Engineering, the only named nuclear engineering department in the U.
S. Schwartz has advanced the College’s relationships with alumni through a restructuring the Industrial
and Professional Advisory Committee and cultivating strong engagement with the Penn State Engineering
Alumni Society and the Engineering Development Council.
Schwartz is a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors, AAAS, IEEE, and the ASM-International.
Schwartz has published over 300 papers, seven issued patents, and served as principal or co-principal
investigator for over $23M in research while advising 50 graduate students. He has been recognized
internationally through professional society awards, including the IEEE Council on Superconductivity
Award for Significant and Sustained Contributions to Applied Superconductivity and the TMS John
Bardeen Award. He has given plenary and keynote addresses at United Nations events and around the
Justin Schwartz, Penn State University
Ph.D., Nuclear Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1990
B.S., Nuclear Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana, 1985 (Highest Honors and Bronze Tablet)
Professional Experience
Pennsylvania State University
08/22 present: Executive Vice President and Provost (interim from 08/22 04/23)
08/17 8/22: Harold and Inge Marcus Dean of Engineering
08/17 present: Professor, Department of Engineering Science & Mechanics
08/17 present: Professor, Department of Materials Science & Engineering (courtesy appointment)
North Carolina State University
08/09 08/17: Department Head and Kobe Steel Distinguished Professor, Department of Materials
Science & Engineering
09/11 08/17: Affiliated Professor, Department of Physics
09/11 08/17: Affiliated Professor, Department of Nuclear Engineering
06/12 12/13: Interim Director, Analytical Instrumentation Facility, College of Engineering
Florida State University
04/05 08/09: Jack E. Crow Professor of Engineering
08/01 12/02: Senior Research Advisor to the Vice President for Research
08/99 04/05: Professor of Mechanical Engineering
12/93 08/99: Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
12/93 08/09: Leader, HTS Magnets and Materials Conductor Development Group, NHMFL
University of Illinois at Urbana
8/92 12/93: Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
2/90 12/93: Assistant Professor of Nuclear Engineering
National Research Institute for Metals, Superconducting Materials Research Group, Japan
2/90 8/90: Visiting Scientist under Dr. H. Maeda
Entrepreneurial Experience
Lupine Materials & Technology, Founder and CEO, 2015 present
Eagle Power Technologies, Co-Founder and CTO, 2015 2021
Pennsylvania State University
Executive Vice President and Provost
o Chief Academic Officer for over 8,000 academic faculty (6,500 full-time) and ~88,000 students
o Leads sixteen academic colleges and schools at University Park, nineteen Commonwealth
Campuses, Hershey College of Medicine, Penn State Dickinson Law, World Campus, Student
Affairs, Penn State Sustainability, Schreyer Honors College, University Libraries, Penn State
Global, and the Offices of Educational Equity, Faculty Affairs, Affirmative Action, and Planning,
Assessment, and Institutional Research
o Implemented a university-wide policy of Visitor Rights and Responsibilities to enable Penn State
to protect its values while fully supporting 1
Amendment rights and Title VI protections for all
university stakeholders
Justin Schwartz, Penn State University
o In collaboration with Faculty Senate, launched Joint Standing Committees on Artificial
Intelligence and Faculty Safety
o Launched Provost’s Endorsement Program to provide faculty with credentialed professional
development opportunities
o Launched Provost’s Post-doctoral Fellowship Program to diversify Penn State Post-docs and
o Launched high-DFW task force to address student persistence and close demographic
achievement gaps
o Created task force to create Interdisciplinary Schools that will reinvent interdisciplinary
undergraduate education via academic programs that bridge traditional disciplines to prepare
students for careers addressing the most impactful topics, such as sustainability, artificial
intelligence, neural science and engineering, and visual art, science and technology
o Elevated equity and inclusion expectations across Penn State, including the use of Equity
Moments at the beginning of every leadership meeting and new faculty search guidelines
Led Penn State College of Engineering (2017-2022)
o 13 academic departments
o Over 400 faculty and 400 staff
o Over 10,000 students at University Park
and World Campus
o ~$300M in annual expenditures
o Over $420M endowment
o Over 110,000 living alumni
Organizational impact College of Engineering
o Diversified College tenure-line faculty, nearly doubling the number who identify as African-
American/Black, doubling the number identifying as Latino/a, and increasing the number of
faculty who identify as female by over 75%
o Grew College endowment by over $200M, including one of the largest gifts in the College’s
history ($15.5M) to establish the Clark Scholars Program
o Grew College research expenditures and awards by over 50% over five years
o Led development and implementation of College Strategic Plan, building on four cornerstone
themes: Excellence, Equity, Sustainability, and Social Mobility.
o Led development and implementation of College Facilities Master Plan, leading to two new
buildings providing 395,000 square feet of new academic, research and student support space,
transforming the College’s footprint on campus. The $313M projects are on-mission, on-time and
under budget.
o Led transformation of the College Promotion and Tenure Criteria using an open-source process
engaging all College tenure-line faculty. The new criteria focus on faculty impact and motivate
faculty to focus on their impact and to aim for the highest levels of achievement.
o Led College rebranding and transformation of marketing & communications, focusing our
attention on engineering’s role in impacting the world through university-wide multidisciplinary
research and education
o Led successful ABET accreditation with 19 programs and no shortcomings or weaknesses
o Led tenure-line faculty co-hiring initiatives, including co-hires with the Applied Research
Laboratory, School of International Affairs, Penn State Law, and between various departments in
the College of Engineering. These initiatives establish the College of Engineering as a campus-
wide leader while reducing barriers to inter-college faculty collaborations.
Engineering Equity Initiative
An additional ~2,000 undergraduates are in 2+2 engineering programs at the Commonwealth Campuses and will transition to
University Park in their third year
Justin Schwartz, Penn State University
o Led the development and implementation of a College-wide Equity Action Plan, a holistic effort
targeting significant and sustainable changes in College culture and demographics through
cultural transformations and operational modalities, including alignment with new College
promotion and tenure criteria and creating a broad definition of inclusion that goes beyond
traditional minoritized groups in engineering
o Created and successfully recruited new Associate Dean for Equity and Inclusion position, as a
tenured role, elevating the importance of E&I to the highest level within the College
o Diversified college leadership with first African-American Associate Dean, first Latino
Department Head, first Latino Assistant Dean, first LGBTQ+ Department Head
o Transformed college leadership and faculty hiring processes and protocols; established one of the
most diverse and inclusive leadership teams of any R1 college of engineering in the U.S.
o Led Penn State into the Partnership for Faculty Diversity program, creating a pipeline of post-
doctoral researchers from minoritized groups and mentoring them to tenure-line faculty careers
o Launched equity-centric faculty search process, resulting in expanded diversity in our faculty
applicant pool and significant increased success in under represented faculty recruitment
o Targeted corporate and alumni fund raising in support of equity
o Created Impact Scholars program, transforming our scholarship awarding protocols, significantly
improving female and under-represented minority yield
o Created Allies program to engage entire college population as equity partners
Clark Scholars Program
o Secured $25M endowment ($15M gift from the A. James and Alice B. Clark Foundation and
$10M from Penn State) to support 40 full-time undergraduate students
o Clark Scholars are a visible, cohesive cohort who have shown a drive to succeed academically
and a willingness to seize opportunities in their lives and their schooling.
o Created Law, Policy and Engineering Initiative, bringing together faculty from the College of
Engineering, Penn State Law, and Penn State School of International Affairs
Developed integrative academic degree programs for undergraduate, graduate and
professional students, including Master’s of Engineering in Engineering, Law and Policy, and
multiple Integrated Undergraduate-Graduate degree programs with the School of
International Affairs
Establish research and scholarly collaborations across engineering disciplines
o Led partnership with the United Nations to renew and expand the Global Building Network
o Expanded the Center for Neuroengineering in partnership with the Huck Institutes for Life
o Strengthened relationships with College of Medicine, College of Health and Human
Development, and Eberly College of Science through multiple, strategic faculty co-hires
o Launched Project Drawdown-Penn State Partnership
Partnered with Penn State’s Institutes for Energy and the Environment to build relationship
with Project Drawdown, establishing Penn State as Drawdown’s primary academic partner
Served as a member of Project Drawdown “Braintrust” Advisory Panel
Created Project Drawdown Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program
Co-Chair of the 1
International Conference on Drawdown Research to Action:
The Science of Drawdown
o Launched College of Engineering Sustainability Council as part of the Penn State Sustainability
Institute campus-wide initiative
College undergraduate success initiatives and transformations
o Transitioned entrance-to-major from four semesters to two semesters
Justin Schwartz, Penn State University
o Launched “Exposure to Major” Initiative, including video content to inform students and parents
of high school and early-career undergraduate students about the impact of engineering
o Launched Engineering Connect pilot program with an aim to address the largest obstacles to
success for incoming engineering undergraduates at University Park and the Commonwealth
Campuses throughout their first year
o Initiated Return to Intern internships program to serve international undergraduate students
o Launched transformation of 1
year engineering curriculum
Engage all engineering students in hands-on engineering design
Expose all engineering students to the breadth of the engineering discipline
Infuse equity, diversity and inclusion into undergraduate curricula
College research growth initiatives and transformations
o Launched seed grant programs to
Re-engage mid-career faculty with low research output
Encourage highly successful faculty to expand into higher-risk, higher-payoff areas
Encourage faculty to pursue large interdisciplinary research centers such as the NSF ERC and
STC programs
Increase collaborations with the College of Medicine
Increase interdisciplinary research
Advance commercialization of faculty IP towards commercialization
o Established processes to quantify seed grant return-on-investment
o Restructured College’s Corporate and Industry Engagement
Concierge relationship-building to support research, philanthropy and career services
Expanded College Industry and Professional Advisory Committees via matrix structure to
continue department-centric committees while also engaging in college-wide initiatives
o Launched and seeded new interdisciplinary research centers/consortia
Consortium on Integrated Energy Systems
Center for Radar Engineering, Science, and Technology
Center for Gas Turbine Research, Education, and Outreach
Center for Biodevices
Center for Artificial Intelligence Foundations and Engineered Systems
Center for Neurotechnology in Mental Health Research
College commitment to defense research, development, and education
o Created and successfully hired College of Engineering Defense Liaison
o Reinvigorated College relationship with the Applied Research Laboratory
Launched new tenure-line faculty co-hire program and recruited two new tenured faculty
Growing collaborative research
Streamlining Affiliate status and graduate standing in CoE for ARL faculty
University service
o Global Academic Leadership Council
o Chair, Council of Academic Deans (2020-22)
o Strategic Budget Task Force
o Executive Committee, Institutes for Energy and the Environment
o Executive Committee, Huck Institutes for Life Science
o Executive Committee, Institute for Computational and Data Sciences
o Chair, Senior Vice President for Research Search Committee
o Academic Leadership Forum Planning Committee
o Corporate Relations Committee
Justin Schwartz, Penn State University
o Conflict of Interest Committee
o Information Technology Executive Advisory Council
North Carolina State University
Led NCSU MSE department of 28 FTE tenure/tenure-track faculty, 35 technical and non-technical
staff, and ~300 students
Grew NCSU MSE faculty by 47%, including significant diversification
o Fourteen tenured/tenure-track faculty additions (74% success rate)
o Eleven successful retentions of faculty with outside offers (100% success rate)
o Increased under represented group faculty from 10% to 30%
o Six Assistant Professors combined to win eight NSF CAREER and DoD YIP awards
Grew graduate program by 95% while increasing student quality and percentage of domestic students
Grew undergraduate program by 200%, while increasing female population to >30%
Improved graduate program ranking from 31 to 15
Improved undergraduate program ranking from >25 to 16
Grew departmental endowment by >100%
Grew research awards and expenditures over 100% over four years
Co-led inter-college Cluster Hire in Carbon Electronics
Established Distinguished Lecture Series; hosted speakers including John Cahn and Mildred
Launched new M.S. Nano Engineering program
Successfully led ABET review, receiving full accreditation
Expanded undergraduate program to include a biomaterials concentration; nanomaterials
concentration currently under development
Revamped undergraduate laboratories into a departmental “showpiece”
Recruited new corporate partners for Senior Design and summer high school camps
Led the Analytical Instrumentation Facility (AIF), a shared user facility with 10 FTE staff, through an
organizational transition
Expanded NCSU AIF capabilities with over $6M in new equipment acquired with federal, state and
university funds
Florida State University
Led Cluster Hire Initiative in Materials Processing, Growth and Characterization, a multidisciplinary
initiative that added four new faculty members specializing in materials research; two of the four
hired are female. New faculty hired with appointments in Physics, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical
Engineering and Industrial Engineering
Led initiative with NHMFL educators and high school teachers to develop and implement a
secondary school curriculum in superconductivity
Distinguished Alumni Award, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Department of Nuclear,
Plasma, and Radiological Engineering, 2024
National Academy of Inventors, 2023
Keynote Speaker, Enniscorthy Forum High Performance Building Initiative Symposium, Impact
Strategies for the United Nations High Performance Building Initiative, 2022 Clean Energy
Ministerial, 2022
Academic Ally Award, Impact.Engineered, ASME, 2021
John Bardeen Award, TMS Functional Materials Division, 2018
Justin Schwartz, Penn State University
Commencement Speaker, Penn State University Graduate College, May, 2018
Douglas D. Osherhoff Distinguished Lecturer, Universidad Autonoma Cuidad Juarez, Instituto De
Ingenieria Y Tecnologia, Mexico, November, 2017
Plenary Speaker, IEEE International Conference on Applied Superconductivity and Electromagnetic
Devices, Shanghai, China, 2015
Fellow, ASM International, “For the advancement of high temperature superconductors and their
applications as well as supporting the fledgling superconducting materials technology industrial base,
and for advancing diversity in materials science and engineering,” 2015
Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), “For distinguished
contributions to the field of applied superconductivity, particularly for the advancement of high
magnetic fields and for the integration of experiment and computation, 2015
IEEE Council on Superconductivity Award for Significant and Sustained Contributions to Applied
Superconductivity, 2014 (highest award from the IEEE Council)
2013 Van Duzer Prize, for best paper in the IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, IEEE
Council on Applied Superconductivity (awarded in 2014)
2012 Van Duzer Prize, for best paper in the IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, IEEE
Council on Applied Superconductivity (awarded in 2014)
NCSU Alumni Association Outstanding Research Award for 2012-13 (awarded in 2014)
Papers selected as a Superconductor Science & Technology Highlight six times from 2013-2016
Plenary Speaker, IEEE International Conference on Applied Superconductivity and Electromagnetic
Devices, Beijing, China, 2013
North Carolina State University Diversity Award, 2011
Plenary Speaker, 20
International Conference on Magnet Technology (IEEE Conference), 2007
Special Award for Exceptional Service, FAMU - FSU College of Engineering, 2007
Engineering Research Award, FAMU - FSU College of Engineering, 2005
Fellow, IEEE, “for contributions to high temperature superconductors and magnet systems,” 2004;
one of youngest Fellows in IEEE history
Engineering Research Award, FAMU - FSU College of Engineering, 2001
Plenary Speaker, Korean Superconductivity Society, KSS2000, South Korea, 2000
Roger W. Boom Award, Cryogenic Society of America, 1998
Developing Scholar Award, Florida State University, 1996
Nuclear Engineering Students Award for Undergraduate Teaching, 1991
NSF/Science and Technology Agency of Japan Fellowship, 1990
Magnetic Fusion Energy Technology Fellowship, U.S. Department of Energy, 1985-1990
Strategic Advisory Board, Enniscorthy Forum, 2023present
Society for Hispanic Professional Engineers Academic Partnership Council, 20222023
Invited panelist, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Cyber Monday Virtual Panel on
High Performance Buildings, April 2021
Invited panelist, MIT Forum for Equity: Equity in Engineering Education, February 2021
Co-led Big10+ Deans effort to infuse equity and inclusion in engineering curricula via collaboration
with ABET and ASEE, 20202022
Member, National Academy Defense Science Deans’ Roundtable Linking Academic Engineering
Research and Defense Basic Science, 20192022
ASEE International Committee, 20192022
Advisor, Project Drawdown, 20182020
Justin Schwartz, Penn State University
Department reviewer, Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Virginia, 2021
Department reviewer, Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Central FL, 2019
Department reviewer, Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Florida, 20162017
Invited Speaker and Panelist, TMS Diversity Summit, 2016
Advisory Board, Superconductor Science & Technology, 20152018
Scientific Program Committee, International Conference on Magnet Technology, Korea, 2015
Invited Panelist, Symposium on “The Future of Materials Science and Engineering: An Industry
Perspective,” Georgia Tech, May 2013
Board of Visitors, Army Research Office, Materials Science Division, May 2013; Chair, May 2015
Chair, Graduate Program Review, Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, Virginia Tech, 2013
Chair, Workshop on Ethnic Diversity in Materials Science & Engineering, December 2012
CERN, Academic Training Instructor on Applied Superconductivity, June 2012
Advisory Board member, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Virginia Tech, 2012
University Materials Council
o Executive Committee, Elected At-large member, 20112013
o Vice-Chair, 20132014
o Chair, 20142015
o Gender Equity Committee, 20102017
o Council on Superconductivity, Fellows Committee, Vice-Chair, 2013-2014; Chair, 20152018
o Editor-In-Chief, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 20052012
o International Steering Committee, 2015 ASEMD
o Associate Editor, IEEE Technology News, 20102012
o Council on Applied Superconductivity, Fellow Review Committee, 20112013
o Representative of the Council on Superconductivity to the Board of Trustees of the Federation of
Materials Societies, 20072011
o Editor for Magnets and Magnet Applications, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity,
o Member of the Council on Applied Superconductivity Executive Committee, 19982017
o Chair, Van Duzer Prize Selection Committee, 20062012
o Technical Committee on Electronic Publishing, 20002002
o Distinguished Lecturer Committee (Chair), 20012002
Applied Superconductivity Conference, Incorporated (a 501(c)(3))
o Chairman of the Board and Conference Chairman, 20022004
o Board of Directors Executive Committee, 19992004
o Board of Directors, 1996 - 2008
Materials Research Society
o MRS Medal Selection Committee, 2014 2018
o Broadening Participation Subcommittee, 2015 2018
o Co-Chair, Acta Materialia Gold Medal Forum: Frontiers in Thin-Film Epitaxy and
Nanostructured Materials, 2011 Spring Meeting
o Editor, Journal of Materials Research, Focus Issue: Frontiers in Thin-Film Epitaxy and
Nanostructured Materials, 2013
MS&T 2011, co-Chair, Acta Materialia Gold Medal Symposium, Columbus, Ohio, USA, October 16-
20, 2011
ASM Honorary Membership Committee, 2009 2011
Justin Schwartz, Penn State University
International Advisory Board, 6th International Conference "Science and Engineering of Novel
Superconductors" of the 5th Forum on New Materials
Review Panel Member, Naval Research Laboratory, Advanced Functional Oxides, 2007
European Conference on Applied Superconductivity
o International Advisory Board, 2012 - 2013
o Board of Directors, 2002 - 2008
Review Panel Member, Director’s Review of the Fermilab High Field Superconducting Magnet
Program, 2006
U.S.-Japan Workshop on High-T
o Chair, U.S. Delegation, 1996-1999; Workshop Chair, 1997; Proceedings Editor, 1997
International Advisor to the 2007 International Conference on Magneto Science
Manuscript reviewer for Nature Communications, Journal of Applied Physics, Applied Physics
Letters, Journal of Materials Research, Superconductor Science and Technology, Journal of Physics
and Chemistry of Solids, Physica C, Advanced Materials, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular
Technology, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, IEEE Transactions on Applied
Superconductivity, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Cryogenics
Proposal reviewer for the National Science Foundation, U.S. Department of Energy, ARPA-E
“Understanding and Managing Behavioral Differences,” Tracom Group Social Style training
program, 2015
Strategic Leadership Training Program, NCSU, 2012-13
Women and Minority Engineering Programs National Advisory Board, NCSU College of
Engineering, 2017
Eastman Chemical Center of Excellence Research Steering Team, 20122017
Reactor Safety and Audit Committee, 20122017
Council on the Status of Women, 201114
Biomedical Engineering Graduate Program Review Committee, 2011
Vice Chancellor’s Task Force on Shared Facilities for Materials Research, 2010–12
Physical Environment Committee, 201012
Led FSU Cluster Hire Initiative in Materials Processing, Growth and Characterization, 20062009
FSU GAP Committee, 20052009
NHMFL Fellowship Committee, 20042005
Panel Member, Council on Research and Creativity Grant Writing Workshop, 2004
Mechanical Engineering Faculty Search Committee, 2002-2003; Co-chair 20032004
Co-Chair, Magnet Science & Technology Steering Committee, 2003
Magnet Science & Technology Director Search Committee, 2003
Co-Chair, Committee on Expanding Corporate Research Support, 20022003
Liaison on research to the Mechanical Engineering Advisory Committee, 20022004
Chair, Center for Advanced Power Systems Research Committee, 20022004
Center for Advanced Power Systems Budget Committee, 20022003
FSU Promotion & Tenure Committee, 20022003; 20032004
College of Engineering Promotion & Tenure Committee, 20022003; 20032004 (chair)
Senior Research Advisor to the Vice President for Research, 2001-02
Justin Schwartz, Penn State University
Council on Research and Creativity, 19972000; 20012002
Biomedical Activities Committee, 20012003
Committee on Future Research Directions, 20012002
FSU representative on the Southeast University Research Association, Council on Materials Science
and Engineering, 19941997
Professor Schwartz’s primary research focus is on the underlying science that drive performance and
system integration of superconducting magnets, optical fiber distributed sensors, and magnetic and
multiferroic materials. His research focuses on system-issues that advance new discoveries into viable
new technologies, and is thus cross-disciplinary, integrating physics and chemistry of novel materials
with mechanical, electrical, magnetic, thermal, and systems issues. His research has impact on systems
important to defense, energy, medicine, and basic science.
Professor Schwartz has been issued seven patents and one current provisional patent, published four book
chapters, and well over 300 peer-reviewed journal articles and conference proceedings in the top venues
in his field.
Professor Schwartz’s research is recognized world-wide, and he has been invited to give well over 100
plenary speeches, conference presentations, and public seminars across the United States, Europe, Asia
and South America, and at the United Nations. His laboratory was highly sought-after for visiting
scientists from around the world, and he has hosted visiting scholars from thirteen countries across three
Professor Schwartz has been actively engaged as a collaborator and consultant to industry research and
development efforts at large and small corporations as well as start-up companies seeking technical
advice. He has co-founded two spin-off companies.
Professor Schwartz has been the primary advisor to fifty graduate students, including twenty female and
eleven from minoritized groups. He has graduated 33 Ph.D. students who are now employed at
universities, industry, and national laboratories, including many in key leadership positions. He has also
mentored over 20 post-doctoral research scientists.
Professor Schwartz has received over $23M in research funding from the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force,
Department of Energy, ARPA-E, National Science Foundation, National Institutes for Health, General
Motors, General Electric, Nothrop-Grumman, and many small businesses.